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Wednesday, 8 May 2013
PROOF of my assertions there is no Islamic threat in America
Topic: General politics

Those of you who have followed along have noticed that I repeat - the Government and Media are LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH about an Islaimc threat IN America.

They are LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH when they take a threat, real, imagined, or not yet materilaized, OVER THERE in the MID EAST, and play a sick projection game to TERRORIZE AMERICANS (yes, GOVERNMENT terrorism) into believing they are at risk.

Notice my main point, that since 9-11, which was clearly a "they did it" event, that there has not been ONE Islamic Boogeyman attack in the US

A couple home grown wanna be posers making big firecrackers does not qualify.

Belive me, if the Islamic Boogey Man wanted to stir up shit in the US, its too easy, they could poison the water or blow up power substations, all that infrastructure is UN GUARDED.

 They havent, they dont want to.

And now, PROOF of my assertions from the (a) source, and Islamist magazine (well done too)


 Which wont load, so try this:


Read the English translations (I have no clue if they are accurate)

There are many references to doing some thing like shoot a gun or blow something up, but how many are in reference to doing so IN THE UNITED STATES?


Read, from Issue 10, TWO CRITICAL POINTS:

"O Muslims, the film produced in America which insults our messenger Muhammed,  comes in a chain of THE CRUSADE attacks on Islam"

(page 2, I guess)

NOTICE CAREFULLY THE USE OF THE WORD CRUSADE. That means CATHOLIC CRUSADE. Read up on the history of that in connection with the Churches Crusades and Inquisitions. Who has a large influence in Washington DC? The CATHOLIC CHURCH.

 "All should strive together towards one goal; EXPELLING US EMBASSIES FROM MUSLIM LANDS..." (Capitals supplied)



They are over there, we are here, and they cant get here, unless Obama lets them in from Mexico.

They are rebeling against the un ending warmongering of Obama the Muslim and US Government and military. They dont give a crap about Joe and Sally Workaday in America.

If they did, there would have BEEN no doubt in the last 12 years.

Posted by Dave at 10:20 AM PDT
PROOF of my assertions there is no Islamic threat in America
Topic: General politics

Those of you who have followed along have noticed that I repeat - the Government and Media are LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH about an Islaimc threat IN America.

They are LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH when they take a threat, real, imagined, or not yet materilaized, OVER THERE in the MID EAST, and play a sick projection game to TERRORIZE AMERICANS (yes, GOVERNMENT terrorism) into believing they are at risk.

Notice my main point, that since 9-11, which was clearly a "they did it" event, that there has not been ONE Islamic Boogeyman attack in the US

A couple home grown wanna be posers making big firecrackers does not qualify.

Belive me, if the Islamic Boogey Man wanted to stir up shit in the US, its too easy, they could poison the water or blow up power substations, all that infrastructure is UN GUARDED.

 They havent, they dont want to.

And now, PROOF of my assertions from the (a) source, and Islamist magazine (well done too)


 Which wont load, so try this:


Read the English translations (I have no clue if they are accurate)

There are many references to doing some thing like shoot a gun or blow something up, but how many are in reference to doing so IN THE UNITED STATES?


Read, from Issue 10, TWO CRITICAL POINTS:

"O Muslims, the film produced in America which insults our messenger Muhammed,  comes in a chain of THE CRUSADE attacks on Islam"

(page 2, I guess)

NOTICE CAREFULLY THE USE OF THE WORD CRUSADE. That means CATHOLIC CRUSADE. Read up on the history of that in connection with the Churches Crusades and Inquisitions. Who has a large influence in Washington DC? The CATHOLIC CHURCH.

 "All should strive together towards one goal; EXPELLING US EMBASSIES  

Posted by Dave at 10:17 AM PDT
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
What Boston was about
Topic: General politics

  The attacks in Boston are not "Islamist Jihad" as proven by two facts (FACTS< not Government or media hype)

 1.) the targets of so called radical Islam are the US GOVERNMENT and WORLD TRADE. The 9-11 attacks were not against the Boston Marathon (a gathering of ordinary Citizens) but against the WORLD TRADE Center and the US GOVERNMENTS PENTAGON (home of the war machine)

2. There have been MILLIONS of opportunities since 9-11 for the Islamist Boogey Man to have attacked Joe and Sally Ordinary since then, NO one has.

But, last week, Joe and Sally Ordinary were standing on the street at a mass victim rally, and were attacked impersonally (theres a key idea)

  The attackers are immediately linked by the Gummit, which is under attack by Islam, and its complicit lap dog media as being "Islamist"

 They arent MORONS, they are RUSSIAN.

The REAL shit may have just hit the fan.

  It makes no sense to link the overseas operations of anti US Govt and Military ops to a quasi random attack on the Ordinaries on the street in Boston, no one in Boston is screwing with them overseas that Im aware of.

  That is illogical, someone so in posession of their faculties to carry out such a complicated deed is not insane. They are logical. Its just that the Western mind which revolves around self doesnt understand it.

  The Western mind has been brainwashed daily by Govt and Media propaganda about Islam and is now blind deaf and dumb. A few of them are literally deaf now...

  These two men are from the former RUSSIAN FEDERATION, THEY ARE NOT ISLAMISTS OR ARABS. That they sympathise with the Islamist cause is not a first cause.

  What they did does not fit the MO of Islamist Jihad, that is against Government. They did something against ordinary Citizens, but in an inspecific manner, against no one in particular. 

Adding all this together shows that these were two young idealists from RUSSIA who came to the US. The attack is in retaliation for something. The attack, against random Citizens only makes logical sense if in retaliation for a similar US ATTACK AGAINST RANDOM ORDINARY CITIZENS SUCH AS OBAMAS DRONE ATTACKS IN AFGHANISTAN, which was a recent theater of operations for Russia, too.

Light coming on yet?

  Their attacks in Boston are in retaliation for the US attacking and murdering innocents overseas in the past, with drones or military capacity. Or, maybe some similar event has happened recently and the media are suppressing it, or just plain pig-ignorant. Id give them both...

  Again, critical point, just because they might agree with the ideals of Islam, does NOT mean they are carrying out Jihad, because that is reserved for card carrying MUSLIMS.

THis is about political revenge for the US killing innocents and there may be more coming.

Thats particualrly bad because if so, there are many centers of mass victims in the US, with people blind, deaf, dumb, jumping at shadows, and UN ARMED.

Posted by Dave at 12:36 PM PDT
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
MAYBE SOME GOOD NEWS!!!! (...maybe)
Topic: General politics

There just MIGHT be a real Representative in --- Im about to make a false statement, keep the next phrase in mind as you read this-- "our District" --keep that phrase in mind, its false- (meaning WA State Legislative District 8).

 I'd emailed our non Representing Representatives Klippert etc and someone named "Sharon Brown" who was apparently put in place of Delvin (LET the door hit you in the ass on the way out for lying to me...)

 No loss there...

I'd written to all of them about the un Constitutional gun laws in this State and also the attempt to overturn the Subversion law.

To my utter shock and disbelief, the phone rang Sunday and Sen. Brown was on the other end. She had called to tell me that she supported the Second Amendment and she had a CCW permit.

 I have to somewhat apologise for throwing a wet blanket on her enthusiasm, but I had no choice but to tell her that her CCW permit was her participating in an UN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.

CCW permits are UN CONSTITUTIONAL because they infringe on a Citizens Rignt to Keep and Bear Arms even temporarily.


 She said something about "Constitution giving rights" and I explained that it did no such thing.

She seemed surprised by both statements. IN her defense, I was surprised that I DIDNT UNDERSTAND IT EITHER, and if you read this Blog carefully, I have Blogged that discovery process.

 I didnt get it because I didnt care. I changed that.

  I explained that the Constitution does not grant Rights, it FORBIDS the Legislature to make gun laws and the WA Legislature DID SO ANYWAY.

All of 9 RCW with the exception of subsection 290 (or is it 291, the pre emption portion) is UN CONSTITUTIONAL and that makes 290 irrelevant.

Id mentioned being interested in floating a Petition to overturn 9 RCW and she agreed it was a good time to do it, and people were really stirred up over the matter (paraphrased)

Why doesnt SHE voulenteer to enter that as a Bill?

 BUT, Im happy to say SHE CALLED!!



 And what about the false statement about 'in our District?"

These people who supposedly "represent us" are NOT IN OUR DISTRICT, they are hidden away in Olympia (or substitute your State Capitol where your supposed Representatives hide out in) and almost entirely REPRESENT THEMSELVES.

Sorry, but showing up glad-handing at the twice yearly Constituent meeting that most people know nothing about, with 50 people IS NOT REPRESENTING THE PEOPLE.

 Theres a link on this Blogs front page:


that is to a Youtube video about 'non representing representatives'

Back in the 1700s, when the population of the States was small, it was no  problem for the People to choose a REPRESENTATIVE to REPRSENT THEM.

Its no problem to have a meeting with 1,000 people present and poll them.

The puropse of a Representative is to then take that Vote to the Legislature and cast it AS IF THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES WERE CASTING IT.

They dont do that. Proof- if so, theyd have a Constituent meeting for EVERY BILL.

Showing up twice a year does NOT constitute "representation."

They represent themselves in a twisted, sick and convoluted method of first agreeing to REPRESENT A POLITICAL PARTY CORPORATION to get on the Ballot, then promising to represent people WHO VOTED FOR THEM, and NEITHER IS DOING THEIR JOB.

Their job is to represent ALL the people AFTER the election.

Ive been saying that for several years now, someone has finally picked it up, or figured it out on their own, I dont know which, and that idea of all places ended up on ABC (American Broadcasting of Communism) a week or so ago.

With populations in the millions it is not possible for a Rep to directly poll all Citizens. It HAD BEEN possible by mail to do so, apparently no one wants to do so.

With computer technology its EASY.

Time to do it. Since its not a matter of voting for a Representative, security is not as large an issue. That last sentence was somewhat sarcastic considering the clear and admitted voting fraud in the last election(s) with rigged voting machines and Oba-Mao supporters claiming they voted more than once.

Such persons should be in JAIL.



Posted by Dave at 8:52 AM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 27 February 2013 9:15 AM PST
Monday, 25 February 2013
Topic: General politics



Whiteys Jack Booted Thug parade arent doing it, someone has to.


Posted by Dave at 3:09 PM PST
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Topic: General politics



Someone claiming to be with a movie production company emailed me hiding behind a Gmail account.

 The email pretends they are doing a made for cable TV documentary about patriots.

Problem is, scammers love to hide behind Gmail accounts. Persons who work for legitimate companies have corporate email accounts on their corporate domain.

heres the email, with headers:



Casting a new television show that may be of interest to your members...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 10:26 PM
From Jeff Bornfree Tue Feb 12 14:26:10 2013
X-Apparently-To:   a_patriot@ymail.com via; Tue, 12 Feb 2013 14:26:11 -0800
Return-Path:   <bornfreedoc@gmail.com>
Received-SPF:   p-
X-YMailISG:     g-
X-Originating-IP:   []
Authentication-Results:   mta1236.mail.bf1.yahoo.com from=gmail.com; domainkeys=neutral (no sig); from=gmail.com; dkim=pass (ok)
Received:   from (EHLO mail-ee0-f67.google.com) ( by mta1236.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with SMTP; Tue, 12 Feb 2013 14:26:11 -0800
Received:   by mail-ee0-f67.google.com with SMTP id t10so110483eei.6 for <a_patriot@ymail.com>; Tue, 12 Feb 2013 14:26:10 -0800 (PST)
DKIM-Signature:   v
MIME-Version:   1.0
X-Received:   by with SMTP id l4mr68509469een.12.1360707970540; Tue, 12 Feb 2013 14:26:10 -0800 (PST)
Received:   by with HTTP; Tue, 12 Feb 2013 14:26:10 -0800 (PST)
Date:   Tue, 12 Feb 2013 14:26:10 -0800
Message-ID:   <CAPjicjf05biQFZweJ+EPUN-me2AOkE4_4Bk4O_uHhnnAmc_RpQ@mail.gmail.com>
Subject:   Casting a new television show that may be of interest to your members...
Jeff Bornfree <bornfreedoc@gmail.com>  
Add sender to Contacts
To:   a_patriot@ymail.com
Content-Type:   multipart/alternative; boundary=047d7b342bf23a266004d58e83db
Content-Length:   4629

My name is Jeff. I’m a Casting Director at Firecracker Films, a television production company in California. We are currently producing a new show that we think will be of great interest to your members/readers and I was wondering if you’d be willing to help us spread the word or maybe even might be interested yourself or know somebody who may be interested. Basically, we are looking for Americans from across the country whose strong belief in the constitution sometimes requires them to live interesting lives.

This is the national casting call for the project. Feel free to post it or email anywhere you want. If you have any questions, or ideas on how best to find people to feature, I would love to talk to you. We plan on being as discrete, respectful and sensitive to privacy concerns as possible at this early stage. But we’re looking for some great and true Americans with passionate beliefs and interesting ways of life that could help us show a different way of life that is often underrepresented or skewed by the media.



Santa Monica-based Firecracker Films is casting an important new documentary series for a major cable channel that will chronicle the lives of people who love America as its Founders intended and live like it.

Do you or a family member belong to a militia? Believe strongly in the second amendment and/or your right to self-preservation? Live in interesting or unique circumstances because of those beliefs? We want to talk to you about your way of life.

If you are interested, think you might be a fit or have any questions, please contact us by emailing bornfreedoc@gmail.com as soon as possible. And if you know someone who fits the above description, please pass this message on to them.

There will be compensation for those stories that are selected to be filmed for the pilot. All information shared will be kept confidential.

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide!

Casting Director
Firecracker Films
Santa Monica, CA


I looked up Firecracker in CA Secretary of State records, they exist, they have a website.

 That's where it gets troubling. I called the number on the website and a woman answered who claimed she had only worked there 2 days, didnt know what it was about, and that so called Jeff must be a freelance.

The email claims hes a CASTING DIRECTOR at the company. Read it right above here.

 MANAGERS HAVE CORPORATE EMAIL ACCOUNTS. "Director" is a management position.

She hung up on me when I challenged that if she didnt know what's going on, that there must be someone else besides her there to ask.

I called back and a man who claimed to be Jeff answered.

Of course.

I told him the Gmail account looked fishy and he proceeded to explain thats their procedure for contacting multiple people on a  project.

False premise, because ANY corporate domain can have multiple email addresses, all they have to do is BUY them. Many corporate domain accounts have hundreds of email accounts available.

The idea he tried to float is that he needed a Gmail account for each OTHER person he corresponded with. Thts false, all thats needed is one Firecracker address per PROJECT. VERY slick pivot play.

It doesnt take an individual SENDERS email to correspond with a hundred people.

When Gmail is used, monkey business can be pulled behind the Companies back. Beware of car dealers who have salesmen that use Gmail, if they actually work for the Dealer, why dont they have a DEALERS ADDRESS? (joe_schmoe@car company.com)

I told him that I would consider discussing this with them is he FORWARDED INFORMATION VIA THE US MAIL

Then he started changing subjects and engaging in ad homimens.

The problem with 'sending via the mail' is that exposes a scammer to COMMITING A FELONY of mail fraud should their communication be fraudulent or illegal. That exposes them to prison time.

Things put in writing constitute CONTRACTS.Scammers and the dishonest LOVe to use email because they can make promises then refuse to keep them, and it becomes "he said, she said" when theres nothing in writing.

I stopped a phone phisher a couple years ago that was phishing info from a Federal contractors database, who called me and demanded I send personal financial information by phone or email, because they didnt have access to POSTAL MAIL.

I told her the same thing as I did these people - go to hell.

I called the Santa Monica P.D, they didnt know of any scam activity going on with regard to Firecracker, but Google them and read for yourself, especially the LACK of anything to claim as production except for You tube, and the Ripoff Report:


Notice the rebuttal, as usual, evades the topics and claims, its attack the victim. Notice their claims of "a great production" that went nowhere.

I can post BS films to Youtube...

 Quite a LACK of produced work of such a STELLAR company.

 Reader, ALWAYS demand they use the Mail, that separates the honest from the scammers. beware, in these down economic times, there are plenty of employment scams floating around Email.

There may be no connection, but firecracker is based in the U.K, and over the last couple years with the economic turn-down, there has been an abundance of Identity Theft emails floating around from the UK claiming that you can work for them as an accounts manager etc and get paid remotely.


Posted by Dave at 4:24 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 12 February 2013 5:16 PM PST
Monday, 21 January 2013
Topic: General politics

I have a video that contains clips from the original Waco video along with commentary and interviews with people surrounding the mass murder of innocent Citizens at Waco by Jack Booted Janet and the ATF.

 It shows them collapsing the buildings in on top of the people and setting them on fire.

 Women and children were executed.

Is that "saving even one life?"

If you want a copy, send me a DVD mailer with return address and postage and a $5 donation to cover frying my DVD burner and time


PO 1336

Richland WA 99352 

Posted by Dave at 1:24 PM PST
Friday, 4 January 2013
Someone in Australia apparently dropping the dime on Feinstein?
Topic: General politics

Now isnt THIS special? An email shows up from Lord knows who (but I think I know who its through) dropping about fifty dollars worth of dimes on the Traitor Diane Frankenstein.

You know, the one who SWORE AN OATH TO UPHOLD AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION whose turnign traitor to her oath right now with gun ban legislation ? 


Sen. Dianne Goldman Feinstein Is A Loaded Gun Out to Destroy America

Friday, January 4, 2013 8:25 AM
From patriot@usa.com Fri Jan 4 06:25:09 2013
X-Originating-IP:   []
Subject:   Sen. Dianne Goldman Feinstein Is A Loaded Gun Out to Destroy America

People talk of the one-percent elite who are out to own and control everything in the world. Let’s put a name on one of them: Dianne Goldman Feinstein (D-Calif.). This powerful U.S. Congresswoman is the 9th richest on Capitol Hill, according to reports about the b/millionaires in Congress. Feinstein’s first major attempt at gun control occurred when she ordained a citywide handgun ban as mayor of San Diego, Calif., in 1984, where an attempt at recall failed.

Feinstein, 79, called for more gun control measures after the “Fast and Furious” ordeal. While only verbally slapping the hand of the irresponsible government officials by saying mistakes were made, she tried again to infringe on American’s Second Amendment Right. Currently, she has her sights on becoming the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which oversees gun control legislation. In the wake of the Sandy Hook school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, Feinstein will ride the tide to usher in what elitists want, to grab Americans’ guns. These elite can afford high-tech security systems, bullet-proof vehicles and bodyguards, whose guns will not be sought, but they want the common man’s. Why is gun control vitally important to them? It’s a tried and true formula that worked for Stalin, Hitler and Mao to control the masses. Why bring up communists? Communistic-socialist ideas work for rich and powerful Americans, who are mainly counterfeit-Jewish.

Actually, they are Atheist Marxists but call themselves Jewish. These “fake” Jews originate from Khazaria and went to Russia and its surrounding areas, as did Feinstein’s grandparents, immigrating from Poland and Russia to the U.S. Jews, like them, were told by the Sanhedrin to migrate to the U.S. and make their children doctors, lawyers and politicians to eventually destroy the Christians. Her father, Leon Goldman, became a renowned surgeon. Fake Jews also have instructions through “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” to obtain control through the judiciary, banking, real-estate, media and politics, which most of them own companies in all areas addressed in these protocols. For a detailed account of “fake” Jewish elite, review the free documentary, “The Nazi Banksters’ Crimes Ripple Effect” available online.

Feinstein is easy to identify as a fake Jew because of her roots. She is even easier to spot as a Marxist, because of her connections with Communist China, along with her fake-Jewish husband, Richard Blum, an investment banker-power elite. Both are intertwined with Communist China through “business” deals, investments, and connections. They say they keep their business-affairs separate, but only a fool would believe their long-standing marriage has such secrets. It is more likely they are partners who help each other. Feinstein’s ethics have already come under fire. She has received criticisms of conflict-of-interest due to her husband’s interest in companies awarded U.S. governmental contracts, such as Perini and EG&G, which was bought from the Carlyle Group. Another unethical example is she introduced legislation to provide $25 billion in taxpayer money to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which is an agency that had awarded Blum’s real-estate company Coldwell Banker Richard Ellis (CBRE) a contract to sell foreclosed properties at rates higher than the norm.

Feinstein campaigned for trade relations with Communist China, citing that China should be granted “most favored nation” in terms of trade, meaning it would get the best terms and lowest import taxes. Trade with China has destroyed many American companies, American livelihoods, and a big part of the American way of life. Jobs and technologies were outsourced through NATFA, pushed by the Clinton administration. Today, products sold in America are made by oppressed Chinese children and adults whose labor funds their country’s military expansion. Loads of Chinese products are sold at Wal-Mart, another destroyer of American small business. In fact, Wal-Mart is the number one importer of Chinese goods through the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO).

COSCO, owned by the People’s Republic of China, oversees and controls the Long Beach Naval Base in California, not to mention involvement at other ports. President Clinton awarded this arm of the Chinese military the lease and also loaned it millions of U.S. dollars. He did this even after much debate was given on allowing a Communist country to control a port on U.S. soil. Feinstein is said to have opposed its lease, but it appears she only questioned it.

There are major issues with COSCO:

1. A COSCO ship was involved in smuggling 2,000 illegal Chinese immigrants into the United States in Oakland, CA in 1996. [Feinstein says she wants to fight illegal immigration, yet how did she tackle this concern?]

2. COSCO was caught shipping 87 pounds of heroin in 1993. The Clinton Administration admitted COSCO was caught, but defended the company’s officials. [Feinstein says she wants to fight illegal drugs, yet how did she tackle this concern?]

3. The COSCO ship, Empress Phoenix, had attempted to smuggle in some 2,000 AK-47 fully automatic assault weapons. But the U.S. keeps doing business as usual with them, and politicians don’t go after these criminals with as much zest as they do Americans. [Feinstein says she wants to fight for gun control, yet how did she tackle this concern?]

4. COSCO was placed on a list of shippers to monitor by the U.S. Coast Guard after COSCO ships were stopped six times within a year and accused of breaking international safety regulations.

5. A COSCO ship crashed into the boardwalk in New Orleans, injuring 116 people and causing massive damage.

6. A COSCO ship was suspected by U.S. intelligence of carrying chemical weapons in 1993, although no chemical weapons were found when the ship was searched. [Feinstein said Iraq had weapons of massive destruction, yet how did she tackle this concern?]

7. On January 24, 1996, the New York Times reported warnings by the former Ambassador, Charles Freling, quoting a Chinese official that China would intimidate Taiwan because U.S. leaders would care more about Los Angeles than they would Taiwan. As the U.S. fleet started to go through the straits, when communist China started shelling Taiwan and missile attacks, the Chinese responded that the U.S. withdraw and threatened nuclear warfare on the city of Los Angeles.

8. The Chinese made donations to the DNC in hopes of gaining influence. Johnny Chung, a Chinese American businessman from California, gave $366,000 to Democrats, but it was later returned on suspicion it illegally came from foreign sources. These donations coincide with Clinton’s decisions on leasing the naval base.

9. Communist China underhandedly obtained the bid to run both sides of the Panama Canal. An Alabama company made a bid on them and it won the contracts for both. It was selected by Panama. After selection, after announcement, the Chinese government went in with bribes and the decision was reversed.

10. COSCO was fined for paying kickbacks to shippers instead of abiding by tariffs. This is, again, a Chinese-operated company that was cited for giving kickbacks, payoffs for access.

11. There was concern that given the political and military nature of China that the COSCO deal relates to the strong possibility that China can establish intelligence-gathering capability at the former Naval base. It is known that the former Soviet Union established a number of Signal Intelligence sites at strategic sites throughout the U.S.

These issues get very little notice by Feinstein, or for that matter the U.S. Government, except maybe to keep them hush. Feinstein goes after American individual rights guaranteed by the U.S Constitution, but she does little to protect them from her Chinese comrades.

COSCO in America remains a consumer-front and the U.S. treats it and its subsidiaries as normal business partners. The truth of the matter is the American economy was traded for Chinese goods. American jobs were traded for shiploads of cheap products whose sales have built up quite a massive military presence with control of almost 150 acres of America’s West Coast.

Few Americans benefit from COSCO, but the ones who do are the power players like Feinstein, Blum, the Clintons and more. Feinstein isn’t good for America, yet she is allowed to be a policy-maker. She lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction and was supportive of the Iraq War efforts. She co-sponsored PIPA in 2011. Given her support Chinese “industry” and growth, she cannot be for Americans.

Related information and/or sources include the following,
1) Feinstein: Bad Choice for Intelligence: http://www.fpif.org/articles/feinstein_bad_choice_for_intelligence
2) Insider Trader, War Profiteer, Chinese Company Invested Dianne Feinstein: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2011/12/02/18701603.php
3) Richard C. Blum and Dianne Feinstein: The Power Couple of California http://foundsf.org/index.php?title=Richard_C._Blum_and_Dianne_Feinstein:_The_Power_Couple_of_California
4) Congressional Record: The COSCO Strategic Threat: https://www.fas.org/irp/congress/1997_cr/h970520-cosco.htm
5) Congressional Record: COSCO: A COMMUNIST CHINESE-OWNED COMPANY: https://www.fas.org/irp/congress/1997_cr/h970415-cosco.htm
6) Congressional Record Reads: COSCO: A Communist-Chinese Owned Company http://rose4justice.com/2011/07/28/congressional-record-reads-cosco-a-communist-chinese-owned-company/
7) The Patriotic American: Congress Compromises on COSCO Take Over of Former Long Beach Naval Base: http://www.tpromo2.com/gko/american/lgbeach4.htm
8) COSCO CAUGHT SHIPPING 87 POUNDS OF HEROIN: http://raineym.tripod.com/china-1.html
9) China-Gate's Smoking Gun: http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/china/j28.html
10) The Women's Shill Caucus: http://multinationalmonitor.org/hyper/mm0497.09.html
11) Feinstein and Boxer support COSCO in San Diego: http://www.virtualpet.com/bright/miscnews/navalb.htm
12) China’s Control of the Panama Canal Revisited: http://themengesproject.blogspot.com/2008/10/chinas-control-of-panama-canal.html
13) Dianne Feinstein: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dianne_Feinstein


Posted by Dave at 12:07 PM PST
Friday, 28 December 2012
Topic: General politics



Possee, yes, thats the way to go, BUT THERE IS NO THREAT.


This is a 100% GOVERNMENT FAILURE and until THAT is fixed, nothing will change.

 CLOSE DOWN GOVERNEMENT INDOCTRINATION CAMPS. They dont teach the kids anything but garbage anyway. Or teach them nothing useful, I guess thats better than "garbage"


Posted by Dave at 12:16 PM PST
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Waco II in the works
Topic: General politics




 Traitor Feinstein is ignoring her SWORN OATH TO UPHOLD AND DEFEND THE US CONSTITUTION by wanting, not only a gun ban, but registration, fingerprints and photographs of gun owners.

TREASONOUS, in a word.

 Frankenstein is up to what Castro of Cuba DID in the 1950s, a three- step process that a Cuban Refugee described to me in person:

1. First it was OK to own guns

2. Then Castros Govt said "just register then"  (slippery slope)

3.) then he made a fist as if knocking on a door and said "hand them over"

He mentioned witnessing Castros military executing dissidents in the country side.

Back to Traitor Frankenstein.

These Treasonous Liberals pretend that some law that is SUPPOSED TO PREVENT gun violence will somehow do that when it only contains provisions to IDENTIFY people.

 How  does it work to "prevent" something by "fingerprinting" people?

How does a fingerprint in a computer system "prevent" a shooting?


 Seizure is their plan.


1.) gun and related sales have been absolutely off-the-charts since O'Warmongerer stole the White House in 2007. Not a couple spikes in sales, but CONSTANTLY sales over the top. Gun and ammo manufacturers have constantly been out of stock.

2.) Everybody, his brother and his dog are getting armed and supplied.

3.) Canada tried this gun seizure scheme a couple years ago, it didnt work because the country was too large and people scattered too far about.

 Enter Waco II.

  These treasonous Feds like Franken-stein have to manufacture a crisis to spin their self serving attempts to prevent people from owning guns, never mind that THEY DO.

 Utter hypocrisy.

 To do so, they have to invent a giant crisis. Obama and Holder did with Gun Runner in which they murdered 202 people.

Why isnt Traitor Frankenstein railing against Obama and demanding him and Holder do prison time for THEIR CRIMES?

If you're too stupid to understand that, its hopeless.

 Manufacture a crisis, invent a solution.

In Hitlers regime, it was called a Final Solution.

That happened in Waco, Texas. The solution there was to manufacture a crisis and use that as an excuse for MASS MURDER OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN HUDDLED IN AN UNDERGROND BUNKER.

I posted a link elsewhere on this Blog to a website where you can order a copy of the video that proves the INNOCENT DAVIDIANS WERE MURDERED by being burned to death in a fire set by Police and Government.

Yeah,  POLICE and GOVERNMENT that promise to protect us.

 To cement their treasonous cry for gun control, since many people have forgotten Waco, they will have to invent another crisis.

That was invented last week in Connecticut with the school shooting.

But that's not enough to take real enforcement action, as their stupid law wont work. It probably wont pass either, so theyll have to invent another Waco for justification to murder more innocent Citizens.

 The entire premise of Waco is that somehow, and they didnt have a reason why, some simple armed Citizens minding their own busines were somehow such a danger that they had to take their SWAT teams and invade the compound.

AT NO TIME did they ever state any valid legal charges. The Davidians had done NOTHING ILLEGAL.

 The Davidians fired in self defense and were MURDERED.

  That's the over-arching self fulfilling prophecy "they" need to impose gun seizures.

 So, they will have to invent another crisis.

 It doesnt make good, hysterical TV to simply claim someone illegally owns guns, and seize them, that doesnt invoke the level of hysteria required for the Jack Booted Nazis to storm someones house and murder them in cold blood, AND THEN BLAME THE VICTIM.

And theres the catch, that was the angle played in Waco- that the people involved, after being backed into a corner and attacked are somehow responsible for their own deaths when the Government illegally brings a TANK with FLAME THROWER in to first push the building down over the entrance to the tunnel to the underground bunker, then DELIBERATELY SET IT ON FIRE TO BURN THEM TO DEATH.

That is what happened in Waco.

Its called "blame the victim" and it works by first setting up a straw man argument that somehow the target is dangerous. The straw argument in Waco was that Koresh was somehow dangerous to the women or children, never mind the locals said otherwise.

the second step is to force a conflict and just attack the victim based on the lie that the victim started shooting. All the Feds have to do is LIE about it and their Agencies and Courts will back them, because, after all, they are sworn Officers and wouldn't lie, would they?

Of course not, Obama is sworn to uphold Law and Constitution and he didnt allow, or participate in the cover up of Gun Runner, did he?

If youre that stupid, its hopeless...

Theres already too much dis-armament in the US, in the Cities where they are gun violent hell holes, so simply attempting to round up guns will do nothing but increase crime and Traitor Frankenstein knows it.

So, they have to play on people forgetting Waco.

I talked with the Constitutional Lawyer that did the Waco investigation, I telephoned her personally. She said the Feds and their black helicopter 'bombed the wrong house, there were two on the street that looked like hers."

Hey, if the Obama Regime wont hesitate to cover up mass murder in Gun Runner, whats to stop them from orchestrating the shooting in CT to claim the Slippery Slope, then invent another Waco?

NOTHING prevents evil people from wanting more evil.

Posted by Dave at 6:30 PM PST
Saturday, 15 December 2012
The LIARS in the Media...
Topic: General politics

In re school shooting last week, the Main Sleaze media ARE LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH in an attempt to demonise the man for being Goth and having divorce in family history.

 they are attempting to paint him with "personality disorder"


EDIT: correction, they are trying to set forth that the indicators for personality disorder are mode of dress, etc. and that is a provably false premise.

Knowing enough about Psych to recognize that as a pack of lies, I went searching for the DSM entry on personality disorders, heres what it says:

 ------My comment:


I detect someone lying about this man and personality disorder.

Im no psychiatrist, but even I recognise that the things listed are NOT a function of personality disorder, so I went Googling and found this:

"So to be Borderline, for example, you need to have five symptoms out of nine possible symptoms such as:

self-harming, unstable relationships, fear of real/imagined abandonment, impulsivity, identity disturbance, etc."

FIVE symptoms to be BORDERLINE.

*Goth isnt one of them
*someone ELSE being divorced isnt either
*neither is not being a socialite

This is from the DSM (the Big Book of Psychiatry), not some Liberal with an agenda in the MSM:


The game is clear, they are attempting to invent a system where by someone can be declared mentally incompetent to buy a gun, because some amateur psychologist, based on the opinion of a neighbor or some un-trained idiot at a College admissions department, to circumvent LAW regarding mental incompetence as a bar to firearm purchase, decided that someone is too abnormal to buy a gun.

The LEGAL STANDARD is extremely clear (but still absolutely un Constitutional):

- found mentally incompetent by a COURT based on mental incapacity or inability to be responsible for themselves, i.e. in someone elses care


The narrative was floated with Holmes and the Aurora shooting that the College should have been allowed to somehow declare him mentally ill so he couldnt buy a gun.

Posted by Dave at 5:15 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 18 December 2012 11:20 AM PST
Monday, 26 November 2012
He sees it..Communist Obama
Topic: General politics


"President Vladimir Putin could never have imagined anyone so ignorant or so willing to destroy their people like Obama much less seeing millions vote for someone like Obama. They read history in America don't they? Alas, the schools in the U.S. were conquered by the Communists long ago and history was revised thus paving the way for their Communist presidents."

Posted by Dave at 7:35 AM PST
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Topic: General politics


 This is why the United States is on the rocks, National arrogance, back biting, baby murdering and homosexuality.

 Its destroyed more than one Nation..

Time to move to Uganda?

Posted by Dave at 12:10 PM PST
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
4 more for war
Topic: General politics

$ more years of the Abomination.

$ more years of warmongering by the Liar in Chief who is all for war, after he was against it. Convenient.

$ a typo? No, its deliberate, " $ " is Shift-4 on the keyboard. Think about it...

The Warmongerer in Chief is now obviously installed by the Right AND the Left, both are profiting from it. $ more years. Its convenient that both parties and Obama are aligned to wage more un Constitutional wars, and SO convenient that Obama just happens to have a big Islamist agenda.

No one can be so deluded to think this is anymore about 9-11.

It takes dishonety to get there.

Two more wars, will Obama start, and the Chinese will LOVE it. Theyll profit more from insane debt spending and enjoy the weakening of our military capacity as our men and machines are daily ground into the dirt.

I mean, sand.

The US Constitution forbids funding for war for more than 2 years.

We have Traitors on both sides AND in the middle,.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

These people are pouring gas on the flames.

 Time for State Secession and withdrawal from the military.

Posted by Dave at 9:27 AM PST
Friday, 19 October 2012
Hot dang Im important?
Topic: General politics

 Some Schmuck(s)(ym?) at the DoD, or apparently working at or through DoD computer systems at/mear the DLA facility in Colombus, Ohio has been trying to sneak into the NTOSKRNL file on my internet computer.


The IP address tracks back to the DoD Network ops center at the Defense Logistics facility on Broad St in Colombus.

Its  been an attempt a day, more or less, UNTIL TODAY, its been, while writing the below post, about every 5 minutes. This has apparently gone on for years, Googling the IP address brought back BBS comments from other Internet users about the attacks.

I contacted their NOC and complained, and telephoned, of course, no response. 

I presume they want access to the kernel to steal passwords. Thats just obvious. NTOSKRNL IS Windows.

I contacted my Congressman, who said theyd contact FBI. Im sure FBI will do something about it, about as effective as suggesting an arsonist carry a fire extinguisher. 

Why dont you idiots go get a life and chase the criminals and terrorists Obama and his Regime are allowing in the country through the Mexican border? No time to investigate clear criminal activity in DC?

 Time for some packet grabbing.

Posted by Dave at 3:15 PM PDT

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