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Sunday, 14 October 2012
Climat Liars proven liars
Topic: General politics



This isnt about the environment, its about holding corporations hostage for money under a PATENT SCHEME - theres a US Patent on a computer system to track carbon credits.

The lying hysteria about the world coming to an end is to get morons in the General Public on board to spread said hysteria so they can feel important and put pressure on said corporations and government to propagate the SCAM.

PS an old time Farmer in the Midwest told me the drought this year was NOT due to heat, it  was due to WIND. 


Posted by Dave at 5:21 PM PDT
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Topic: General politics

Lesbian, Ohio (Lebanon). We used to call it Lesbian just for general contempt.

 I used to live there...

This place is about half and half Redneck and pretentious Yuppie trash that think they are somebody. A couple of them have money, most just pretend. Theres a big horse track (Lebanon Raceway) on Broadway.

The movie Peyton Place was made at the Grade school down the hill from there, and it was PERFECTLY fitting.

We had way too much fun helling around there.I would tell about some of our parties but the Statute of Limitations might not be up...

Pile of HORSE Shit dumped on Democrat HQ in Lebanon Ohio

 This is funny on SO many levels.

 First, this is John Boehner/RNC territory. The power center of the RNC is just a bit NE from there.

There are lots of horsey people in the area so theres no shortage of horse crap to be dumped there.

Im so sad I couldnt have been in on it. It doesnt trump the barn at the track being torched for insurance money, but its a close second.

This was done by:

Someone from the track, or someone between there and Waynesville who have horses, or, better yet, someone from South Lebanon.

The WCSO are probably spiltting a gut laughing about it, Jeesh, it wouldnt surprise me if they were in on it too. They wont do anything and shouldnt.

ITS A JOKE, get over it.

Posted by Dave at 9:46 PM PDT
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
now THAT was terrorism
Topic: General politics

Just now on al Jazeera (hold your nose if/when you watch them) a story about a bomb planted in the ceiling of a building in Buenos Aires.

 Why do I notice this? because THAT was a REAL terrorst act, not a PHONEY one as fabricated in the US.


Whats REALLY stupid about this in my estimation, is that the US Govt etc should be seizing on this LACK of terrorist activity to proclaim some SUCCESS in stopping it.

Whats happened recently in the US as far as REAL terrorist attacks? NOTHING.

9-11 was a MILITARY attack, not terrorism.

The so called NYC bomber WAS A HOAX, for its not possible for a propane tank in a closed vehicle with FIRECRACKERS to be a bomb. I explained why on another post here.

IN the instance in Buenos Aires, apparently a dynamite charge with cell phone was placed in a light. The report stated it probably would not have killed someone, but it would make a BIG BANG.

This illustrates the difference between TERRORIST and MILITANT actions.

as Ive written before:

Terrorists want people AFRAID


And since NEITHER are happening in the US, and have not since9-11, whats the Jack Booted Security State to do except INVENT it? Attempt to charge students with beer-making equipment with terrorism?

 Move aside Adolph, youve been UPSTAGED. 

Posted by Dave at 4:18 PM PDT
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Whats behind the Zimmerman attacks and why
Topic: General politics

 Theres a huge flap, including meddling by a violent radical group called the New Black Panter Party (what happened to the Old BPP?)

Notice all the LIES about Zimmerman (Z), especially the LIE about "Z was not arrested."


Rewind. Martin (M) attacked Z, threatened to kill him. Z shot M in self defense.

 The LIE that Z wasnt arrested is proven false, as the Sanford PD (SPD) DID ARREST Z and took him in.



If so, and there is ample proof of those facts, why keep beating the dead horse of "Z wasnt arrested?"

Theres the key. This is not about Z. This is about somthing much bigger.

 Ill paint the picture with some colors you wont recognize, then Ill hold up a paint chart and youll quickly figure out what color they are.

  Recall the sit in on the SPD building? Theres the second key.

  There is an under-current in the (many) Black communities, especially inner-City, that holds the following TEACHING (MARK THAT WORD).

The template goes that Black people are hated, hunted, arrested, shot and killed, by mainly White Government and POLICE.

(theres the SPD tie in)

 Never mind that in most cases, this is a result of inner city Black crime.

  If Martin had attacked an under-cover or off-duty cop, THE COP WOULD HAVE SHOT HIM TOO.

Getting it yet?

Thats the black credo in many places, "the Man" is oppressing me.

 SPD exonerated Z. THERES the problem, and the answer to "why this instance and not in other black-related deaths"

 In this instance, deadly force with a gun, AS A COP WOULD HAVE DONE, was EXONERATED not only by SPD, but a PROSECUTOR.

 Z essentially played the part of a Cop. This hatred of the Government and Police by this Black Theology (CRITICAL POINT)  is being projected on Z, since "they" can not do anything against SPD OR THE STATE OF FLORIDA (SoF).


 Since "they" cannot retaliate against the State, or they will be arrested or shot for their violence against the SPD or SoF, they have to choose another target, and that obviously is Z.

 PROBLEM- HUGE one- the Narrative of Civil Rights for blacks ONLY is based on the enemy being WHITE.

Zimmerman is HISPANIC.

What topic has so totally taken over the Media, so that the radical Black agenda cannot get coverage? THE HISPANIC AGENDA.

Whoever planned this event and put M up to it, had a racial agenda in mind, to demonize some White person. Youll see why I say that when I explain WHO was behind it.

 But it BACKFIRED hard. Z is HISPANIC, and Hispanics are the Darlings of the Media.

Now THAT is also blown, so the Media have lost face, and lost THEIR agenda to report on.

So now the Media are pissed.

None of them can get anything on the State, so they have to take it out on Z BY PROXY.

 The rage against the Government, as they put it, of by and for white people only (never mind Obamas DoJ is racist and biased towards blacks as PROVEN in the Black Panther voter intimidation case that was thrown out even though they HAD AN ADMISSION OF GUILT), has to be projected on Zimmerman, since, of course, he was the shooter.

B-but it was in self defense.

CLEARLY PROVEN by the evidence. But the EVIDENCE does not justify the desired end, so they have to go get a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR who has publically stated she is in favor of Ms family (she wants justice for Trayvon)


Z is made out to be the 'face' of the "Evil White Man in Government and Police" because theres no other SCAPEGOAT.

BUT-remember what "scapegoat" entails- scapegoat is eventually set free.

Since this is PROVEN to be self defense, whats "civil rights" got to do with it?

There sure WAS racism and hatred and Civil Rights  (CR) violations here, and the VIOLATIONS WERE COMMITTED BY MARTIN AGAINST Z.

Zimmerman is HISPANIC, right?

Thats the "container" but doesnt yet explain who is behind it, and why CR laws are invoked.

Again, the Agenda that was set up was to attack a WHITE MAN, not a HIspanic, and remember, the initial reporting was that Z was WHITE.

thats because there was an agenda planned ahead of time.

 "CR" is an attempt to invoke the "poor downtrodden black masses" thing and sympathy for the plight of poor black slaves, and reparations and all that.


Except thats not the idealogic goal, but its the correct CROWD that the instigator here is trying to get hold of.

WHO is behind this is obvious, its the New Black Panther Party (NBPP). They are a VIOLENT, RACIST, IDEALOGIC, HATE FILLED



And which group in America wants to subvert the CR movement?


 And who do the NBPP HATE THE MOST?



That last part will surprise anyone who has not studied their theology.

A main plank of NBPP doctrine is that Jews are not Jews, but THEY (NBPP) are True Israel and that Jews are imposters. Look for the Black Star of David. I saw them here recruiting a couple years ago, handing out literature with the black star on it.


 Its sheer insanity, but that goes along with their insanely hate filled and violent mind set.



The NBPP has found a VERY convenient segment of US population to try to infiltrate, and thats the Black community. Poor, inner city, mainly.

Respectable Blacks know they are no good and have nothing to do with them.

But the Poor Downtrodden masses in the Inner City cling to such rhetoric. It gives them a Saviour and an Identity. What ELSE do they have?

 Why the CR tie in?

CR is the battle cry of many Blacks. In some cases, rightly so.

The NBPP have subverted and infiltrated the CR movement to have access to feed their radical hate filled idealogy into American Blacks, to then spread it across America. Thee was no "islamist" element in the 1960s CR movement, the radical Islamist are new-comers in America (sort of) and they have no such legal platform to preach from.

They have to STEAL ONE.

Notice White Folk arent putting up with RADICAL ISLAM, and instead, have ARMED THEMSELVES TO THE TEETH AGAINST IT. Educated affluent Blacks dont either.

ARMED. Literally, with guns and ammo.

 The NBPP have cloaked themselves in the CR movement like a Trojan Horse to invade and indoctrinate the Black population.

This ties into the NBPP being the first Horse out of the Gate when this broke, with their threats of violence and their illegal vigilante Bounty.

Watch and see, A-Patriot is RARELY wrong.

When its made this obvious, its hard to miss.

 And JUST AFTER I finished explaining this radical Islamist hatred, Screwy Louie Fairy-Khan ADMITS IT:


And, today, news that the Martin family is waffling- now their line is apparently that "the shooting was an accident"

they BETTEr recant, or they may face PERJURY CHARGES. Recall the FL Prosecutor said the Martin family LIED TO THEM.

This is racism and hatred:





PS 4.17. Someone wrote observing that Bush is not FL Governor.

Completely irrelavent, and proving that I either didnt make something clear, or reading comprehension is missing.

 We know that TODAY, Bush is not Gov.

The entire point of this piece is to attempt to get inside the heads of people WHO LIVE IN THE PAST>

 They do not care who is in there NOW. Do Obama and his radical Minons care that Bush is not in the White House NOW?

Reader, go back and read this again, and read it from the PAST.

Because this manufactured crisis has nothing to do with "now".

Proof? The observation that much worse crimes, much more violence against blacks goes un-noticed.

Posted by Dave at 4:40 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 April 2012 10:39 AM PDT
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
New Slavery
Topic: General politics

I wrote this several years ago, theres an interesting citation in the middle:


The New Slavery.

  It's as old as history itself. Ancient Babylon was built into a world-wonder by it. Its been a
spoil of every war since. It was part of what thrust America into Civil War and social unrest that reaches today.


  Lest we think slavery was abolished by the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, please
consider that "if we don't learn from history, we are bound to repeat its mistakes."

  It's here, and a hot topic in the news, but this time, its not Black Africans being kidnapped
and shipped across the seas -it's another group that is being enslaved by trickery, not force.

  The New Slaves are illegal immigrants from Mexico. I'm not sure even they realize it,
because the forces behind it are more covert.

  If it is true that poor Mexicans are forced to leave Mexico to seek at least food and shelter in
the U.S., then we might argue that the immigration problem today is worse than the African slavery.

  It's tough to condemn hungry people.

  Of course, the various political and corporate interests are too willing to take advantage of
New Slavery, it allows the machine to profit. But, the machine has been caught red-handed
in its lies - illegals in the voting lines, and the tired excuse of "we cant find American workers to do menial jobs" no longer wash, even with Liberal media who only ante up when forced to.

  And while we debate this mess, do we realize the undercurrent of New Slavery that stands to erode our National foundation. And do we recall the Scriptural warning "as you behold, so
shall you become?"

  A recent news article on Yahoo.com amplifies my points with a bold admission that corporate America is willfully participating in New Slavery:

    "It is part of a system that has been working in this country for 400 years,
    so you can't suddenly stop it," said David Peck, head of the nonprofit group,
    Cross-Cultural Council, that runs the center with city funding of $20,000 to
    $30,000 annually and private donations."

(Excerpt from "Immigrant labor dilemma hits California beach town", Reuters News Service
Mary Milliken Mon Jul 17, 10:54 AM ET)

  The lust for profit that caused Northern corporations to press black slaves into service in Southern cotton fields hasn't left, its just changed form, and right under the nose of Civil Rights laws!

  There is an ugly undercurrent not often recognised in the argument about using migrant workers to keep the cost of food low. This is directly from the Marxist playbook, control of labor and keeping people happy and defenseless with a ready, cheap food supply - its Orwellian population control at its most subversive. This is Communism at work.

  So, especially amplified by the news article, here we have the summary - starving people being used by Government and Corporations for profit.

  Our Nation was not founded on those principles!

  Oddly enough, I don't only write this to my fellow Citizens, but to the illegal immigrants. Do you realize what is being done to you? Not only by working and living here illegally do you break the law, but continuing to do so only lessens the chance of other refugees and even your families of having a good life in the U.S. The longer evil is allowed to prosper (slavery for example) the stronger it gets.

Posted by Dave at 10:33 AM PST
Monday, 6 February 2012
a critical corner has been turned
Topic: General politics

A CRITICAL corner in American society has just turned, as evidenced by reader comments (and comments by some that cant read...) to various news stories.

 Ive been reading a HUGE number of stories, and comments, on the Net, as its a meeting ground for most anyone who can type, since 2001-ish. Daily. Sometimes 8-10 hours a day, not constantly, but just keeping tabs on whats happening.

 A CRITICAL thing has just happened as evidenced in the comments in re this story, not that the story is so remarkable - you may read it and say "so what?"

 The responses are, read them and notice the Clear theme:


People are fed up with the lies and bullshit by both the MEdia and Government, and theres no hiding it. Attempts to cover it up are now useless.

Dear Jesus, its bad when the only source for news is RUSSIAN TV. At least the territory THEIR lies cover isnt as broad.

 Within about the last week, week and  a half, there has been a MARKED shift in comments, especially on the trash-heap called Yahoo? (I use the ? in a derogatory mode, I hope you find it funny), the Big Government and Complicit media trolls, back as far as 2007-08 were big time in dmage control mode attempting to counter any political comments on the Net not bowing to Glorious Leader.

Thats fallen apart, and about the last drawing card is the phoney hysteria about "super scary radical Islam taking over America" or when that group isnt available to demonise, they attack Soverign Citizens, or whichever group they can attempt to demonize.

Just recently, the comments overwhelmingly show that people now "get it" and the trolls have lost this one too.

They can "ban" my comments, and do, but the flood gates are open now, it makes no difference.

People utterly recognize that Government is utterly corrupt and the Medias utter attempts to coverit up are utterly failing, from the twin purges of "the corruption being as plain as the nose on your face" and "loss of viewership/readership"

Now, see my 22 November post below. 

Then, think about what the pivotal event has been. SYRIA. When the US looks like Syria, something needs to change.

Posted by Dave at 7:18 PM PST
Updated: Monday, 6 February 2012 7:30 PM PST
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Tamar Yonah guest on American Liberalisms support of terrorism
Topic: General politics

Posted by Dave at 2:23 PM PST
Monday, 2 January 2012
anti Semitism at CNS news
Topic: General politics


Ive today seen enough correlation, said observations beginning a couple years ago, to make the subject statement. A month ago, after posting several posts in re the (mostly historic) corruption of the Roman catholic church on a relevant story, my user account on Disqus was blocked on CNS news, but not other sites. There was a simultaneous increase in my posts not being posted on a couple other sites, but my user account not being outright blocked. Yahoo often plays this game also in censoring comments. ive been watching this for several years now.

Today, I rebutted a clearly anti Semite poster on this story comment section, "flagged" their posts, and now CNS has begun tracking my IP address to block me. I say "tracking IP" as being different from "blocking Disqus account" because they aer different things, and clearing my browser cache did not resolve the block.

Yes, children at CNS, I know how to get around your petty censorship.


(yes, Floyd Brown, "Media Research Center," which is apparently another of your phoney corporate shell entities (see my post on this Blog about Floyd Browns phoney website pretending to float a "petition" that was hidden through several shell corporation entities from CA to VA.One of Browns shell operations is (was?) in a mini strip mall in Walla Walla WA. ).

Notice how CNS has NOT blocked a poster "Christian Solution" who I was countering, who was posting clearly anti Semitic biased statements that are completely off-topic. This is not the first time Ive flagged multiple comments on CNS that are clearly anti Semitic, repeated and offensive.


CC to the JMC (thats humour)

David Campbell, Richland WA US

posted to my Blog:


PS CNS can rest assured of no more financial contributions from me.. I cannot support entities that support hatred towards Israel


PSS today Yahoo reported that the account I post on CNS from had been "compromised"... how convenient..

Posted by Dave at 12:25 PM PST
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Topic: General politics

Just a few DAYS ago, I said theres something wrong with cops being summarily justified in using excessive force in killing CITIZENS. I said there was a DOUBLE STANDARD and that the State will prosecute any citizen doing similar.




"Reasonably necessary" is something a Citizen does not have time to decide WHILE BEING ATTACKED.

Thats the scam that will be played on him in Court, if this gets there. WHY ISNT THAT QUESTION ASKED OF COPS WHO KILL CITIZENS WHO ARE UNARMED?




Posted by Dave at 1:41 PM PST
Monday, 26 December 2011
"Radio runner?"
Topic: General politics


 You DID read here that I said these are not "terrorist" organizations, they are MILITARY?

They have mil comms, apparently (if you can believe ANYthing AP publishes, and I dont recommend that).

 There are three aspects to covert comms:

1.) odd ball frequencies, especially high microwave (tera hertz) that are difficult to receive

2.) encryption.

3.) spread spectrum

Among those, its imposisble for Average Joe to do much but jam them. Thats easy.

the only way to decode is to have the same equipment.

This equipment is not available to anyone in the US except government entities. Theres something wrong with that  from the git-go. How do we keep track on what Government is up to?


Posted by Dave at 2:56 PM PST
Friday, 23 December 2011
CRITICAL STORY - Mass Breaking and Entering by Police in NH
Topic: General politics


One of my former jobs was engineering of natural gas furnace control systems, we worked on an energy conservation patent for a smart thermostat that in one house, literally saved 50% on the gas bill. No, thats not a misprint. Part of the reason I was hired was a great deal of experience in household appliances, particularly HVAC.

 THIS STORY IS CHOCK FULL OF CRAP. read my comments posted as "doubting thomas"


 PS two commenters notice that

1.) its 45 degrees there



Posted by Dave at 6:12 PM PST
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Another execution in the streets- Yakima
Topic: General politics

Last night the TC media were all abuzz of Yakima Police killing a man in Yak. Curious the Herald claims hes a "felon' WITHOUT using their favorite word "ALLEGED"


They (TC Media) use "alleged" when its a MEXICAN.


ALLEGEDLY the man had a knife and ALLEGEDLY he was attacking a PD. The PD shot him in the head. couldnt WOUND him?


Repeat felon, and cops just decided to "dispense justice in the streets?" Taking it upon themselves to eliminate a repeat offender?




I checked RCW (law in this state) - nothing in there about assault with a knife that warrants EXECUTION IN THE STREETS. In FACT, there is NO crime with an instant death penalty in WA State.

The operative legal phrase is DUE PROCESS OF LAW.

When will the Washington state Legislature put a stop to this?

This reminds me of the Native American in Seattle last year (?) who was MURDERED for posession a (closed, was it?) KNIFE. I predicted violence after that, it happened.

Theres too much of this going on.

Anyone recall recently the man holding a GARDEN HOSE SPRAYER who was EXECUTED in his own back yard because a neighbor lodged a false and misleading complaint?

I do. I read it. Seattle, was it?

Bring a gun to a knife fight? I was trained, myself, to deal with such
threats. Lots of people are. Theres a troubling trend in WA State, and
the US in general, of cops blowing away Citizens with threat not in
response to threat. especially when its multiple cops responding. TWO TO FIVE TRAINED, PHYSICALLY FIT AND BETTER OUTFITTED COPS
CANT HANDLE ONE??? How many does it take?

Someone coming at me with a knife will wake up face down on the ground. Again, im TRAINED to defend myself, while respecting the LIFE of the other person. The RIGHT TO LIFE.

What someone who attacks me deserves is DUE PROCESS OF LAW. I do not summarily have the right to blow them away with a gun for assault. We have a JUDICIAL SYSTEM to deal with that.

  When I WAS ASSAULTED in Kennewick, a matter the Prosecutor covered up with a flimsy excuse they could not contact me" (b___sh__ excuse, if there was a WARRANT out for me, or I owed tax money, you BET they could find me) did I kill the attacker? I could have easily done so. No, I used cool headed training to stop the attack. I calmly and collectedly CONTROLLED the situation to everyones benefit. If Id killed every man who jumped me in the past 30 years, thered be a trail of bodies...

Now, assume that someone without my training is attacked, what should their response be? Probably more stronger, they might not have any option but to use deadly force. What will Grandma at home do if attacked by a couple 20-something robbers? I trust she has a double barrel shotgun across her lap.

Point is, police are SUPPOSED to be trained to deal with such things, but it is devolving into "kill first, ask questions later." Starting to reming me of CHINA.

If a CITIZEN does this, uses excessive force -shoots a  lesser armed assailant, I do not believe "getting off basically scot free' in this hysterically anti gun State is whats gonna happen. I believe WA State will attempt to throw them under the jail.

I do believe theres a double standard. I do recommend the Legislature head this off before theres a disaster, because its clear the Cities are covering it up.

Surely there were multiple Officers responding to this, since the executed man had a record, certainly they knew his address and probably anticipated some problems, Id personally go in with backup, someone with a Tazer or mace ready. Actually I wouldnt "go in" Id make sure they "came out" Worst case, tear gas would pretty much guarantee that.

But its easier to just shoot people, isnt it? That really projects force and terror on the Public to keep them in line.

Where does this race to the bottom end? Police killing a Citizen for LOOKING like they wil attack them? What is the legal standard? Next will this devolve into someone attempting to hit a cop with their fist and being blown away? Then just looking at them crosswise? When rationalizing serves in one case, its too easy to allow it to devolve into a violent melee of "no rules at all."

The root difference between my training and the Police is that cops are trained to stand in place, project authority, and kill anyone who challenges them. Two, three, five cops cant handle a man with a KNIFE without blowing his head all over the walls? Then its HIGH past time for TRAINING.

But thats damned hard work, its much easier to shoot people.

I'm not. Again, back to that trail fo bodies thing. Im not into that. I dont mind moving, I might even run back and give ground to an attacker.

The entire point of Law Enforcement is lost, our entire Legal and Justice systems circumvented when the accused is executed in the streets.

Threatened? Pull back and regroup and reinforce. I would. Dumb or unlucky enough to get trapped in a closed space with an armed attacker? Shame on you for getting in that place in the FIRST PLACE. Did that ocurr just from random bad luck? Then deal with it, its a risk that comes with the job. Call the perp out in the open, put distance between him and me, talk with him. Thats how I would handle such situations. We have lots of non-lethal ways to deal with such things. There was an incident this year on a military base where a mentally unstable man , ARMED WITH A GUN WAS TALKED DOWN.

The second problem (as if thats not enough) is that in situations like this, it ALWAYS becomes "right of the Police/State" while completely ignoring the rights of the Citizen, where, by the way, Police and State do not posess "rights" in America. In this Nation, rights belong to Citizens, not Government. The incident in every case excuses the actions of the State (police) and blindly ignores the RIGHTS of the dead man, usually attended by blind statements  like "he deserved it because..." That retaliatory mentality is not acceptable under our Legal system. What is acceptable, again, is DUE PROCESS.

What ABOUT the rights of the dead man? That question is ALWAYS covered up under a veil of ad-hominem attacks.

Thats whats historically separated and elevated us from Russia, China, Cuba...

Any of you (except the psychologicaly imbalanced responders below who are participating in "change the subject, attack the victim" with a dose of Stockholm Syndrome) recall a day in the past when police would fall back, and wait out situaitons with PATIENCE? Not now, in this day and age of Jack Booted Storm Troopers.

Remember the video footage a few years ago when the Jack Boots "stormed" in an aaprtment in Miami (?) and the video showed someone (police?) with a gun and goggles seizing Elian gonzales?

Theres your flood gate being breached.

Which brings the third problem, the people who respond with the Roman Coluseum mentality (thumbs down to the Emperor to release the lions to kill the Christians) always siding with the Police and State, always with the same statement:

"he got what he deserved"

1.) That is a lie. "what he deserved" was DUE PROCESS OF LAW, not execution Cuban style. This is playing on a gang mentality, retaliatory, completely a wrong legal position, exhibiting the Stockholm Syndrome IMO (captives siding with assailants for fear of being harmed)

2.) since when are random posters on websites in posession of the sole and personal right to decide the fate of others in CONTRADICTION TO ESTABLISHED LAW? thats how things work in Communist Dictatorships. I know a first hand witness to that in Castros Cuba from the 1950s.

Youre watching too many movies. You need professional help, IMO, when you can so conveniently excuse a mans LIFE to sit back behind your keyboard and so callously take sides. Psychiatrist is what Id recommend.

Hopefully, some day, when YOU are on triel, the Jury will as conveniently excuse YOUR life away in a rage of self absorption and retaliation.

Again, my comments do not come after seeing one incident, this is becoming a PLAGUE in America.

Fourth problem, the Herald. The efforts of the Herald to demonize the deceased man are disgraceful. If his record is clean from seving time, then is is no longer a "felon." Theres no distinction made of that CRITICAL fact in the story. But its convenient to attack a dead man to attempt to justify the Polices actions.

But, no one will pay attention to my words. The State will summarily exonerate its force projectors who make it look mighty and powerful, until...

Just wait, one day this will all go bad. When it does, remember:


Im going to keep this post and when it does, ill re-post it with great sadness.

CC WA Legislature.

PS For anone who can read the WA State Constitution, my reading of the very clear provisions of Article I, Section 24 disallow City Police to have guns in the first place.

Read it....

Posted by Dave at 4:52 PM PST
Critical You Tube videos
Topic: General politics






Posted by Dave at 4:45 PM PST
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Thatcher kicks asre in Parliment
Topic: General politics

 Margaret Thatcher dispaches an idiot, a Socialist troll. I wish I had that fast a mind!


Critical point- she can make comparison to other nearby Socialist States in Europe and the distinction is clear to them, but not to Americans, since:

 1.) part of the comparison is to the present Euro crisis and Englands resistance in joining or remaining, the Euro has been a Socialist disaster thats about to wreck National economies

2.) in the US we never have had socialism as such, were sinking into it because people are too damned STUPID to realize it. Their only concern is THEM.


Posted by Dave at 8:13 AM PST
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Several important stories
Topic: General politics

Siebel Edmonds, National Security Whistleblowers Coalition is on RT right now (or taped, 20:10 PST, 12/15/2011) stating that the Obama administration set up for invasion of Syria began back in May 2011 including illegal arms shipments.

 She says theres no way the Syrian uprising is "reactionary" but its been set up, and were about to see an invasion of Syria .

 Ive been asking why Obama isnt interveining in the Syrian uprising considering the humanitarian crisis there. Never mind hes an anti war president...

A question asked me today - "is the reason Obama is pulling troops out of Iraq to send them to SYRIA?"


Then this on a long standing question Ive had on 'where is DC getting debt funding when China etc are bailing out of US Bonds' and my assertion that no one is actually borrowing anything and this is a smoke screen to cover up a massive reverse transfer of wealth from people in real money, to cover a fabricated, non existant debt. Read this:



"That gels with comments from investment sources with links to China's monetary authorities and foreign reserve managers who detect a clear desire in Beijing to acquire real assets in return for supplying fresh funds to bridge U.S. deficits and recapitalize European financial institutions and governments."







Posted by Dave at 8:16 PM PST

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