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Dave's 2A Blog
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Waco II in the works
Topic: General politics




 Traitor Feinstein is ignoring her SWORN OATH TO UPHOLD AND DEFEND THE US CONSTITUTION by wanting, not only a gun ban, but registration, fingerprints and photographs of gun owners.

TREASONOUS, in a word.

 Frankenstein is up to what Castro of Cuba DID in the 1950s, a three- step process that a Cuban Refugee described to me in person:

1. First it was OK to own guns

2. Then Castros Govt said "just register then"  (slippery slope)

3.) then he made a fist as if knocking on a door and said "hand them over"

He mentioned witnessing Castros military executing dissidents in the country side.

Back to Traitor Frankenstein.

These Treasonous Liberals pretend that some law that is SUPPOSED TO PREVENT gun violence will somehow do that when it only contains provisions to IDENTIFY people.

 How  does it work to "prevent" something by "fingerprinting" people?

How does a fingerprint in a computer system "prevent" a shooting?


 Seizure is their plan.


1.) gun and related sales have been absolutely off-the-charts since O'Warmongerer stole the White House in 2007. Not a couple spikes in sales, but CONSTANTLY sales over the top. Gun and ammo manufacturers have constantly been out of stock.

2.) Everybody, his brother and his dog are getting armed and supplied.

3.) Canada tried this gun seizure scheme a couple years ago, it didnt work because the country was too large and people scattered too far about.

 Enter Waco II.

  These treasonous Feds like Franken-stein have to manufacture a crisis to spin their self serving attempts to prevent people from owning guns, never mind that THEY DO.

 Utter hypocrisy.

 To do so, they have to invent a giant crisis. Obama and Holder did with Gun Runner in which they murdered 202 people.

Why isnt Traitor Frankenstein railing against Obama and demanding him and Holder do prison time for THEIR CRIMES?

If you're too stupid to understand that, its hopeless.

 Manufacture a crisis, invent a solution.

In Hitlers regime, it was called a Final Solution.

That happened in Waco, Texas. The solution there was to manufacture a crisis and use that as an excuse for MASS MURDER OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN HUDDLED IN AN UNDERGROND BUNKER.

I posted a link elsewhere on this Blog to a website where you can order a copy of the video that proves the INNOCENT DAVIDIANS WERE MURDERED by being burned to death in a fire set by Police and Government.

Yeah,  POLICE and GOVERNMENT that promise to protect us.

 To cement their treasonous cry for gun control, since many people have forgotten Waco, they will have to invent another crisis.

That was invented last week in Connecticut with the school shooting.

But that's not enough to take real enforcement action, as their stupid law wont work. It probably wont pass either, so theyll have to invent another Waco for justification to murder more innocent Citizens.

 The entire premise of Waco is that somehow, and they didnt have a reason why, some simple armed Citizens minding their own busines were somehow such a danger that they had to take their SWAT teams and invade the compound.

AT NO TIME did they ever state any valid legal charges. The Davidians had done NOTHING ILLEGAL.

 The Davidians fired in self defense and were MURDERED.

  That's the over-arching self fulfilling prophecy "they" need to impose gun seizures.

 So, they will have to invent another crisis.

 It doesnt make good, hysterical TV to simply claim someone illegally owns guns, and seize them, that doesnt invoke the level of hysteria required for the Jack Booted Nazis to storm someones house and murder them in cold blood, AND THEN BLAME THE VICTIM.

And theres the catch, that was the angle played in Waco- that the people involved, after being backed into a corner and attacked are somehow responsible for their own deaths when the Government illegally brings a TANK with FLAME THROWER in to first push the building down over the entrance to the tunnel to the underground bunker, then DELIBERATELY SET IT ON FIRE TO BURN THEM TO DEATH.

That is what happened in Waco.

Its called "blame the victim" and it works by first setting up a straw man argument that somehow the target is dangerous. The straw argument in Waco was that Koresh was somehow dangerous to the women or children, never mind the locals said otherwise.

the second step is to force a conflict and just attack the victim based on the lie that the victim started shooting. All the Feds have to do is LIE about it and their Agencies and Courts will back them, because, after all, they are sworn Officers and wouldn't lie, would they?

Of course not, Obama is sworn to uphold Law and Constitution and he didnt allow, or participate in the cover up of Gun Runner, did he?

If youre that stupid, its hopeless...

Theres already too much dis-armament in the US, in the Cities where they are gun violent hell holes, so simply attempting to round up guns will do nothing but increase crime and Traitor Frankenstein knows it.

So, they have to play on people forgetting Waco.

I talked with the Constitutional Lawyer that did the Waco investigation, I telephoned her personally. She said the Feds and their black helicopter 'bombed the wrong house, there were two on the street that looked like hers."

Hey, if the Obama Regime wont hesitate to cover up mass murder in Gun Runner, whats to stop them from orchestrating the shooting in CT to claim the Slippery Slope, then invent another Waco?

NOTHING prevents evil people from wanting more evil.

Posted by Dave at 6:30 PM PST

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