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Dave's 2A Blog
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
PROOF of my assertions there is no Islamic threat in America
Topic: General politics

Those of you who have followed along have noticed that I repeat - the Government and Media are LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH about an Islaimc threat IN America.

They are LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH when they take a threat, real, imagined, or not yet materilaized, OVER THERE in the MID EAST, and play a sick projection game to TERRORIZE AMERICANS (yes, GOVERNMENT terrorism) into believing they are at risk.

Notice my main point, that since 9-11, which was clearly a "they did it" event, that there has not been ONE Islamic Boogeyman attack in the US

A couple home grown wanna be posers making big firecrackers does not qualify.

Belive me, if the Islamic Boogey Man wanted to stir up shit in the US, its too easy, they could poison the water or blow up power substations, all that infrastructure is UN GUARDED.

 They havent, they dont want to.

And now, PROOF of my assertions from the (a) source, and Islamist magazine (well done too)


 Which wont load, so try this:


Read the English translations (I have no clue if they are accurate)

There are many references to doing some thing like shoot a gun or blow something up, but how many are in reference to doing so IN THE UNITED STATES?


Read, from Issue 10, TWO CRITICAL POINTS:

"O Muslims, the film produced in America which insults our messenger Muhammed,  comes in a chain of THE CRUSADE attacks on Islam"

(page 2, I guess)

NOTICE CAREFULLY THE USE OF THE WORD CRUSADE. That means CATHOLIC CRUSADE. Read up on the history of that in connection with the Churches Crusades and Inquisitions. Who has a large influence in Washington DC? The CATHOLIC CHURCH.

 "All should strive together towards one goal; EXPELLING US EMBASSIES  

Posted by Dave at 10:17 AM PDT

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