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Thursday, 9 August 2012




WINTER PARK, Fla. (AP) — A Florida man has been committed for a mental evaluation after he made threats on the same day that President Obama and former President Clinton visited the Orlando area.

Orange County Sheriff’s officials say the unidentified man made the threats Thursday, the same day Obama addressed a campaign crowd at Rollins College and Clinton attended a fundraiser for U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson.

Deputies arrested the man at a Winter Park apartment complex and transported him to a facility for mental evaluation.

The case was then turned over to the U.S. Secret Service.

Officials wouldn’t say if the threats were directed at Obama or Clinton."



I do believe this is false reporting. I do not believe he can legally be forcibly institutionalized for FREE SPEECH. I do believe what he said has already been found to not be a crime.

 If he was forcibly put into a nuthouse, I do believe the legal standard is "harm to himself" and I dont see any evidence of that here.

This article sounds like politically motivated bias.

I researched OH law a few years ago and found it is not possible to forcibly lock someone up unless they are a proven danger to themselves.

 This smells of political bias in attempting to brand anyone who despises the despicable Poser in Chief as crazy, it smells of the typical Left wing ad hominem attack and the same one conveniently timed to the radical Left wing push to attempt to circumvent US law in re denying firearms sales due to mental incapacity.

The Main Sleaze Media right now are fabricating a narrative that goes something like 'anyone who fails a mental screening in college can be denied a NICS background check. the Bleeding Heart anti gun left cant right now gain any traction in their attempts to resurrect the AWB, so they need something to run with and they are inventing this false narrative that is ILLEGAL. US LAW states that only someone who has been found mentally incompetent by a COURT can be denied right to buy a firearm. The radical Left doesnt think thats enough and in the wake of the CO shooting are trotting out false narratives as fast and furiously as they can. This sounds like one of them, played on the pretend connection between "allegedly threatening Obama" and "taken for psych evaluation"

The Straw argument being floated is that one shooting where 12 people died in a Yuppie enclave in CO (ignoring the fact that FAR more violence than that occurs in cities like Chicago, DC, Atlanta, LA...) is somehow justification to invent laws that dont exist, or to demand new ones be passed, to deny gun sales on a more restrictive and arbitrary basis than law allows now. (see "pre-emption laws" in several States)

This charade of general psych evaluations at college is not new, theyve dusted it off and trotted it out in this recent anti gun campaign. They want to invent the idea that somehow a general and inaccurate psych evaluation for a new Student can somehow be extrapolated (falsely) out to predicting someone will go on a shooting rampage.

Whats wrong with that is too much to go into here.

But not too much to go into on 2A Blog...

1. its illegal, LAW says that a NICS background check can only be denied if a COURT finds someone truly mentally OR PHYSICALLY incapacitated. PROOF (notice the AP never has any):


2. a general psych evaluation at a school or business is WORTHLESS. Usually the test that employers use is the MMA and its old, inaccurate and can not be used more than three times, tells me someone who helped create it.. its easy to defeat if you realize its a trick to re-ask the same questions several times to see if you respond the same way each time.

If its not the MMA, then the question is what un-educated low level Institutional employees are running the test. They SURELY are not trained degreed psychologists or psychiatrists.

thats why we have (or used to have) DUE PROCESS OF LAW so that peoples rights are not violated.

Notice in this story by the lying hyenas at AP, they said he was taken for mental evaluation, but that apparently has NOT been the case with other idiots (that in itself is not basis for declaration of mental incompetence else all Liberals would be in the nut house) who have done the same thing.

What it appears as is that the cops observed something that did meet the standard of taking him for a mental eval ASIDE from his statement about O'Liar.


  Notice the article DID NOT STATE OR PROVE ANY LINK BETWEEN THEIR SUPPOSED CAUSE AND EFFECT. IMO, someones lying or at best, piss poor writing.

Posted by Dave at 1:22 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 19 October 2012 3:03 PM PDT
Thursday, 2 August 2012
secret anti gun agenda
Topic: Constitutional


"reportedly tried to discuss the man with members of a campus behavioral and security committee about a month before the attack but the group never convened."

but Corporations think they are God and no one tells them what to do, especially if it might imply they have failed in any way. Typical for arrogance at Universities, especially State Colleges who think they are Government. Been there, seen that, challenged that. These people that run, especially State connected institutions, think they have power of Government over students who are CITIZENS and PAYING them to run their skool. They get extremely bent out of shape when you tell them where the sun rises and sets. Try it some time.

And along comes an EXPERT and tells them they are 'wrong' - they the gilded god-like institution of higher society can not be wrong, it is always someone elses fault. No one dare challenge or criticise them. They could not possibly have made such a mistake that would tarnish their god like image.

OK , enough rant from experience as to the corruption in the Ed system , hows any of this relevant -about what the college did or didnt do, or the psych did or didnt do?

IT ISNT. It's smoke screen. Neither party had anything to do with the incidence.

THERES AN AGENDA behind it, recall from a couple months ago what it is?

Psych testing of college students to eventually deny them their Right to Bear Arms.

Which points to this being a setup.

And heres a TROLL pushing that agenda:


Pretending to be pro gun. Beware of these supposed gun advocates websites, they are a favorite target for anti gun rights activists to pose and pro gun, but to dilute the topic and muddy the waters.

 My response to the anti gun Troll on USAcarry:


INTENTIONAL slippery slope. Rayb.

OP (original poster) reads like an anti gun activist. Anti gun, and anti Constitutional groups like MAIG have members who specialize in subverting topics like this on websites. They slip in and pretend to be on-board with gun rights, then subtly advocate undermining them. Thats what OP is up to.

This post is red-herring, an attempt to evade the topic.

First, the post starts with "in light of some connection between shooter and college" which is a lie. There IS NO CONNECTION, the shooting did not happen at the College. It was a matter of an ordinary Citizen, a movie theater Patron, bringing more than popcorn money. The college has no connection, and if you dont believe that statement, try to accuse them of it and watch the dance they attempt to do to evade any connection.

Analysis of these evasive and deceitful statements, in order:

""The recent mass murders might be averted if........"

[[lying right off, this was not a "mass murder" This is framed the same way as the lie that a small explosion (maybe a small pipe bom b was a "WMD".
ITs an attempt to manufacture hysteria and blow the event up into some giant proportion that it isnt. The previous weekend to this, 8 people were shot to death and 40 injured in Chicago, is THAT mass murder?]]

    "Since at least the last three out of four mass murders"

[[thats a play on a cognitive error of "familiarity breeds acceptance" or "availability cascade" OP is playing that the Reader accepts him/her as credible and will fall for that lie being repeated]]

" were committed by college students, "

[[False and un founded statements. Holmes was not at the theater in the capacity of a "college student"- this is an attempt to project blame back on the College to try to hold them responsible, and is a slick underhanded attempt to invoke the political idea that was floated lately about denying NICS checks to anyone at a college who failed a psych exam. "un founded" statements means OP didnt prove this statement, just threw it blindly out there, WHAT shootings? Prove a connection. No connection was proven or given and thats a sign of a false argument]]


[[All sorts of false positions are floated on "maybe" and "can" or "might be" - con artists selling merchandise and phoney pills on TV always use "can do" as in "this pill CAN help your condition." Snake oil, in other words. "Maybe" indicates no proof, else the statement would be "this has or will happen based on this evidence. 'May be' is a sign of a deceptive argument.]]

 "it might"

[[repeating the pattern from above, repeat it to attempt to get people to accept the argument is true, without any evidence]]

" be prudent to require new students to have a psychological evaluation alongside of their physical for admission?"

[[But not existing Students? Holmes wasnt a new student, he was a GRAD STUDENT. So this is a false argument. This will also get colleges sued out of existance when they deny admission based on a phoney evaluation. What level of supposed mental deficiency is the bar to deny admission? More exactly, WHO will determine that, especially in light of the false argument being replayed that the exam is about "college entry" when its not, its an under cover sneak attack on gun rights and is intended to deny a NICs check, which BTW, already exists. so whats the point of this phoney exam procedure?]]

"Since the onset of mental illness typically occurs between the ages of 17 - 26"

[[ANOTHER fraudulent premise, presented with no proof. Sociopathy/psychopathy are diagnosed with respect to being 15 years of age, and I can cite a source for that claim, OP can not prove anything, just offer opinion (http://compuball.com/Inquisition/sociopathappend.htm not as any particular source from authority but its a LOT more than OP provides) . OP is inventing a connection with some non existant group of mental illnesses, attempting to project them on others he doesnt know, pretending to be an expert when he isnt (what background in psych does OP have? NONE) and is making a shallow argument of taking Holmes age group and inventing some connection with a general set of mental illnesses, IOW, hes LYING]]

"an early diagnosis may prevent"

[[theres that deceitful "may" thing again, notice the pattern of OP repeating ideas and phrases. thats a slick psychological game to program the reader to accept his baseless claims. May also means "may not"]]

" the student from living with an untreated mental illness"

[[thats the ONLY credible thing OP has written, but its shallow opinion, its clear op has no psych credentials and any fool can post an opinion]]

" and certainly will flag the student through NICS preventing them from purchasing firearms."

[[THAT is a bald faced lie. Here, from an AUTHORITATIVE SOURCE is the definition of "mental illness" in CONTEXT of a NICS check, not a fabricated context as OP presents - ( http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/index.cfm?ty=qa&iid=428 ) and a generic, inaccurate "test at a college" DOES NOT QUALIFY.]]

"    Also since most colleges do have an on campus clinic or nurses station, students diagnosed with early onset mental health issues could be monitored for medication compliance."

[[More false over-generalizations with another use of "might". What colleges do or do not have is red-herring (an evasive attempt to go off topic), the topic is RKBA.]]

    Your thoughts?
[["shall not be infringed" requires no thought. Evasion, deceit and traitorous acts against the Constitution DO take thought..]]

PS CC permits are un Constitutional too. Is there some part of the command "shall not be infringed" that is unclear?




And more on the NICS check:


Ps the false flag argument is that some phoney college evaluation test can be the basis for denying a NICS check, and it is a bald faced LIE.

THIS is the basis in LAW, not the opinion of anti gun activists:


Notice the question revolves around - not the mental condition of the person, but WHO HAS CARE, CUSTODY OR CONTROL OF THEM.

The law establishes that the person is not able to manage his own affairs:

" Lacks the mental capacity to contract or manage his own affairs."

which is not about HIM, its about who has CUSTODY of him, therefore LEGAL LIABILITY for him.


Posted by Dave at 9:54 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 2 August 2012 10:35 AM PDT
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Topic: Economy, what's left of

Remember Poultergeist? " "Theyre heeeeree!! The disembodied spirits come to wreak havoc?


 They hit the stock markets YESTERDAY. The reason Im shouting YESTERDAY is that the spin and lies machine is set on high TODAY attempting to pass it off as a "Wednesday problem with Knight Capital" and "trading  glitches" and "algorithms going crazy."

1.) it started YESTERDAY, it is not a "today thing"



Those are shares of the DOW INDEX and have nothing to do with a scapegoat called Knight Capital. Looks to me like those trades settled.

Be interesting to see, tomorrow, what TUESDAYS trade volumes are.

3.) "Algorithms do not "go crazy." An algorithm is a computer program. It decided it was time to rock the markets as a high has been reached and the volumes have been miserable, and the high frequency traders dont make money (no one does) when the markets are stagnant.

So, back to 2007, just before the Dump of 2008! Jan 14, 2008:


High in prices and volume jumped. YESTERDAYS jump was from 1.258B to SIXTY FIVE BILLION SHARES traded, and it can NOT be due to a couple stocks trading, else the breakers would trip and halt trading. This has to be across the board.

RUN. If you have any money, get ready to buy anything thats not nailed down. If its nailed down, go get a hammer and pry it loose THEN buy it..


Posted by Dave at 9:45 AM PDT
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Psych games Bloomturd is playing


BloomTurd is playing a pschological game, hes making a parallel narrative to the one that goes "use police to disarm Citizens"

hes using something called "Availability cascade" which is a cognitive error



Hes attempting to float this so people read it, and remember it. Once they are programmed to believe this, because they already heard it, they will more easily fall for the parallel that goes "use police to disarm citizens" as especially Liberals are wired to play thought games like that which revolve around retaliation and 'getting even' or 'get-backs'

The second game in play is TERORISM - BTurd is attempting to terrorize people by threatening to eliminate Police. This will lead to two things:

1.) fear filled people calling to demand MORE police
2.) the belief that less police will result in more crime, and thats the goal, to destabilize Society so they can push the Police State

This is an attempt to TERRORIZE CITIZENS by threatening them, indirectly or directly, by eliminating Police. 

 That plays into expanding the police state in two ways as above.

 The Website has deleted this post FIVE TIMES. What are they afraid of?



Posted by Dave at 10:18 AM PDT
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
AHTOJASO - and Facebook scamming

I told you so, right here:




Itll get worse, as more and more State sanctioned STREET EXECUTIONS INSTEAD OF DUE PROCESS happen. The protestors are now in the streets, showing their faces, exercising their RIGHTS to ASSEMBLY AND SPEECH. When they see proof that the State continues to SANCTION MURDER WITHOUT DUE PROCESS, then it will elevate. State wants to hide in the shadows and do wrong? Then this will happen in reponse, buildings will start going up in flames and sniping will start.

Mark my words.

And realize the "blame the victim" scam has worn out with the Aurora CO mess. The blame the poor person the police murdered in the streets doesnt wash anymore. People arent falling for it anymore, as evidenced in comments across the net.

 And to the con artists Google and Facebook. Recently Ive seen a large increase in parasite connections (Ive invented that term for websites that connect to your computer when accessing a site thats not goog or F-book) especially F-book ("F" used as an expletive). Its tracking, especially on web news comment posts.

Heres how to eliminate most of it. Fall back to an old browser like the old Netscapes.

Use Lycos search.

Use an old browser like Netscape 9, Netscapes site used to have a Browser Archive, but its been deleted or they are hiding it, CNET appears to have it.

Set the DATE on your computer back a year.

That will confuse the browser into thinking the websites security certificates are not valid and a message box will appear, giving you a chance to 'cancel' the connection, so F-book cannot connect.

Most of the connections on a website are either not needed, are there to push ads you dont want to see anyway, to track you... some are needed to display the web-sites content, but often thats images you dont want to see either. For example, the only connection needed to log into Yahoo? email is the first one, cancel the rest with the Esc key to dismiss them.

For a bit more security, use Ctrl Shift Del to clear cache, in the new Mozilla (Firefox) versions, that also clears all active connections, whereas in NS9 they remain connected until the browser is closed. 

Posted by Dave at 10:22 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 July 2012 5:23 PM PDT
Sunday, 22 July 2012
The anti gun campaign in Aurora


 My comments:

There are two FALSE FLAG arguments here:

1.) the "responsible law abiding Citizen" bull****. This likes to pretend, by gun control advocates, that only people who have had their rights violated by being forced to get a concealed permit, are 'law abiding citizens thus are PERMITTED to exercise their rights' If one MAN has IGNORED the law in Aurora, this mass tragedy could have been prevented or reduced. The damned fools obeyed the law. Twelve DIED as a result of being Law Abiding Citizens.

2.) this is NOT about "who had a gun" Neither was the church incident. It was, and is, about WHO HAS SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. Having a gun is MEANINGLESS. Having the awareness to realize something is wrong when the fire escape door is opened when it should not have been, migh have been the clue to someone PAYING ATTENTION that something was wrong. This context is used (in the church incident) to re-play the un Constitutional narrative that only cops can have guns.

ONE person with situational awareness (i.e. not a sitting target oblivious to their surroundings, which pretty much precludes anyone at a movie based on fantasy, the setting basically proves they are not grounded in reality) could have stopped this man. One good hard punch or kick to the spine and hes done for, especially if hit between the shoulder blades, that incapcitates the hands, arms and BREATHING.

This thinking, and reporting , is playing right into the hands of the anti gun crowd. Are you falling for it?

And realize at the end of the day who is REALLY responsible here, the TRAITORS in State and Local Government who have IGNORED the restraints COMMANDED on them by the People and passing anti gun laws

Twelve people have died as a result. How many more will We the People tolerate?


 Aside from what might be construed to be "blame the victim", theres no excuse for being in a movie theater watching that trash:

1.) bad place to be from a tactical standpoint, blind, deaf and dumb. This incident proves it. The only place to go is down, and theres not room to get under a seat. Or better yet, someone elses seat.

2.) the movie is not trash, it is defecation. Worse than that, it is an attempt to further subvert God fearing Society by re-framing the "original or contemporary or traditional Batman" who was a GOOD character, into an evil, black character. It also re-frames the world into the defeatist mentality that the world is inherently black and evil. It WASNT. Maybe now it IS? Notice the words "conteporary and traditionsl", yes thats a slap in the face of RELIGION attempting to do the SAME thing, to re-define good ol God fearing religion into some happy go lucky, irreponsible, feel good social gathering. That twisted psychological programming WORKS as proven by the observation of the rise of mega churches with attendance of thousands.

People want to escape reality at all costs. TWELVE DID IN THE MOVIE THEATER.

 I dropped out of college partly because the Campii are like the movie theater, inside a college building, youre a VICTIM if some crazy comes in shooting. I refuse to sit in rooms, especially inner rooms, with no egress, no windows to go through.

 Where was the MAN in Aurora who told the law to go FUCK itself?

Dead? Emotionally traumatized for life? Partially deaf from being too close to gunfire?

He wasnt there. He obeyed the traitors who made the law. Twelve people DIED because of this TREASON against the Constitution of the United States.

Where was the MAN who smuggled a knife into the theater in his boot? Someone with that awareness might have used it to kill the attacker.

Apparently he was at home. Smart for him, too bad for the Sheeple.

I stopped a violent attack in the streets last week. Some crazy man screaming that he was an Attorney, was in BROAD DAYLIGHT, attacking a woman who was expressing Free Political Speech in front of the Post Office. I stopped him. I didnt even have to touch him, I just confronted him. I had no gun or knife. Probably didnt need one, especially since there is useful tactical ability in his having been out of his mind with rage.

And as you expect, RPD did nothing about it. When a woman is being assaulted now, the Cops are an hour away WRITING TRAFFIC TICKETS.

Posted by Dave at 9:17 AM PDT
Monday, 16 July 2012
AHTOJASO Monday - real e estate seizure plan

 That I dare post anything from the cesspool called "Yahoo?" (the ? is not a question, its a derogatory contrast to their Yahoo ! )


Like Ive been predicting, right here on this Blog, this housing crisis was designed to, or it becomes convenient, to seize private assets. Ultimately that is planned as a method to pay the un-payable National debt. Or maybe State debt. Since the mass seizure of assets is on the scale of the National debt, that is logical. Mass seizure of assets is also done through INFLATION, but there is essentially none now.  There are price increases which do as good a job, especially when both inflation and interest are close to zero. Inflation is 2% according to BLS.

When housing PRICES, they are NOT VALUES, crash, thus approaching 'value" or what they are actually worth, it becomes impossible to fund greedy and wasteful and corrupt Government and their henchmen corporations, out of interest and taxes. Taxes go to nil, especially when in arrears. So asset seizure becomes the MO.

After they have created a crisis that threatens the existance of Government, seizing assets that are NOT underwater, or assets without loans behind them (property people own outright) will be next, eminant domain can be claimed in an emergency situation to seize whatever they want.

The answer to that will be arson and riots. deservedly.

When a Borrower knows they are underwater, there is no incentive to burn their house down, it prevents them from everr getting anything out of the process, and they know the lender actually owns the property. If and when it devolves to what I just stated, arson is NO problem.

Posted by Dave at 9:37 AM PDT
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Topic: Constitutional





 I had to read this several times to "get it." What its about is all the attempts to get Obama out on eligibility have not been heard on merits, or the arguments, but on procedures, mainly "standing"

 "Standing" means the one coming before the Court has some real interest in the matter. I cant sue you because you robbed someone else, someone else would have to do that, crudely put.

this appears to be about invoking Standing by using Judys candidacy for US President, and an urgency in time citing the DNC Convention later this year. Uncommitted Delegates appear to be part of the question.

The Writ of Certorari is petitioning the Supreme Court to FORCE the GA Supreme Court to hear this.



Posted by Dave at 10:08 PM PDT
excellent article on bully syndrome
Topic: general rant/rave

Ive referred to this as the School yard Bully problem, this problem has become a PLAGUE in America. Especially in politics.



Posted by Dave at 9:47 AM PDT
Monday, 9 July 2012
another subversive group in WA state- corporate personhood movement
Topic: Constitutional

Its a pretty cake, frosted with what appears to be as pure as the wind- driven snow, Constitutionalist- conservative, Patriotic layer, but underneath, it is subversive and progressive.

 This Cake comes in many flavors and forms, it always presents itself as a tempting treat to a Patriot who reveres the Constitution and rule of law, but underneath, always the same anti American elements-

 mainly, urging "democracy"

Last I checked, America is not a democracy.

The group is beating a drum that started, in my experience, back in the 1980s, I knew someone who was writing and speaking on the topic of eliminating corporate personhood. Its roots are in the Jesuit Social Justice movement.

 Their website:


My response:


I was interested as I knew someone who was writing and publishing on this topic  back in the 1980s, but after seeing the SUBVERSIVE elements on your literature and website, I cannot join you.

Your website and pamphlets advocate subversion of the United States and its Constitution.

1.) The US is NOT a democracy. It is subversive to advocate replacing our Constitutional Republic with a Democracy. There are lots of Left wing operatives out there shouting "American Democracy" but what they actually mean is to REPLACE our Constitution with democracy. Democracy is a feature of Communist and Socialist states. If you truly do not understand the problem, get various old history texts that discuss Alexander the Great and his invention of demokratia. It is not American.

The Founders had the option to use democracy and chose not to.

2.) There are lots of politically subversive Troll groups like yours trying to find any trick available to amend the Constitution. The Constitution is not the problem, it is a LEGAL problem. Once the flood-gates of Amending the C are open, then other subversive causes like term limits can be pursued, eventually gutting the C. itself.

3.) the false generalization about "Constitutional rights" - there is no such thing, the C. does not grant rights, and if it did, it could be amended to eliminate them. Our rights existed BEFORE and without the C., and there is no language within the C that generates or accords or distributes rights.

Rights in America are God given, not distributed by some group of persons.

Youre also playing a red herring, the premise up front is related to campaign contributions, but then changing to "corporte personhood." They are two different topics, and NEITHER is a Constitutional issue.

If/when the subversive elements were removed and the stated goal, of eliminating this rotten corporate structure, was being offered, then I could join and donate.

Until then, not going to happen.


EVERY one of these subversive Left wing groups, or more honest groups that have been infiltrated like the Tea Party and OWS ( I caught the local TP pushing a WA Bill that would allow people to vote twice, Blogged here), operate on a basic principle, to identify the founding principles of America, under-cut them, and replace them with Communist principles.

In this case, it's an ad-hominem attack on the Constitution by setting up some narrative such as "corporations are out of control" which is true, getting you and I on the bandwagon and donating money, while subverting the organization or cause, so that the end result is, they hope, a movement to open up, gut, then throw out the US Constitution.

Over my dead body...

The game here is that somehow the Constitution is the problem so it must be changed. These people somehow believe they know more about the Founding of this Nation and the intent of the Founders, and political/social/religious theories and the forces that drove the American Revolution, than did the Founders themselves. That belief is evident in the fact they want to change the Constitution.

If it needed changing, then OK, there is a process for that.

It does not. This is a complicated "blame the victim" scam.

It ESPECIALLY does not need opening up and modifing based on a problem with a LEGAL FICTION which is what corporate personhood is. If this is a problem, open the LAW up and change it.

 Their position is contradictory in that a corporation is not established under the Constitution, but they advocate operating on the Constitution as a remedy. Nonsense.

What this is is JACK STRAW at work, and I stumbled on an excellent example lately of Straws subversive intent -


 The Big Picture here is to allow, by hook or crook, Government to modify the Constitution, then to control it. Afterwards the Government is no longer under the control of the People through THEIR Constitution. This is happening in places, right now, like Egypt where a sitting Government (Muslim Brotherhood via proxy) is attempting to fashion its own Constitution.

The Constition in the US does two things:

 1.) forms Government

2.) limits Government and forbids it to infringe on Citizens Rights. 

 Remember that each time a question like this appears, is that question within the scope of LIMITED GOVERNMENT? This one is NOT.

PS I wrote two years ago about another subversive plank being floated through the Tea Party, some proposed legislation that, in part, advocated letting people VOTE TWICE until they got caught. Its blogged here somewhere.

PSS on the topic of corporations, money and political campaigns, THAT ALREADY EXISTS - its called CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM. Why doesnt this group jump on THAT bandwagon?

Think about it... 

Posted by Dave at 10:20 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 19 October 2012 3:07 PM PDT
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Topic: Economy, what's left of


 Ive been saying one of these Marxists associated with the Raghead Regime would, as they see political control slipping, declare a DEPRESSION in an attempt to scuttle whats left of the Economy and reveal the true nature of the economic crisis (it IS a depression, after all) in time to attempt to blame the NEXT Administration and CONgress.


They FAILED to blame Bush, certainly O'Godintheirminds cant be at fault, so it must be the next POTUS fault, right?


That he attempted to qualify it as a "personal depression" is irrelavent (besides its pandering) as there are so many people in that state, its a short leap to 'national depression'

After all, it was National economics that led to this, so its not a personal question anyway.

Posted by Dave at 12:18 PM PDT
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Todays Leftist Lies exposed
Topic: Economy, what's left of

Todays lie floated by the radical left is that the Rs arent making legislation to make jobs.

 Fact is, the Constitution doesnt allow that.

Obamas "stimulus jobs" disappeared when the money, based on DEBT, ran out

 Realize that when some Liberal Troll says something, they dont have any basis for it except a troll source like is cited in this article


Posted by Dave at 3:51 PM PDT
Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Problems, and I looked like an IDIOT yesterday so heres an admission:

1.) America is based on EQUALITY. Equal Constitutional protections, and this idea of equal under the LAW. Thus, O'Immigrationlawevader cannot pick and choose  who HE wants to stay, like he cannot pick and choose who to EXEMPT from HEALTH CARE. He also has no authority to pick and choose where he wants to WARMONGER (trying to go around CONgress in re Iran)

2.) BIG PROBLEM. I didnt catch it until after jumping on this bandwagon.

Read the US Constitution, point to ANY PLACE that gives the President or the un Constitutional Administration ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT POWER.


That belongs to the STATES.

Obama can NOT enforce immigration law on anyone, the Constitution does not allow it.

That means this is all a smoke screen. Realizing the Administration is also totally un Constitutional, that no such thing as "law enforcement" I.E. the Feds FBI DHHS any of that is permitted under the Constitution.

There is no such thing as a US border. ITs an Arizona, Texas, NM, CA border.

Its the STATES rights to secure it. That the laws on immigration (there should be one titled "illegal aliens" because they are NOT immigrants) are conceived at the National level does not imply control, its simply to co-ordinate among the States that the law is UNIFORM for all States.

The US Govts role is supposed to be LIMITED to more or less foreign affairs, NO permission was ever given to evolve into a massive Police State controlling the whole Nation.

This question of criminal aliens is a STATES matter.

Obama is actually evading the Constitution by enforcing laws.

Since he has no Constitutional authority to enforce immigration law, he ALSO can NOT tell Arizona that they cannot either.

What we have in this situation is a dictatorial takeover in the works, when all power is consolidated in the Executive.

This Bill is not proper, ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT need to be handed down, not this dog and pony show.


PS and for anyone arguing that the Constitution is law, it is not, this is a sham argument invented by lawyers:

1.) The constitution is a framework to establish Congress etc to MAKE law, not laws themselves

2.) when the C. is believed to be law, and Government can modify law, and the purpose of the C is to establish and CONTROL Government, then Government can manipulate the C. to SEIZE CONTROL OF ITSELF FROM THE PEOPLE.


PSS "law enforcement" does not exist in the Founding of our Nation or States.

The RIGHT to Redress of Grievance DOES. That belongs ONLY to the People, NOT GOVERNMENT.

But, Government has STOLEN it, and used it to fabricate a big Police State. Govenment has NO right to be in Court. Government has no rights at ALL, none were ever enumerated.

This has become Statism with soldiers quartered in our homes.

Posted by Dave at 9:35 AM PDT
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
now THAT was terrorism
Topic: General politics

Just now on al Jazeera (hold your nose if/when you watch them) a story about a bomb planted in the ceiling of a building in Buenos Aires.

 Why do I notice this? because THAT was a REAL terrorst act, not a PHONEY one as fabricated in the US.


Whats REALLY stupid about this in my estimation, is that the US Govt etc should be seizing on this LACK of terrorist activity to proclaim some SUCCESS in stopping it.

Whats happened recently in the US as far as REAL terrorist attacks? NOTHING.

9-11 was a MILITARY attack, not terrorism.

The so called NYC bomber WAS A HOAX, for its not possible for a propane tank in a closed vehicle with FIRECRACKERS to be a bomb. I explained why on another post here.

IN the instance in Buenos Aires, apparently a dynamite charge with cell phone was placed in a light. The report stated it probably would not have killed someone, but it would make a BIG BANG.

This illustrates the difference between TERRORIST and MILITANT actions.

as Ive written before:

Terrorists want people AFRAID


And since NEITHER are happening in the US, and have not since9-11, whats the Jack Booted Security State to do except INVENT it? Attempt to charge students with beer-making equipment with terrorism?

 Move aside Adolph, youve been UPSTAGED. 

Posted by Dave at 4:18 PM PDT
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Whats behind the Zimmerman attacks and why
Topic: General politics

 Theres a huge flap, including meddling by a violent radical group called the New Black Panter Party (what happened to the Old BPP?)

Notice all the LIES about Zimmerman (Z), especially the LIE about "Z was not arrested."


Rewind. Martin (M) attacked Z, threatened to kill him. Z shot M in self defense.

 The LIE that Z wasnt arrested is proven false, as the Sanford PD (SPD) DID ARREST Z and took him in.



If so, and there is ample proof of those facts, why keep beating the dead horse of "Z wasnt arrested?"

Theres the key. This is not about Z. This is about somthing much bigger.

 Ill paint the picture with some colors you wont recognize, then Ill hold up a paint chart and youll quickly figure out what color they are.

  Recall the sit in on the SPD building? Theres the second key.

  There is an under-current in the (many) Black communities, especially inner-City, that holds the following TEACHING (MARK THAT WORD).

The template goes that Black people are hated, hunted, arrested, shot and killed, by mainly White Government and POLICE.

(theres the SPD tie in)

 Never mind that in most cases, this is a result of inner city Black crime.

  If Martin had attacked an under-cover or off-duty cop, THE COP WOULD HAVE SHOT HIM TOO.

Getting it yet?

Thats the black credo in many places, "the Man" is oppressing me.

 SPD exonerated Z. THERES the problem, and the answer to "why this instance and not in other black-related deaths"

 In this instance, deadly force with a gun, AS A COP WOULD HAVE DONE, was EXONERATED not only by SPD, but a PROSECUTOR.

 Z essentially played the part of a Cop. This hatred of the Government and Police by this Black Theology (CRITICAL POINT)  is being projected on Z, since "they" can not do anything against SPD OR THE STATE OF FLORIDA (SoF).


 Since "they" cannot retaliate against the State, or they will be arrested or shot for their violence against the SPD or SoF, they have to choose another target, and that obviously is Z.

 PROBLEM- HUGE one- the Narrative of Civil Rights for blacks ONLY is based on the enemy being WHITE.

Zimmerman is HISPANIC.

What topic has so totally taken over the Media, so that the radical Black agenda cannot get coverage? THE HISPANIC AGENDA.

Whoever planned this event and put M up to it, had a racial agenda in mind, to demonize some White person. Youll see why I say that when I explain WHO was behind it.

 But it BACKFIRED hard. Z is HISPANIC, and Hispanics are the Darlings of the Media.

Now THAT is also blown, so the Media have lost face, and lost THEIR agenda to report on.

So now the Media are pissed.

None of them can get anything on the State, so they have to take it out on Z BY PROXY.

 The rage against the Government, as they put it, of by and for white people only (never mind Obamas DoJ is racist and biased towards blacks as PROVEN in the Black Panther voter intimidation case that was thrown out even though they HAD AN ADMISSION OF GUILT), has to be projected on Zimmerman, since, of course, he was the shooter.

B-but it was in self defense.

CLEARLY PROVEN by the evidence. But the EVIDENCE does not justify the desired end, so they have to go get a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR who has publically stated she is in favor of Ms family (she wants justice for Trayvon)


Z is made out to be the 'face' of the "Evil White Man in Government and Police" because theres no other SCAPEGOAT.

BUT-remember what "scapegoat" entails- scapegoat is eventually set free.

Since this is PROVEN to be self defense, whats "civil rights" got to do with it?

There sure WAS racism and hatred and Civil Rights  (CR) violations here, and the VIOLATIONS WERE COMMITTED BY MARTIN AGAINST Z.

Zimmerman is HISPANIC, right?

Thats the "container" but doesnt yet explain who is behind it, and why CR laws are invoked.

Again, the Agenda that was set up was to attack a WHITE MAN, not a HIspanic, and remember, the initial reporting was that Z was WHITE.

thats because there was an agenda planned ahead of time.

 "CR" is an attempt to invoke the "poor downtrodden black masses" thing and sympathy for the plight of poor black slaves, and reparations and all that.


Except thats not the idealogic goal, but its the correct CROWD that the instigator here is trying to get hold of.

WHO is behind this is obvious, its the New Black Panther Party (NBPP). They are a VIOLENT, RACIST, IDEALOGIC, HATE FILLED



And which group in America wants to subvert the CR movement?


 And who do the NBPP HATE THE MOST?



That last part will surprise anyone who has not studied their theology.

A main plank of NBPP doctrine is that Jews are not Jews, but THEY (NBPP) are True Israel and that Jews are imposters. Look for the Black Star of David. I saw them here recruiting a couple years ago, handing out literature with the black star on it.


 Its sheer insanity, but that goes along with their insanely hate filled and violent mind set.



The NBPP has found a VERY convenient segment of US population to try to infiltrate, and thats the Black community. Poor, inner city, mainly.

Respectable Blacks know they are no good and have nothing to do with them.

But the Poor Downtrodden masses in the Inner City cling to such rhetoric. It gives them a Saviour and an Identity. What ELSE do they have?

 Why the CR tie in?

CR is the battle cry of many Blacks. In some cases, rightly so.

The NBPP have subverted and infiltrated the CR movement to have access to feed their radical hate filled idealogy into American Blacks, to then spread it across America. Thee was no "islamist" element in the 1960s CR movement, the radical Islamist are new-comers in America (sort of) and they have no such legal platform to preach from.

They have to STEAL ONE.

Notice White Folk arent putting up with RADICAL ISLAM, and instead, have ARMED THEMSELVES TO THE TEETH AGAINST IT. Educated affluent Blacks dont either.

ARMED. Literally, with guns and ammo.

 The NBPP have cloaked themselves in the CR movement like a Trojan Horse to invade and indoctrinate the Black population.

This ties into the NBPP being the first Horse out of the Gate when this broke, with their threats of violence and their illegal vigilante Bounty.

Watch and see, A-Patriot is RARELY wrong.

When its made this obvious, its hard to miss.

 And JUST AFTER I finished explaining this radical Islamist hatred, Screwy Louie Fairy-Khan ADMITS IT:


And, today, news that the Martin family is waffling- now their line is apparently that "the shooting was an accident"

they BETTEr recant, or they may face PERJURY CHARGES. Recall the FL Prosecutor said the Martin family LIED TO THEM.

This is racism and hatred:





PS 4.17. Someone wrote observing that Bush is not FL Governor.

Completely irrelavent, and proving that I either didnt make something clear, or reading comprehension is missing.

 We know that TODAY, Bush is not Gov.

The entire point of this piece is to attempt to get inside the heads of people WHO LIVE IN THE PAST>

 They do not care who is in there NOW. Do Obama and his radical Minons care that Bush is not in the White House NOW?

Reader, go back and read this again, and read it from the PAST.

Because this manufactured crisis has nothing to do with "now".

Proof? The observation that much worse crimes, much more violence against blacks goes un-noticed.

Posted by Dave at 4:40 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 April 2012 10:39 AM PDT

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