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Friday, 15 July 2011
call for return to Gold Standard - DEFLATION
Topic: Economy, what's left of


 CRITICAL comment:

"Fed chair Ben Bernanke confessed to Congress that growth has failed to gain traction. "Deflationary risks might re-emerge, implying a need for additional policy support," he said."

 There is no option BUT deflation. No ones buying much of anything, either being have-nots, or savers. The end result to the economy is the same, and the Fed has no ability whatsoever to AFFECT THE MONETARY SYSTEM AND ECONOMY.


The classical aim of the Fed is to influence/control the money supply to control inflation. It aint working.





""It is very scary: the flight to gold is accelerating at a faster and faster speed," said Peter Hambro, chairman of Britain's biggest pure gold listing Petropavlovsk."

but the PRICES dont reflect any great "flight to gold"

 There are two types of trading-medium:

1.) gold and silver (precious metals etc) that have an intrinsic value, used ALSO as a trading medium. Its not possible to return to the gold standard as gold is WAY too expensive to trade with, including inherent value, for much less than a house or business sale. No one can buy MILK with gold.

2.) "fiat paper" is demonized as evil, but it is not. Its just paper, regardless of gold backing or not. We build the most successful economy in history on it, until the Credit Monster showed up.

  The beauty of fiat is that in a crash, a value linked backwards to commodities (not just gold, but milk, for example) can be established such as:

"before the crash a gallon of milk was $2.00 so now well say the dollar is worth 1/2 gallon of milk.

That goes someplace BAD if you think about it. VERY bad. Go there and youll see what O'Traitor is up to...


ITs called "CONTROL OF THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION" one of Marx principles and we know OTraitor worshipps Marxism.

Speaking of O-Traitor, hes on TV right now talking about the budget and making an unusual number of defensive hand gestures.


Like Hamou told me:

"wait till peoples assets are lying in the streets then pick them up"

Example- I know of a brand NEW luxury motorhome that was almost 1/2 MILLION dollars new, cant sell it, the ask now is 180K. still it wont sell. The dealer admitted the economy tanked around them.

Now, 180K isnt exactly "lying in the streets" although they might disagree.
Lying in the streets" means abandoned after declared useless.


Posted by Dave at 10:04 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 15 July 2011 10:06 AM PDT
Thursday, 14 July 2011
1984 is on This TV
Topic: General politics

Posted by Dave at 6:17 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 15 July 2011 2:27 PM PDT
Making economic sense
Topic: Economy, what's left of

  The news right now is "US Govt credit downgrade unless USG GOES FURTHER IN DEBT" 

Makes absolutely no sense, eh? Ive been wrestling with this one for weeks now, and the light comes on. 

Most of my posts here have at least 2 weeks to 2 months of pondering behind them, they are usually not written on the moment.

Its different here in the US than in Communist and Socialist Nations like Greece where the debt plug was pulled, or is being pulled, as in Gree and Spain (PIIGS) 

 The difference in the USA is that the GOVERNMENT IS NOT THE ECONOMY.

The Government in Commie and Obama-ist Nations IS THE ECONOMY and when the Govt economy collapses, so does the private sector.

The two are separate here, or should be. Actually, Constitutionally, there is no authorization for the Government to be playing Business and Economics, its a giant leech of Taxes on the people.

Its now proven that:

Government spending does not boost the private sector economy

Obama is a COMMUNIST because he believes in and is advocating debt, as if the Government runs all business.

I get this sneaking feeling that if the USG does go flat, the private sector will FLOURISH. 

 What got me on this Rant was a response to a You tube video about a Patriotic Flash Mob that went into a grocery and started playing "Stars and Stripes Forever"

A commenter marvelled that You Tube deleted posts that contained "offensive material" and that in his foriegn view, that wasnt consistent with American values of Freedom.

My responses are and I didnt post them, except here:

1.) Its irrelavent what he thinks about US from over there in his Communist or Obamalist NAtion

2.) In America, the Government doesnt *yet* own every company. You Tube is free to delete any post, any video, their entire website if they please.

Maybe in HIS communist or Obamalist hell hole, the Government can enforce such things onto private Citizens and corporations (notice I didnt include corporations in the class of Citizen because they arent) but not here.


Posted by Dave at 11:17 AM PDT
Treason at the ATF
Topic: Second-Amendment


"Cefalu said the operation was never about actually arresting cartel members for arms trafficking, it was about headlines for the ATF and its upper echelons, more budget, more gun control, and more media attention for ATF:"


The word is TREASON. 


Posted by Dave at 9:47 AM PDT
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
A Clever Con Man speaks on the debt



Evasive, divisive, deceitful, lying...: (this supposed "expert" not CNS)

"The United States cannot constitutionally default on its existing public debt even if the debt ceiling is not raised, constitutional scholar and attorney David Rivkin said"

The Constitution does not authorize:

1.) Government to invent a myriad of money grabbing Administrative agencies that trash the Constitutionally established LIMITED GOVERNMENT

2.) The Constitution does not authorise the same to rack up DEBT

3.) The Constitution is not law for LAWYERS like this to manupulate to their own ends.

Evasive statement:

"even if the debt ceiling is not raised"

Thats a bone thrown in between two fighting dogs to attempt to distract one or the other.

This is a False Flag Argument (= scam) to conceal the idea of a debt increase by raising the false flag argument that the debt cannot be defaulted on, therefore the ceiling has to be raised.

Apparently some supposed "constitutional scholar" has never simply READ THE CONSTITUITION?

Find "debt" in there.

Evasive premise - "incapable of defaulting on debt"

Presuming the debt was Constitutional, that can be read two ways, andbe sure he means the one that raises the debt ceiling, else these Liberals wouldnt have trotted this "expert" out to comment on the subject:

1.) "there is no constitutional mechanism to deal with it"
2.) the Constitution somehow mandates a payment of debt and of course, raising the ceiling is the only answer

It cannot be the first premise, else it would say "debt is unconstitutional"

Their AGENDA matches the second interpretation.

This clever lying type of manipulation always fails to do one critical thing, to compare the output to the input (output= rationale for debt ceiling increase, inpue= US Constitutution)

They NEVER go back and compare the result to the Founding Principles and Documents.

"CONgress (emphasis on "CON" supplied) has Constitutional authority to "COIN MONEY" - NOT to "CON CITIZENS" or "fabricate credit" or "make debt"

People like this follow what one famous Theologian Samuele Bacchiochi referred to as the "cafe method" (go along and pick and choose parts of the Bible that agree with their argument -having an "Agenda" - instead of just taking all the Bible contains on the subject and allowing that to define the situation) to start with their premise, with the ANSWER ALREADY CHOSEN (always tied to an AGENDA) then make the Constitiution say what THEY want it to.

example - we must have LED light bulbs (never mind there is no such thing as an "LED bulb" as they are not made into bulbs) to defeat Global Warming since:

1.) from an engineering standpoint, lighting energy is very small in households (commercial is different)
2.) global warming is a HOAX

The C.s basic premise is LIMITED GOVERMENT and ANY premise that deviates from L.G. is UnConstitutional, regardles of the rationale trotted out to explain it.

There is nothing "limited Government" about a convoluted Tax Code invented to feed a greedy, and Un Constitutional Administration made of un Constitutional Agencies like the IRS, FBI, CIA, DHHS...

Article I , Sect 6 says:

"...shall receive a compensation...paid out of the Treasury..."

NOTHING there allows the creation of some Administrative agency called "Dept of Treasury" no matter how the Cafe Method is dishonestly applied. If so, there would be a predicate of "Dept of Treasury is created for..."

Sect 7 says that bills for revenue "ORIGINATE" in the House (or can by Congressional rules originate in the Senate, regardless of the recent hysteria on the subject, go read the rules) NOT THE WHITE HOUSE. "Originate" means EXACTLY that, and not "originate in the Executive to support a boat load of greedy Agencies"

Consultation is with the SENATE, NOT THE PRESIDENT, rgardless of the Presidents personal desire to fund a greedy and unConstitutional Administration.

The ONLY authority the President has in the Budget and Finance question is a SIGNATURE, or to return with objections, NOT TO GENERATE A BUDGET.

This is where the debt crisis came from, the Greedy Administration with its boat loads of Socialist Welfare programs are where the debt went to, NOT A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT FUNCTION.

Sect 8 says "to borrown MONEY" not "create debt" nor "pay debt"

The deceitful argument might go - "the President can recommend a budget for the Administration under Article II Sect 3 "recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.." but that is a deliberately DECEITFUL argument when applied to the debt because the debt was created by the Administration that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

The "administration" IS NOT THE UNION!

There is absolutely NOTHING in the US Constitution, Art. II, The Executive that allows Obama or any of his Admin cabal to recommend a Budget, to demand a budget, to make a budget, to participate in creating debt, paying off debt....

OSpender making a budget is UNCONSTITUTIONAL
OSpender recommendign taxes is UNCONSTITUTIONAL
OSpender demanding a debt ceilign increase is UNCONSTITUTIONAL

The debt was not contracted for by the Union, and does not benefit the Union, therefore it is unConstitutional

Posted by Dave at 11:58 AM PDT
Money laundering legislation
Topic: General politics

Letter to Doc Hastings- if we stop the flow of money to Mexico, I bet much of the CRIME stops too!



Rep. 'Doc' Hastings


2715 St. Andrews Loop, Suite D

Pasco, WA 99301

13 July 2011


I'm writing with a concern about Legislation on the National level as well as the State level, to address a crime issue.

It's no secret that Illegal Alien traffic into the US from Mexico is epidemic, especially when DRUG TRAFFIC is included. Those activities are carried out more or less 'to America.'

There's a problem I see in America thats being exported 'down there' and thats money transfer in US Dollars.

Millions (?) in USD are transferred to Mexico where it does no good for what's left of our economy.

Such transfers (i.e. wire transfers) are an OBVIOUS conduit for transfer of payments for illegal activities such as weapons, drugs and human trafficing.

I presume that Illegal Alien traffic going South carrying drug money is a rare thing; I assume the drug money is being wired South?

What about human smuggling? Is repayment being made via wire transfer?

I know of no other presumption in regards to such money transfers especially from Mexican communities in America with high illegal content, than the transfers are also connected to illegal activity.

If money is being sent to Mexico, that presumes the sender is illegal and sending money back to family. Thats one thing, but the worse probability that the money is repayment for human smuggling, drugs and weapons.

If there are hardships in Mexico that prompt one to come here illegally to work and send money home, more crime is not the answer, let them all apply for Citizenship and come here legally. Needing to wire money home for food and etc therefore is not a valid reason.

If we shut down the money supply, much of the illegal traffic may disappear.

Put another way, if the party transferring money is here legally, has a Green Card, has dual citizenship, then it's no problem for them to visit Mexico and take funds along, or have legitimate bank accounts to transfer with.

Illegal gun traffic a problem? It wont be if they don't have USD to buy them with.

Proposed legislation- Make wire transfers of US funds to Mexico illegal based on the likelihood that the transfers are related to criminal activities such as human trafficking, drug and weapons smuggling. This is not a "citizenship" or "Civil rights" issue, there is no inherent Civil Right to transfer money to Mexico that I know of. This is not an "Alien" question in my opinion, but more of a means to address a money laundering problem.



Posted by Dave at 10:18 AM PDT
Saturday, 9 July 2011
More on Gunrunner
Forwarded...criminal is as criminal does, to update the old saying.
A new story line in the broken wheel of Fast and Furious is the role played by the U.S. Attorney for Arizona Dennis Burke.  Burke, appointed to the position by President Obama soon after his election, is a long time aide to [DHS Secretary] Napolitano.  He most recently served as her chief-of-staff when she was Governor of Arizona.  Burke, who worked in the 1990's to ban automatic weapons, is reported to have provided "legal guidance" to the ATF on the operation that allowed guns purchased in Arizona to make their way into the hands of drug cartel members in Mexico.  One of those guns was used in a shootout that took the life a border patrol agent Brian Terry… (For a conservative commentator, I’m surprised that Estrada seems to have confused automatic and semi-automatic firearms.)
This one is among the worst

I really did think it was too bad to check, despite posts about it at PJM, Weasel Zippers, and Free Republic. But I checked. You’ll find complete PDF and text versions of the final stimulus bill right here. Scroll down to page 16 (of 407!) in the PDF version and behold: “For an additional amount for ‘State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance,’ $40,000,000, for competitive grants to provide assistance and equipment to local law enforcement along the Southern border and in High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas to combat criminal narcotics activity stemming from the Southern border, of which $10,000,000 shall be transferred to ‘Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Salaries and Expenses’ for the ATF Project Gunrunner.” And to think, you guys say the stimulus didn’t produce anything. It produced guns for Mexican drug cartels, didn’t it? Says Ben Domenech, in a stroke of perfect black humor: “Shovel ready.” …


…The original Southwest Border Violence Reduction Act of 2009 was sponsored by Representative Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX).  Courtesy of Big Government, here is some video of Rep. Rodriguez dealing with unhappy constituents shortly before the 2010 midterm elections… Clearly the truth is very important to this man, so I'm sure he'll be happy to tell us what he knew about Operation Gunrunner, and when he knew it. Rodriguez’ co-sponsors were Representatives Henry Cuellar (D-TX), Eliot Engel (D-NY), Silvestre Reyes (D-TX), and Harry Teague (D-NM).  We need to know who pushed this Gunrunner funding into the Obama stimulus, and then the President must be made to formally admit – under oath if necessary – either he knew about Project Gunrunner all along… or he had absolutely no idea what was contained in the trillion-dollar stimulus package he boasted of passing without a single Republican vote.


The source reporting Special Agent in Charge of ATF's Tampa Field Division Virginia O'Brien "ran a gun-running investigation that was walking guns to Honduras using the techniques and tactics identical to Fast and Furious" contacted these correspondents again this evening with this follow-up report: “O'Brien is in full meltdown.  She ordered supervisors from around the Division to report immediately to division offices and to plan on working through the entire weekend on the coverup. Her partner in the bungle was ASAC Scott McCampbell.  At one point the case was ready to be wrapped up with arrests and remain relatively efficient but O'Brien and McCampbell decided on their own to keep it going to ‘get more’ against the advise [sic] of their field employees and the walked guns numbers got out of control. OB is terrified that her intentional concealing of her walked guns is going to do her in since she disregarded orders to report to DOJ and Congress. Nearly the same culprits above her are on the hook for this.  Chait knew about it so did Hoover and Melson.  The new player is DAD East Julie Torres.  She took O'Brien's old DAD job when OB went to Tampa and has given OB carte blanche to do whatever she wants with little oversight. Reportedly the shredders are buzzing.”


An End to F Troop?: The unfolding scandal over a gunrunning investigation allegedly botched by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives could do what years of criticism of the long-beleaguered agency never quite accomplished – result in its demise. That, at least, is the view of some former ATF employees and advocates on both sides of the gun control debate who have watched the agency struggle to contain the damage from an operation intended to trace the traffic of illegal guns to Mexico that has reignited the harsh criticism often directed at the ATF in the past… Now, with ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson hobbled by the scandal over Operation Fast and Furious and by indications he’s at odds with senior Justice Department officials, many are saying a breakup of the storied agency could just be a matter of time. “I think something like that is likely to happen,” said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. “Unless they take some action to give it a director, it’s inevitable it’s going to have to get to that stage. It cannot continue the way it’s going now. … Right now, ATF is so weak it’s amazing.” Christopher Cox, legislative director for the NRA, the agency’s longtime nemesis, also said arguments for shuttering or breaking up ATF are building… (Note the source – Politico is what I view as a Progressive medium. Some list members will recall my outline for the break-up of F Troop. While not conceding the constitutionality of the major gun laws it enforces, two of them have a tax nexus that would justify returning the registration and licensing functions to Treasury. And I’m sure FBI would have no complaints about taking over explosives investigation – ending the jurisdictional squabbling that has gotten national attention more than once.)


Posted by Dave at 10:19 AM PDT
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Topic: General politics


 Watch this story and the ones to follow, they arent over here doing this because theyre bored. It might take 5 years of watching, but watch...

 Nothing concrete, not even a good guess from me, lets see when and which way the political angle behind it turns.

Posted by Dave at 1:26 PM PDT
Todays Automotive news- CAFE standards
Topic: Economy, what's left of

Group says steep CAFE hikes would come at great cost

21-Jun-2011 12:23 GMT

The Center for Automotive Research (CAR) in Ann Arbor, MI, says the average increase in vehicle price automakers would need to charge for compliance with long-term corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) mandates that are now being considered by the U.S. government range from $3700 to more than $9000. The government is considering annual increases between MY2017 and 2025 of 3 to 6%, for a final-year CAFE standard of between 45 and 62 mpg. In most scenarios, the additional vehicle cost would be more than the amount of money consumers would save over a five-year period due to better fuel economy—even with gasoline retailing for $6/gal. CAR researchers predict that, rather than pay the much higher vehicle prices under any of the scenarios, many consumers will hold onto their vehicles longer. That would translate into fewer new-vehicle sales and fewer automotive jobs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration this fall are expected to formally propose CAFE standards for MY2017 to 2025. CAFE standards already have been adopted to MY2016. (Source = SAE)

1.) Notice the word "MANDATE" Like Ive said before, the car companies are NOT the root problem, its the All Knowing, All Efficient GUBMINT who are MANDATING LOW FUEL MILEAGE VEHICLES TO KEEP OIL COMPANY PROFITS UP.

Economic management isnt all bad, but this? I dont know...

2.)  Another 3-9K for 60 MPG? Possibly, but THEN realize:

a.) add on the percent-wise increase in fuel prices

b.) and realize they aint gonna get there with gasoline. Gasoline engines are 30% efficient on a good day because they are low compression and cannot be made high compression due to the chemical nature of gasoline. Diesel, alcohol and propane are kings in the high compression world, so well be using them. "E95" is my guess (there is no such thing as "E100" for chemical reasons)

FACT. Chevy produced a 1985 Chevette diesel that got 65 mpg highway when new, Ive ridden in it, its still getting 55 hwy. Tin can rattle trap on wheels, uncomfortable on long trips, but the interiors can be updated to take care of those problems.

3.) "CAFE" means average of all vehicles produced which means no more heavy trucks or pickup trucks- anywhere, or very small sales of them at a high price.

4.) The idea of "higher price in trade off for fewer jobs" is more or less a scam. Where else is a product engineered to DEATH over 100 years and still more is needed? EMS computers, FI computers, yes, but thats ALL thats needed, not this garbage they are loading into vehicles just to keep engineers busy and prices constantly going up.

Take the 85 Chevette  up near 100mpg .. a heavier bottom end, more compression, fuel pre-heater and control computers - then modernize the interior and shape the exterior and there it is, 60-100 mpg on clean diesel, and "clean diesel" (meaning combustion through tailpipe emission) has been around for a while, it was tested on fire trucks so the environmental whackos have nothing to cry about as far as diesel fuel goes. 

5.) B.S statement:

"In most scenarios, the additional vehicle cost would be more than the amount of money consumers would save over a five-year period due to better fuel economy—even with gasoline retailing for $6/gal.  "

 ANYONE fool enough to believe that some profit mongering company wont do anything possible to steal that savings? GAS AND DIESEL ARE $4 + NOW, hows using 1/3rd of  the amount of fuel, and causing prices to rise by 3X (?) going to work out THAT way? Youll see $10-12 Ill bet.

6.) " That would translate into fewer new-vehicle sales and fewer automotive jobs."

 Say WHAT? Fewer than what - NOW? Not likely. When Detroit stops making the GARBAGE they are turning out now, I bet sales will go UP. I refuse to buy their crap because I know whats inside it. Like the Chevy pickup in Iowa with a small snow blade on front, with the wheel hub busted out on the rear. TRASH.

Posted by Dave at 9:28 AM PDT
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
coming DOW jones crash
Topic: Economy, what's left of


 H means housing, L means liquidity.

1.) There was not a crash in the "stock markets" just as I've been saying. What happened was a return to previous value in 2003 after the jobs crash of 2001. Not that the low is so low, but the high was higher. Speculatively higher.

See the humps in the chart indicated by the span of the red lines? Most stocks I watch do that when they are trading. On an upswing the end of the hump is higher than the start, vice versa on the way down, but the critical thing is that there are usually THREE HUMPS up or down, then a reversal.

Were on # 2-1/2 right now since 2-3Q 1998

The so called crash in 2009 was nothing significant except for the RATE of decline, which appears to be a result of the rapid buildup from 4Q 2005 till 3Q 2007, aka the "housing bubble." 

The bubble evaporated and stocks were raided to pay off the bets.

Another bubble has formed, from 2Q 2010 till now with a pause now as in 1Q 2007, then a year run-up to another ridiculous high, but fueled by what? It AINT HOUSING.

Its LIQUIDITY. Investors cant put much in banks because of the 250K FDIC insurance limit, so they stuff it in stocks, like they did in the housing bubble.

Next up, DOW tanks, not to an extreme low, but a stupid high. 2Q 2012 if the third hump is like the second.

Look at lots of stock charts if you dont believe the "3 hump" thing.  Zoom the charts way out (5 years?) and look for trends of 3 humps where the up or down trend is defined by the end of a hump being higher, or lower, than the start.

Lets see if Im right, Ive predicted the game is for the banks to end up owning BOTH the HOUSES AND THE MONEY. They got the houses in 2007-2008, next target, drain the stock markets of the residual liquidity.

get ready to buy everything that isnt nailed down next April. 

Since there are three 'up-humps' since 2Q 1998, guess what happens in 2Q 2012.

It starts with "d" 


Posted by Dave at 5:46 PM PDT
Friday, 1 July 2011
Carnegie program including comments on the current US depression
Topic: Economy, what's left of


7/1/2010 10AM Chicago time, I assume is the correct listing.

A speaker at Carnegie referred to, early in the speech, to the present DEPRESSION in the US Economy by comparing the downward spiral in consumer spending to that of the Great Depression. While I dont recall the exact phrase, it was along the lines of a vicious cycle of lack of spending leading to a lack of spending. 

WE ARE IN A DEPRESSION, not a recession. Its just the degree of Government and media complicity in covering it up for the Obama Abomination to keep in the House and keep their political games going.

I heard a couple days ago, source unknown, that one had opinioned that the economic collapse was evident in 2006 as a result of a sudden increase in Pawn Shop activity. 

The deceit of the Carnegie hack was bleeding OBVIOUS when he, just after that 'shock statement' delivered the OUTRIGHT LIE that America was suffering a lack of social services and it was all the Republicans fault.

Lack of social services in the largest WELFARE STATE EVER TO EXIST ON THE EARTH? 

hes a LIAR, simply put, politically motivated hack. 


Posted by Dave at 11:42 AM PDT
Psychology of the Lefts denial of reality
Topic: general rant/rave


 "Coping mechanism" often expressed jokingly as "dont confuse me with the facts"


Posted by Dave at 11:31 AM PDT
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
WSU TV 31-3 Tri Cities MUST WATCH TV

 Throw the sat dish over the hill and tune into 31-3, the programming is FANTASTIC.

Realize they ahve their Leftist trolls like Zogby, and al Jazeeras wild political bias is predictable, and the green hysteria is well played, but the rest of the programming, ESPECIALLY the Wilson Center talks are excellent./



Posted by Dave at 10:01 PM PDT
Traitors at MAIG
Topic: Constitutional

 ITs called TREASON. Subverion at best.



Posted by Dave at 9:57 PM PDT
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Topic: General politics




 1.) leaving a weapon unaccounted for and unsecured

2.) HAVING A MAGAZINE IN IT (thats a 30 round magazine apparently?)



 Have these fucking idiots LOST THEIR MINDS????????? 

Sorry, no more patience here. FUCKING IDIOTS is the ONLY phrasing that is appropriate for such an incredibly incompetent fuck up

you think the Seattle coffee shop shooting was bad, let THAT rifle with a 30 magazine get loose and watch the fireworks. 

The Police State has gone insane. 

Now, go two places with this, and yes, they take sort of a conspiracy-theory path, but lately, there are more and more people who are seeing the light:

1.) deliberate action. The traitors in Olympia WA in the Legislature have been attempting to get the AWB back, unConstitutional as it is. The subversive group Washington Ceasefire, co CONspirators in this organized undermining of Citizens Rights, was along for the ride.

Stage a shooting with this AR-15 (I assume, the photo isnt the best angle to show it) then go off on their traitorous rampage again to reinstate the AWB. Convenient at best.

2.) back to what I wrote about the Jack Booted Thug SWAT team in Tri Cities, go read what I wrote about the scenario where PD are set up to be executed. Think its impossible, heres the next step. Yes its a reach, but in light of O-M-F-SOB_CS-GD Bama ATF Gun Running and MURDER scandal, theres no more guesswork to do!

As you cant tell, im pissed. 

heres what I wrote, someone had BETTER make sure it doesnt happen, I expect to be proven wrong on this one (although Im pretty much right on every thing ELSE I write here because I simply observe, make logical connections then write about it after observing a couple progressions)

(14 September READ CAREFULLY, its complex) 


 and this post (14 April)


 Think thats far fetched? Read this: (16 October)


Dont ANYONE attempt to argue with me about electronics...No ones qualified there. Its my mastery.

Realize that the kicker here is the corrupt Police State that will lie, cheat and steal its way into legal immunity with the City Attorneys in tow. The WSP tried to cover their lost AR15 up, best I know they never found it. I did see the "improper" ( I say illegal) letter they sent to WA State FFL dealers attempting to lean on them to disclose buyer records, which, Im told, IS ILLEGAL.

Realize this insane Police State (generaly speaking, not Seattle directly) will stop at NOTHING, including attacking a FEDERAL JUDGES HOUSE then attempting to brow beat her into submission afterwards.  Thats blogged here too, look it up. 

Speaking of these mickey mouse SWAT teams, look at the recent Mumbai style attack on the hotel in Pakistan,


whats the average US City SWAT team gonna do but shit their PANTS if that happens here? They gonna go in with their AR15s and backpacks and take them out? I would say "Ha HA" but ITS NOT FUNNY.

" "At least 10 civilians, including hotel staff, were killed when six suicide bombers attacked the Intercontinental,""

These swat cops are next thinking about their weekend plans. These militants (they are NOT TERRORISTS) are thinking "give me backup so I can get to the building entrance and BLOW UP.

They cannot be stopped. No contest. These poorly trained and outfitted American cops with their cute tricked out AR are going to deal with THIS:

"Zaman said the insurgents were armed with machine guns, anti-aircraft weapons, rocket-propelled grenades and hand grenades. The were using grenade launchers, he said."


Its time to take the guns away from the Cops. There is nothing they need AR15s for. Go to the ONLY obvious conclusion - they are pretending they need para military gear to deal with terrorism, but our enemies ARE NOT TERRORISTS, THEY ARE SPECIAL FORCES (their version, not ours, but you get the point)

Since they are not trained to use the toys to that level, then there is only one other conclusion and its NOT ROUTINE POLICE WORK because for how many years did they NOT need them?


Posted by Dave at 8:52 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 28 June 2011 9:13 PM PDT

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