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Dave's 2A Blog
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Warrantless search of cell phone



and pay attention this weekend, the NBP may attempt to start killing in the South. They are setting up a straw opponent (Tea party) and have the perfect oppoortunity to start a race riot:


PERFECT setup, accuse some Straw Man, claim ahead of time (pre-empt the news) "self defense", then one of them fires the first shot and claims the right to self defense.



Posted by Dave at 6:50 PM PDT
Critical program on World View (Russian TV)
Topic: Economy, what's left of

 Speaker at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars  discussing the poor outlook for US economic recovery. No rose colored glasses, no sudden hope or change.

 Predicted maybe 2% growth over TEN YEARS.

  40-50% tax increase just to cover health care for elderly. "Major increas in taxes, unprecedented in history" or 'major spending cuts' or "run very large deficits as long as the financial markets will allow it" "no way to finance the aging population" "competition for scarce resources"

 Here is the critical question and an ugly prediction:

Q. Especially if Obama and the Dimocrats are the champions of the poor (black) huddled masses, why has Obama not only screwed them further into poverty while at the same time, GIVING THEIR RELIEF MONEY TO FORIEGN COUNTRIES TO GIVE TO THEIR MILITANTS AND POOR?

Prediction: The current economic struggle is not about rich v. poor (wealthy paying taxes) its about YOUNG V. OLD. Realize the baby boom is matured, there are a lot of "old people" ITS ABOUT GETTING THEIR MONEY.

   The end game of health care will be to confiscate their "wealth" to attempt to "pay off the debt" which actually means "pay for their own health care" which actually means "pay for it TWICE"

The speaker just mentioned the "younger workers trying to finance their health care" as "one kind of conflict" and "simply between the rich and the poor"

 He just posed the question "why should they (rich) be ALLOWED to have ...(their wealth)

This shows a COMMUNIST MIND SET (not by the speaker who made significant point of Reagans policies correcting carters Uncontrolled inflation)  but of the people seeking health care at someone elses expense.

 THIS IS AMERICA, Government did not "ALLOW" them to make their money, they did it on their OWN.

YOU MUST SEE THIS VIDEO. Hes defining our future..



Posted by Dave at 7:45 AM PDT
Sunday, 17 April 2011
any ol port in the storm- THANKS OBAMA
Topic: General politics

  Obamas implicit support of terrorism:



Posted by Dave at 2:08 PM PDT
Thursday, 14 April 2011

HAve to have a MILITARY FORCE to deal with a MOM AND CHILD?

What are these Jack booted Thugs gonna do with AR-15s, KILL THE LITTLE GIRL TOO?

Gonna shoot a couple hundred rounds through 3 or 4 houses and KILL SOME NEIGHBORS TOO?

But the POLICE STATE doesnt care who it MURDERS to achieve its goal.

Back to WACO.


Posted by Dave at 3:47 PM PDT
the "term limits" scam exposed
Topic: Constitutional

Sometimes ol dave might look slow, but tis only an illusion. Im off thinking about the next topic to write about.

 Far from the reactionary Liberal, I look at a current issue then spend weeks/months thinking it over.

Something was bothering me about this "term limits" scam Email floating around, especially since the people who refuse to think (especially troubling when its in the Tea Party) simply jump on this subversive bandwagon without noticing where its going.

Right to hell is where its going, and Ive finally figgered out the scam behind it. Its extremely slick!

There are already "term limits" in the US Constitution, and Ive written about that here, and written to the TP also.

The critical question is "what does term mean?" "Term" means "how long" and thats established in the C.

What this scam email is proposing is not term limits, but re-election limits based on the idea, passed off easily on people who are not paying attention, of "eliminating the bad apples."

The more obvious problem is that it also eliminates "good apples." 

Thats not what its about. It finally hit me what it was about, oddly enough, watching re-runs of "24" (since there isnt crap else on TV fit to watch)

In this particular day, President Palmer has been removed from Orifice by the Cabinet over the nuclear bomb detonated over NV. One of his advisors is credited for 'having been around a long time and being in tune with whats going on' (paraphrased)

then it hit me - term limits are about keeping CONgress full of the uninitiated who DONT KNOW WHATS GOING ON and are easy to bullshit.

If so called "term limits" are imposed, it keeps CONgress full of people who dont know what the shadow Government known as the Administration are up to, and its an ongoing game.

 When CONgress and pRESIDENCY are inhabited by the uninitiated, they are easy (easier) to lead around by the nose by the Administration (Exec. departments such as FBI CIA NSA IRS DHHS DoAg DoE where agendas are kept alive for years, outside of teh reach of the term limits imposed by the Constitution.

Sorry it took me so long to figger it out... 


Posted by Dave at 12:26 PM PDT
Friday, 8 April 2011
TREASON in broad daylight
Topic: General politics

Posted by Dave at 2:52 PM PDT
NICS numbers- you extrapolate from here
Topic: Constitutional

From - I dont know where, received from a reliable source.

" The Beat Goes On: The March 2011 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 990,840 is an increase of 15 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 861,408 in March 2010. For comparison, the unadjusted March 2011 NICS figure of 1,437,709 is an increase of 11.3 percent over the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,291,618 in March 2010. The adjusted NICS data was derived by NSSF by subtracting out all NICS purpose-code permit checks used by several states such as Kentucky, Iowa and Utah for CCW permit application checks as well as checks on active CCW permit databases. While not a direct correlation to firearms sales, the NSSF-adjusted NICS data provide a more accurate picture of current market conditions…

--NB "
"While not a direct correlation to firearms sales,"
It IS a direct co-relation, it just may not directly indicate the actual number.  It is, because NICS checks (unConstitutional as they are) are required for new firearm transfers, so the figures at least represent new guns into the system. They dont reflect individual (used) sales, but im not interested in those numbers.
My estimate is North of 110 MILLION  firearm owners at maybe 3 each and 10 BILLION rounds.
Makes the Son of  Bitch in Chiefs Federal police force of 400,000 look kinda paltry, eh? 
 I just got an ad from NatchezSS on tac back packs, limit of one/cust due to demand.
While the Communist Media are carefully keeping it quiet, firearm and related sales are OFF THE CHARTS. 

Posted by Dave at 10:20 AM PDT
Sunday, 3 April 2011
appears credible
Topic: Economy, what's left of


 Probable. Its clear:

1.) the Govt is lying under the guise of "dont want to spread panic"Or is it not that, is it deliberate to crash the economy?

2.) that the economy is no better

Ive not heard a statement that its better based on anything but opinion and The Economy doesnt work on anyones opinion. 

Posted by Dave at 9:13 AM PDT
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Where we are right now
Topic: General politics

Wherre were at right now:

1.) The US is bankrupt, both morally and financially. Lies compounded on lies are our Goverment
first principle.

2.) Obama lied through his teeth about Libya, we have had boots on the ground for 6 weeks
and are aiding al Qaeda in attacking the established Government, and this makes two
enemies, not one:

    a.) Libyan Govt, as if we were best pals in the first place
    b.) rebels. al Qaeda will NOT see this as  apositive, people so filled with rage and
    hatred do not know how to be friendly. They know our Military is led by a lying clown
    and is weaker for being spread further

3.) It is coincidence (but no surprise) that al Qaeda have apparently announced there ar
160 nukes hidden in the US. Small nuke explosives or dirty devices, no one knows.
Bet they are not kidding, for most pranksters dont admit that 'were not afraid to die'
They know we have traitors en masse in DC, they may be sponsoring them. Since
the goal of al Qaeda etc is the destruction of the US (and Israel) and the actions of
our Govt are to that end, it is left without proof that the two are the same. Else.
why not strengthen America?

4.) The Fed has $36B liquid and 120 in borrowing authority, then theyre broke.
Thats FIVE DAYS at a rate of 900B per month. Many of the CONgress have stated
they will not pass another CR. This may be the end of the Administration, thank God.
It may be an ugly process to deal with the fallout. Several things will happen if it does:

    a.) unemployment will jump as all the Agencies cannot pay employees
    b.) social services will collapse and in the gap between cessation of Fed services
    and the States (already broke themselves) riots will be prolific
    c.) there will be no firearms sales, according to Bob, since the Feds NICS
    program (background check) will be closed.

5.) The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) says the circuit breaker rules
are to expire shortly, and if so, this may lend to a market collapse. We havent
had one yet, the previous so called "collapse" was withdrawals to cover bad
real estate bets and general panic selling. Amid all the other panic, this might be a real one.

6.) The 12th Imam crap is flying around (thats the Muslims equivalent of Jesus coming back)

7.) the time will be right for Islamist attacks in the US, fueled by the turmoil.
They promised that Obama would be challenged and that the next attack would
make 9-11 look like a picnic. If it hinges on Fed insolvency, then trouble could start
as soon as next week.



A bombing yesterday in Jerusalem was the first since the end of the second intifada in 2004. The explosion killed 59-year-old Mary Jane Gardner, a British tourist, and injured 50 others. The recent escalation of violence has caused feelings of fear across Israel and that residents are revisiting "the bad old days."

Additionally, there has been an escalation of terrorism in the south of Israel, especially in Netivot and Sedot Negev because of their proximity to Gaza. Following months of relative quiet, on March 19, Hamas forces in Gaza bombarded the Western Negev Region with more than 50 rockets.

In the past few days, there were four 120 mm mortar bombs on Kibbutz Sa'ad. Yesterday morning, three Grad  missiles hit Tushia, Shuva and Shokeda and three Kassam missiles fell in Kibbutz Alumim. Most of the bombardment fell on open ground, but some was inside the moshavim and kibbutzim. Missiles and rockets have also been fired on Ashdod, Beersheva and Eshkol. There were no deaths reported in those areas, though there have been injuries.

The situation in Gaza comes at a time of high tensions in the Middle East. This was the first time that Hamas has openly attacked Israel since the end of Operation Cast Lead in 2009. In the past week, tensions have risen as a result of the murder of the Fogel family by Palestinian militants and the capture of an Iranian arms supply ship bound for Gaza.

Our partner agencies on the ground are monitoring the situation as closely as possible and providing us with regular updates. We will continue to keep you posted as the news unfolds.

Our thoughts and prayers are with our Israeli brothers and sisters during this very stressful and difficult time.

Diane Sloyer
Executive Director,
Jewish Federation of Rockland County

 ======Todays "i told you so"


Speaking after former Foreign Secretary Moussa Koussa defected and flew to Britain on Wednesday, the spokesman said Western air strikes against Libya had only united its top leadership against "a clear enemy."

"If this aggression did anything, it only rallied people around the leader and the unity of the nation," Mussa Ibrahim said in Tripoli. "Especially now. They see a clear enemy.""


----------- Great economic news!! _____

"The price of electricity, already triggering shock from consumers and businesses in many parts of Canada, will rise rapidly through the end of the decade, according to an analysis by CBC News."


" Still, inflation is "going to be serious," Wal-Mart U.S. CEO Bill Simon said during a meeting with USA TODAY's editorial board. "We're seeing cost increases starting to come through at a pretty rapid rate." "




Posted by Dave at 6:57 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 31 March 2011 8:15 AM PDT
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Topic: General politics



Then read this: 


 And the latest OBAMA LIE I told you about (todays "I told you so")

Obama had "boots on the ground" in Libya SIX WEEKS AGO.

didnt I tell you he was LYING??????

Ships dont lob missiles only based on sat intel.. they get boots on the ground to acquire and mark targets. Special forces, quite likely. 

Posted by Dave at 9:43 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 March 2011 9:51 PM PDT
Topic: General politics

  And now, Syria:


Just watch. IF Egypt is being invaded by the Muslim Brotherhood, AND IF Libya is being invaded by al Qaeda (child of the MB) and Obama (taqyyia Muslim) THEN IT STANDS TO REASON that this "unknown infiltrator" is also the M.B.


If "change" is the chant in Syria, AND IF "change" is the chant in Libya and Eqypt, AND IF Obamas chant is also "change" AND, FURTHER, IF, the summation of both is that the Muslim Brotherhood/al Qaeda and "change" co-incide in these places, THEN IT FOLLOWS that "change" is a code word for Islamist infiltration AND SINCE Obamas religion is also "change" THEN IT STANDS AS EVIDENCE that Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood a/o al Qaeda and is attempting to take over America with Islamist philosophy and law.

Posted by Dave at 9:57 AM PDT
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Obama finally learns about Libya...
Topic: General politics

My first political cartoon. Unfortunately, its necessary...


Posted by Dave at 5:08 PM PDT
and now, PROOF of my suppositions
Topic: General politics

in re my claim that Obama was in Libya, on the GROUND, not enforcing a NFZ, in a WAR FOR OIL TO ESTABLISH THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD:


Marines on the ground. So much for a LIMITED NFZ CAMPAIGN. LIED TO AGAIN BY OBAMA

 Proof of "war for oil" :


And then the Muslim Brotherhood:


Proof of "Obama did id deliberately"


al Qaeda, came from the MB, a reliable source tells me. WTF is the difference, they are all Radical Islamists. It doesnt make much DIFF which one the Traitor in Chief helps to rise to power in the Middle East, they all have the same agenda - to take Gaza with oil financed weapons and attack Israel. 

And right now, Kansas "Portrait" is playing.  Get it?? I hope SOMEONE does, and gets a chuckle out of it...




Posted by Dave at 8:16 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 March 2011 8:22 AM PDT
Sunday, 27 March 2011

Boy, the "I told you sos" are coming fast and furious!


  WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S.-led military action in Libya has bolstered rebels fighting Moammar Gadhafi's forces, but the international operation could continue for months, the Obama administration says.

Know how you can tell Obama is lying? his lips move.

KNow how to predict what hell do? The opposite of what he says.

 "Co-incidence"  means "two or more events that ocurr at the same time." It does not indicate random chance or conspiracy theories as many assume. Its a co-incidence that the sun goes down and it gets dark.

It is a CO-INCIDENCE that Obama lied about the duration, lied about the NFZ (its a ground war) and coincidentally, AL QAEDA is leading the attack that Obama is supporting.

So, Obama is Al Qaeda. This is not rocket science.

And todays Union Treason story:


SEIU planning to cause economic crash? How will THAT help their plight? If Gubmint has no money, and neither do Corporations, WHO DO UNIONS STEAL FROM?


Posted by Dave at 12:14 PM PDT
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Topic: General politics

'memmer what I wrote about NRK in the UK? Drudge gets it...




the SOCIALIST gravy boat is run dry, now the unions are screaming because they cant live

off a Government that lives off of OPM (other peoples money)

NRK in the UK is a reference to a U2 song.... think it was U2.. 





Posted by Dave at 5:27 PM PDT

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