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Dave's 2A Blog
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Obamas energy scam- coming supply shortages
Topic: Economy, what's left of
The oil price rise is part of a conspiracy to limit energy availability in the US.

Im a former energy conservation engineer, I dont need to make this stuff up.

The goal of Obummer, his Radical Leftists Greenies and the UN (Agenda 21 etc, go look it up) is a RELIGIOUS BELIEF (literally, folks, an a-theistic mindset has to finally settle on SOMETHING...) that (here comes the UN doctrine) America is using more than its "fair share" of [energy, water, food, any commodity the UN wants control over]. Look at Klamath Falls for a prime, recent and public example. The 'man' forcibly turned water off to Klamath Falls, Oregon farmers, and the farmers forcibly turned it back ON.

God bless them.

The psycho babble from the Left of a continual childish tirade of "were killing the Planet' despite evidence to the contrary, hasnt conned Americans into reducing energy usage. The "smart grid" baloney failed in the 1990s (I was in on it in a small way-R&D). The idea was to use computers and power line communications so that Suzy Homeowner could allow the power co. to shut her clothes dryer off at 5:50 PM so that Big Industries had the power needed to stay operating. Suzy would get a credit on her electric bill for the inconvenience of the dryer running at midnight. Unfortunately its a CROCK because the DRYER CANT BE PROGRAMMED TO DO THAT.

The Fraud is that "Smart grid" does NOT make more power, it adds more and more load with a vain attempt to balance it. Its an attempt to BALANCE the usage up against maximum generation capacity. It works till it doesnt work, and when it doesnt work, the entire grid will go down. You think rolling blackouts are bad?? Wait till they put this smart grid crap into place and a few thousand Sallies decide they are GOING to run the dryer at 6:00 and fuses and transformers start exploding. There are UGLY consequences to factories losing power, expensive production losses, shift layoffs, damaged/destroyed equipment. But thats OK as a sacrifice to the God of the Greenies...

And then on top of this idiocy, they think theyre going to charge ELECTRIC CARS??? From where, grids that are on the edge of collapse NOW????

Anyhoo, back to conservation. America has not fallen for the UN doctrine of "Americans are evil because they use energy that starving munchkins in Ethiopia need (never mind we generated it and it canot be TRANSPORTED to Ethiopia- this evidences the crackpot religious underpinnings) so the only card left to play is to COLLAPSE THE ENERGY SUPPLY TO FORCE CONSERVATION.

No water availiable? No usage ocurrs. Increase the price of crude through quiet (passive) Government intervention such as Obama refusing to get involved to allow new drilling? Drive prices up, and up till the average American cant afford to use it, and voila- defacto energy conservation.

Thats the template behind rising prices. Thats behind nuclear regulations that dont allow new power plants to be built, never mind thats the "no carbon footprint" way to go. Realize that the "carbon footprint" crap is also part of the Green Religion, but its sacrificed when the whole religion is at stake.

Its simple "supply and demand" and if they cant quash the "demand," then theyll kill the SUPPLY.

Posted by Dave at 9:02 AM PDT

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