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Dave's 2A Blog
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Tri Cities media complicit
Topic: WA media anti 2A bias

Did you expect anything else? I did. Hope springs eternal.

 Tri Cities is a home for young and hopeful up-and-coming journalists. Odd tidbit of the day.

  It's no secret there is a general, Nationwide bias against 2A in America, the very Country and Constitution that gives them the 1A right to speak out and, with few exceptions, to say anything except shout "Fire" in a crowded theater.

 Let me start this Rant with a couple Kudos to the Tri Cities Herald newspaper who did run, and has kept up, two stories on our efforts to straighten Richland out. 

It seems that the TV and radio stations didn't have the spare electricity to cover it. 

 I don't recall if the Herald contacted me, or vice versa, but contact we did. A nice young lady met me with a photographer at the Illegal Sign at Howard Amon Park and we and Bob talked for a while. The stories they ran afterwards are linked on the front page here:


Along with the other REICHland documents.

  Critical analyses of the stories, however, reveal some problems. There's a serious lack of critical analysis and fact-checking in both stories. Both simply report what "he said, she said" without verification and with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING done to verify what the Law is in the matter, and DON'T tell me that a Reporter can't drop into an Attorneys office and ask for some general advice. Or read the law for themselves and ask critical questions.

This is not, hopefully, a matter of inexperience, because if so, it evidences  failure to seek out someone with more experience.

  I know the Herald reporter in the first story at least tried to do some follow-up, some checking into what the Ordinance said, but I haven't heard anything further. My guess is that her inquiries weren't popular with Herald Management.

  The second Herald article is simple printing what the various City Employees responded with, and its mainly a pack of lies and misrepresentations which, OF COURSE, I challenged. Here's where the Herald earns its poor marks for news reporting.

  I responded on-line after Drews article and called out the false information and rebutted it. I challenged him and the covering and going into hiding was immediate, both from him and Herald Management. The response was more false information.


Re: Re TCH article on gun ban signs

My [Drew] response: There is an ordinance. It’s 9.22.070(C), and it’s language was modified in February 2009 by the Richland City Council."

THE ATTORNEY GENERAL SAYS THERE IS NO ORDINANCE, regardles of whether Richland pretends its still valid. The portions about firearms were REPEALED by authority of the Legislature.

Just because its in print does not mean it has not been repealed? Do yuo believe everything you read?

" My response: If Washington’s Constitution deems this to be an open-carry state, than it is a constitutional right."

Apparently you have never READ the Constitution. Heres the Second amendment, point out the words that ALLOW Citizens to bear arms:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

There are NO words there that "allow" Citizens to do ANYTHING. they PROHIBIT government from infringing.

POint out to me where that gives Rights to anyone. Dave

PS tell your management their participation in the cover up is being documented. Itll go on the website shortly.

    1. “The ad-hominem attack is not acceptable:

    "wanted to make sure similar allegations couldn't be lobbed at the county"

    "lobbing allegations" is a personal attack, the issue is local Governments breaking the law.”

    My response: Whether or not this is acceptable is debatable. It seems to me the county saw an issue come up in another jurisdiction and wanted to make sure they were in compliance. Whether that’s acceptable is one thing, but it’s not a “false statement.” It’s what Adam said and it’s a representation of what he meant. The “allegations” portion seems to nitpicking semantics more than pointing out a “false statement.” Technically, if someone says you are violating their constitutional rights, that is an allegation until a judge makes a ruling. Then it becomes “breaking a law.”

    2. "city's ordinance regarding firearms in parks was modified "

    “There is no Ordinance, it was REPEALED by RCW.”

    My response: There is an ordinance. It’s 9.22.070(C), and it’s language was modified in February 2009 by the Richland City Council.

    3. "Rick Terway, Pasco... said ... unsure if firearms could be carried in plain view."

    “His ignorance is no substitute for the Constitutions prohibition on Pascos infringement of Peoples Rights. Neither he nor Pasco may restrict it. Dave Campbell, Richland WA”

    My response: Again, this is not false information. He wasn’t sure, so I wasn’t going to put words in his mouth. False information would have been him giving a definitive answer that was incorrect.

    4. "Fyall said three Benton County parks -- Horn Rapids, Two Rivers and Hover -- have signs addressing firearms, and all say it's unlawful to discharge them."

    “RCW makes no such limitation, there is limitation on "discharge likely to cause harm/damage" but NO such blanket restriction applies.” 

    My response: I think another online poster, tcindependent, cleared this up nicely.

    5. ""I don't think someone that had the same intentions (as the men in Richland) could say we were violating their constitutional rights,""

    “Bearing arms is not a Constitutional right, the COnstitution FORBIDS goverment from restricting that right. The Right is from the Declaration of independence/Bill of rights”

    My response: If Washington’s Constitution deems this to be an open-carry state, than it is a constitutional right. It’s also a constitutional right on the national level. The Second Amendment, part of the Bill of Rights, is an amendment to the Constitution.



I offered to take him and Terway to lunch at TAGARIS and lecture them on Constitution and Citizens Rights. Apparently ignorance is bliss:



On Wed, 12/9/09, Drew Foster <dfoster@tricityherald.com> wrote:

    From: Drew Foster <dfoster@tricityherald.com>
    Subject: Re: Re TCH article on gun ban signs
    To: "Dave" <gl1200harness@yahoo.com>
    Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 2:22 PM


    I spoke to one of my editors and I think I’m going to have to respectfully decline your lunch invitation. I’m going to put together a correction about open carry in Washington being a matter of the state Constitution, not state statute. Thank you for pointing that out. Besides that however, I’m not sure the “false statements” you pointed out in the online posts are necessarily true. I’ve laid them out below. Please don’t take them the wrong way.

    - Drew



 Seems we cant handle a little correction, especially when said corrections destroys our politically biased thinking.


Re: Re TCH article on gun ban signs

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 3:42 PM

"Dave" <gl1200harness@yahoo.com>
Re: Re TCH article on gun ban signs What cover up? Aren’t we reporting the issue? I said I’d run a correction as well. That seems pretty far from a cover up.

The Second Amendment, by prohibiting the government from infringing on people’s right to bear arms, allows the practice. It was worded that way to hold up to challenges. No matter how it’s written, it means the same thing. It’s a moot point to even argue.

- Drew
And NOW he gets it right? Tagaris wasn't good enough, or being corrected of our gross error wasnt acceptable?

Re: Re TCH article on gun ban signs

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 5:50 PM
"Drew Foster" <dfoster@tricityherald.com>
you got it right that time. thanks. son, God gives us our rights, not paper or politicians. The rest is not to you, but towards your Papers Management. Ive got Corporate cced in on whats going on.
He wrote back again, I just deleted it. Refuse is refuse.
  Since I had clearly pi**ed in someones Cheerios inside the Herald, thought I'd do a little digging to see if there was any effect. Seems as if there was.
There was an on-line op piece by one of the Herald Staff complaining about the people who posted comments after stories and the Libel, ad hominem, red herring and generally childish behaviour (comments posted) and the Herald refusal to do anything about it.
Why was the Herald allowing LIBEL on their website, dont they know its ILLEGAL IN THIS STATE? Must be because they WANTED IT THERE.
  I left a comment in complete agreement after reading/scanning all the posts, then, as is requested of users, and in keeping with THEIR OWN TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON USE OF THE WEBSITE DISALLOWING SUCH LIBELOUS AND OFF TOPIC POSTS, I flagged every one that was in violation of the Heralds online TOU's. I flagged all but about 6 posts, and 2 were mine. My last one had a tally of the results. I flagged them mostly for LIBEL and personal attacks.
I  got an angry Email from Andy Perdue:


 Flag this message

Re: Reporting abuse

Thursday, December 3, 2009 8:30 PM
"Andy Perdue" <aperdue@tricityherald.com>
Do you have time to be SUED?

Your response is recorded for possible LEGAL ACTION.

--- On Thu, 12/3/09, Andy Perdue <aperdue@tricityherald.com> wrote:

From: Andy Perdue <aperdue@tricityherald.com>
Subject: Reporting abuse
To: @yahoo.com
Date: Thursday, December 3, 2009, 5:24 PM

You might think it's fun to report everything you disagree with as abusive.
I do not have time to deal with this.

Please stop immediately.

Andy Perdue
Tri-City Herald


DONT HAVE TIME TO DEAL WITH LIBEL? or dont have time to have an agenda of stirring up traffic on the website by idiots acting childishly? 





 I spent an HOUR cleaning up his cesspool on line and another half hour writing to Herald Management, whose response was "were not required to enforce our Terms of Use." Its called, RUN, HIDE, ATTACK OTHERS, RETALIATE AND COVER OUR ASSES.

Those with something to HIDE act that way. Do you see ME hiding anything? 


I just got a letter from Drew, it went straight into the SPAM bin. Again, refuse is refuse. They had their chance, deliberately fouled it up and refused to get it right, now its time for REAL MEDIA to expose it. 



 Now onto the Tee-Vee and Radio.

KNDU had a reporter at the November 2009 Council meeting where Bob and I first challenged the Council on their LAWBREAKING. I talked with him briefly and explained the situation. KNDU must have gone out of business? I haven't heard a PEEP from them since.

 KEPR is always blowing smoke up our asses and out various orifii about their 'campaign to give voice to the powerless' by 'investigating' various wrongs and using their Media power to put them right.


Ive seen REAL media outlets (TV and Radio in Ohio) who really DID do that. It doesnt happen here!  A TV station in Ohio stepped right up to the plate and challenged a Corrupt Ohio College who was illegally attempting to defraud me out of an HONORS DEGREE I PAID FOR, just because I exposed their fraud and lawbreaking, and told their buddy the Ohio Atty General to go jump in the lake for his corruption. Little did I realize at the time how correct THAT allegation was.

KEPR had no problem interviewing me over Clearwire's violation of WA Law by printing too many digits of a credit card number on a receipt (Clearwire is STILL in violation of the law, by the way). KEPR has run two lead stories during/after the time the Herald ran its stories - ABOUT THE WIND. Yes folks, the wind, it's a real danger here.

But KEPR doesn't have time to deal with IMPORTANT issues like defending Citizens Rights and the CONSTITUTION. I called Holly Z. about Richland, no response. Ruth was at the last Council meeting, I gave her info and contact information, no response.

I also couldnt get the courtest of a return call from Ruth after leaving a voice mail wanting to give them first shot at announcement of a Class Action against Richland. Isnt THAT news? No, news here is only Government interfering in peoples lives and police chasing and arresting people.

Wonder why I wont watch these stations or read the paper? 

Is the transmitter down? All of KEPR's phones out? Cars won't run? I know the stations still on the air because I still hear the bleating like sheep about their investigative journalism, which doesn't want to investigate TOUGH ISSUES.

------ sidebar 

I bet if I offered to donate a PILE of CASH to a local CHARITY the TC Media would cover it.

BUT WAIT- I did make such an offer and the AGENCY REFUSED IT BECAUSE I DEMANDED MEDIA COVERAGE. There's a skeleton in that closet and I know what it is.

I offered to donate/raise enough CASH to WIPE OUT HUNGER IN TRI CITIES AND THEY DIDN'T WANT IT.

That little game is based on two things:

1.) I expect to buy WHOLESALE

2.) I made it conditional on TV MEDIA reporting to challenge others to donate

I wasn't talking about tens-of-thousands of dollars either.. that's too easy.


 Neither does 870 AM seem to have any electricity to cover such a critical issue, especially when they run Conservative talk radio. I guess its OK when they're making money at it but not when it compromises PC in TC!

I called the station and explained the situation to someone, but no response. 


Chamish has an EXCELLENT video on the Lebanon war from 1982 which uses the phrase "advocacy journalism" to describe NBCs deliberate mis-reporting of Israels bombing of Lebanon. Apparently he was there, on the ground.

 Regardless of the events in Lebanon which are not first-hand material here, the tricks NBC used to mis-report and villain-ize Israel are interesting.


*Pick a side and report only favorably on that.

*Report without challenging the sources with facts.

*Report one-sidedly.

 Standard fare for the utterly biased Leftist media in the US. Guess why the INTERNET is so popular? I can go to BBC and Times Online and get REAL news about whats happening here.

Write /Email Barry and ask for the "NBC in Lebanon 1982" DVD.

 It's the same story there as here in Tri Cities, so called "journalists" with their heads stuffed full of radical Leftist activist notions in School pushing an agenda - anti Freedom, anti Constitution, anti Second Amendment. 

Or is it their MANAGEMENT?  Geesh,from the looks of the events at the Herald, I might guess its EDITORIAL MANAGEMENT doing this!

Saying nothing, reporting it wrong, not "holding their feet to the fire" (please KEPR, that's SO LAME AND HOLLOW when you don't mean it) , standing by idly while someone else is robbed, may as well ALL be complicit in wrongdoing.

Fortunately the economic crash is getting the Medias attention across the Nation. Now they will be lucky to stay in business. Hopefully the crash will bankrupt most of the Leftist media and we can stat over, I can run a radio station from my home if needed. I could reach a LOT of Hanford workers with a few mW.


 Thursday morning. KNDU had some programming on a vehicle theft in Yakima (unknown whose truck it was- duh, CHECK THE VIN?) the Hati disaster, followed it up by video from the Haq trial (Haq is the CONVICTED murderer in the Seattle Jewish Federation killing) and dear Melanie stated "alleged murder."

 You MUST be crapping me, Melanie. The ILLITERACY in the Media here is staggering. IT'S NOT "ALLEGED" AFTER A GUILTY PLEA AND CONVICTION.

Onto Hati. Some IDIOT thinks that sending bottled water will "make a difference." Fools its up to HALF A MILLION DEAD. W-T-F are they going to do with BOTTLED WATER? 

KEPR proclaims "Pipes burst in House" (in Minnesota)

NOW THATS RELEVANT NEWS. My day is better knowing pipes froze and burst in Minnesota when local Cities are attacking our Constitutional rights.

Next up CAMEL WRESTLING in Turkey.

Where do they dredge this trash up at?  HOW IS THIS NEWS?

And now, for the SECOND time this hour, more on the stolen truck accident. How is this news TWICE? It isnt, its called FILLER. Now were on to parading emergency services and police, its the daily routine.

Cant we find anything of worth, value, positive morals to talk about? And now, recycling video from an old story on "vehicle prowling up in Richland."

God this is sad. Turn the transmitter off and save electricity. May as well, its clear they have no interest in SAVING THE CONSTITUTIONS.

Time to turn the TV off. Cant stand the incompetence any longer. Off to the  INTERNET for my news. 

Posted by Dave at 7:18 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 26 October 2010 10:54 AM PDT
Saturday, 9 January 2010
just what I've been saying
Topic: Economy, what's left of



Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in China

" SHANGHAI — James S. Chanos built one of the largest fortunes on Wall Street by foreseeing the collapse of Enron and other highflying companies whose stories were too good to be true.

Daniel Acker/Bloomberg News

James Chanos made his hedge fund fortune predicting problems at companies and shorting their stock.

Now Mr. Chanos is betting against China, and is promoting his view that the China miracle has blinded investors to the risks in that economy.

Now Mr. Chanos, a wealthy hedge fund investor, is working to bust the myth of the biggest conglomerate of all: China Inc.

As most of the world bets on China to help lift the global economy out of recession, Mr. Chanos is warning that China’s hyperstimulated economy is headed for a crash, rather than the sustained boom that most economists predict. Its surging real estate sector, buoyed by a flood of speculative capital, looks like “Dubai times 1,000 — or worse,” he frets. He even suspects that Beijing is cooking its books, faking, among other things, its eye-popping growth rates of more than 8 percent.

Bubbles are best identified by credit excesses, not valuation excesses,” he said in a recent appearance on CNBC. “And there’s no bigger credit excess than in China.” He is planning a speech later this month at the University of Oxford to drive home his point. "

 Recall what I wrote about CREDIT?

  The problem with credit is not credit, it is business expansion far beyond the SBA's recommended "15% per year" maximum level into the stratosphere of ultra greedy, ultra rich corporations - and that expansion fueled ONLY by credit. When the lid blows off, there's nothing left of the lid - or what the lid was mounted to the kettle with.

It's easy to tell whether the news is real or fabricated. This man is predicting a China collapse and backs up that position with evidence. Read the story at NYT and look at the nay-sayers who have nothing to base their response on except ad-hominem. 

Posted by Dave at 3:45 PM PST
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Economics 301-Hamou
Topic: Economy, what's left of

" After a period of Irrational Exuberance, which has inflated the Mother of All Asset Price Bubbles, we will have a Keynes' Liquidity Trap, The Crash and The Deep Depression. " 

 Economy 101 according to Hamou, who is apparently an Economist in Israel:

1.) were hosed

2.) were hosed

3.) were hosed.

Simple, aint it? Were between "The Crash" and "Deep Depression."

The world economy has descended into a Liquidity Trap from which it will not recover. There was an admission, finally, on netWORTHLESS TV last night that construction jobs have been lost that will NEVER RETURN.

Y'see, the economy was based on inflated, baseless valuations of goods and services (as much as we can steal) which raised price levels. Theres NOTHING at GOOGLE thats worth $600 a share for COMMON STOCK.

Since people couldnt afford goods/services, they had to use CREDIT to buy on "time." That was the old phrase - " I need to buy on time"  That used to mean a consumer having credit with a merchant. Now its been corrupted to "credit with a bank."

When prices went crazy (real estate, for example) and money went tight, people and companies that could not afford payments went bankrupt. They werent paying on the goods, they were paying on the INTEREST.

This makes things worth what the interest on them is, and since interest is zero, things are worth- umm, shit or shinola, pick one. It's a wash.

The Liquidity trap is the fact that banks make money on lending with interest. Now the goods arent good because the interest isnt good, no one can sell goods, and there is no one to buy over-priced goods because no one has any MONEY. They cant get credit because their credit is wrecked because they couldn't even pay interest. And now they are too poor to pay ATTENTION. Don't worry about not being able to see who they are, that will become MOST evident when they stat going HUNGRY.

Since interest rates are zero, banks cant lend for two reasons:

1.) cant make any money, cant assume risk, for no return

2.) banks know interest rates have to increase in the future, so they wont lend now. Why would YOU loan 450,000 for a house at Prime + 5 or 5.1% if  prime/LIBOR (whichever) will go to 10%? Do YOU want to be hung out to dry for -5 to -10% for 30 years?

  The "trap" aspect is that if there's no lending, and business and Government cannot operate a positive balance and can only exist on CREDIT, then no lending and no business recovery.

  The shadow Gov't at the Federal reserve cannot raise interest rates, so the banks can make money (see anything illogical in that statement?), because raising interest rates raises price levels and people/businesses cant afford to buy now that there's no credit to buy on. Catch - 22 to the 10'th power. STALEMATE, in Chess.

    The purpose of the Fed, under macro-economic theory, is to control/manipulate/manage the money supply to keep the economy from making wild swings. If they weren't MANDATING interest rates, then the banks could raise rates on their own, just like car makers could raise fuel economy figures if the Govt wasn't manipulating them to low levels through CAFE standards. Realize the 'hold' over the banks allowing them to manipulate rates stems from the banks using "their" money.

Look up something known as the "crowbar laws of 1855" in your spare time. 

Please don't fall for the "economy is recovering" lie the Gov't is telling the Media to tell you, "recovery" means "going back to where it started from." 450,000 jobs lost this month versus 550,000 last month IS NOT RECOVERY- its a little less disaster. Recovery from the flu is not just reduced fever, its ridding the body of the virus which caused it, restoring it to the previous state of health.

Watch the video "F**k the Fed" on yield-curve and notice the photos. Notice the man holding the hot steel bar with GLOVES? This is what an economic collapse looks like.

Posted by Dave at 9:45 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 9 January 2010 3:30 PM PST
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Comments to Students
Topic: General politics

Since Im sure there are local High School students reading in on this Blog (I'd passed out some basic info last night at REICHlands Council meeting) heres a brief description about what this is all about. Youll find some VERY heavy political stuff here, and may not understand what's behind it.

Youngin's (thats what you'd be called where I come from back near the hills of Kentucky) here's what's up.  And from the obvious conduct of the REICHland City Council recently, I'd suggest they learn some American History and Gov't here also.

Years ago, and not that many, people were more or less free to do what they wanted. The Great Depression wrecked the economy. Its happening again,  RIGHT NOW - watch CLOSELY. World War II was a tragedy that killed many Americans. The 1950s were a decade of prosperity where people could afford houses and education.

Some bad things happened up to this time:

1.) The United Nations was formed. It started off as a good idea, that went very bad.  The UN formed from the failure of the League of Nation to stop World War I. War can't be stopped, especially as many of us believe, it's deliberately started. After WWII, the alliance of the US, Great Brittain and Russia went bad when Russia wanted control. They're Communist (don't believe the lies that "the Soviet Union fell") , the US is a Republic, and G.B. (England) was moderately Democrat/Socialist. The Communists have taken the UN over.

The worst thing is that the United States gave control of its military over to the UN and thats why we got into Korea, Viet Nam and a whole lot of other wars that we probably shouldnt have been it. Or that were started by our Government...

2.) Psychology was invented in the 1950s. Its used now for mind control, especially in Media advertising.

3.) Communists tried to take over our Federal Government in the 1950s and a man named Joe McCarthy blew the whistle on them and exposed them. Theres a movie about that on the "This" channel on TV.  Since then, the Communists have tried to re-invent themselves as PROGRESSIVES/Socialists and use subversive tricks to gain control of Government in the US.

4.) The 1960s began a drug induced crazy movement against war, especially Viet Nam (regardless of the question whether it was right or wrong, a fringe element got in) with all sorts of religious ideas about how the world should be a peaceful, happy Utopia. They were called Hippies.

They are running Washington DC RIGHT NOW. They pretend that Government can make laws to tell people to not do bad things like crime and drugs (bad things for sure) and are amazed when these laws fail. So, to cover up their mistakes, they try to make more laws that don't work.

5.) There was/is a lot of anger over wars still going on over Viet Nam. Thats led to a political and social situation in this country which isn't good.

If you think thats bad, wait till the generations of the late 1990s and on get into power. Theres a real disaster coming. Social collapse.

You see, the Hippie movement had a mind set of an ideal world where they had made everything right by their radical religion and social values. Gen X, Y and Z are here now with ideas of "theres no hope at all." 

All these Hippie social/socialist Hope and Change religions are exactly that, and they are based in the crazy religions of ancient Greece where they believed not only that the world was of mysterious origins, but that it became whatever they imagined it to be. The crazy things youre being taught in School (feminism, homosexuality, climate change, gun control...) are not social items, THEY ARE RELIGION. All of these philosophies can be traced directly to ancient Greek ideals, and these Greek ideals are what people are forced to believe when they go to College. Where do you think frats and such with Greek names come from?

These philosophies from ancient Greece teach that man is God. This theme is the basis for the book of Daniel in the Bible. 

There's nothing more dangerous than someone who is desperate and has nothing to lose.

6.) Music- it changed from the 1960s-1980s rock and roll message of "let's party andhave a good time' (that wasn't all good...) to a message of "utter desperation, death and destruction. This began in the 1980s with the heavy/death metal bands. 

This is the message that 15 or so years of young people have been brainwashed with.

7.) The housing collapse (which more or less drove the economic collapse) happened in the 1930s also. Its not because of what they are telling you- its caused by local Governments artificially raising house and land "values" If there were not inflated prices on Homes and Land, there would not be pressure to commit fraud with it. Criminals don't go after things that dont make money. This is especially bad in the Tri Cities where local/County Government and real estate companies conspire to jack up prices on houses and land for no real reason (its SAND, people) and try to gouge people for more money for an old house than a new one.

  This has turned out to be a world wide disaster because when things are not looked at by their real value, but a false inflated value, then when the credit supply runs out (few people could afford inflated prices for things so they had to borrow money to buy them) the system collapses.

8.) These "do-gooders" with the radical 1960s socialist mindset are running around trying to make laws to magically make crime go away. Gun control is one failed example, its proven beyond a doubt with data to back it up that gun ownership REDUCES crime. Yet Governments want to take guns away from people. Doing so is against the Constitutions limits on their authority. Our limits...

Whats really bad there is that they see someone doing a crime and the "bleeding heart" nature of them tries to stop the criminal act. That cannot be done- theres no way to stop people from doing bad things. Since they are not able to do so, they play a game of trying to force a single tragedy on everyone else and force them to believe its a threat to them personally as an excuse to make laws to prevent crime. Again, it doesnt work. So since it fails, they then try to take away personal private property (guns for example) and that is what led to the Founders of America coming here from England and starting the Revolutionary War to prevent, corrupt Government taking away peoples property.

Part of that "taking away" seems innocent, but it still accomplishes the same thing - they want to force people to have LICENSES to have or do things. Dog license, gun license, car license... Then if you dont pay the license, they try to take your property away.

9.) The Democracy lie. You are being led to believe that this Nation is a Democracy. That is absolutely FALSE, and Democracies are NOT based on freedom, they are based on dictatorship. Read about Alexander the Great and his invention of Democracy where he went across Asia conquering people with his army and promising to leave them alone as long as they paid him taxes. THAT'S democracy. Youll have to get books from the 1800s to get the truth on this, modern textbooks have been sanitized of the truth. Start with the History of Greece by J. B. Bury. Youll have to go to the old book store in Richland or to abe.com to get books like this.

Democracy is dangerous and does NOT lead to freedom, because Democracy always ends up with a radical majority trying to take over and tell everyone else what to do. Democracies are "mob rule" that deprive people of their greater Freedoms.

The problem with democracy is that it promises that whatever the most number of people want is what Government does. The men who founded our Nation and its Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitutions knew that was bad, they saw democracies failures in Europe. The problem is that a majority can be FORCED with military threats, and thats EXACTLY whats happening in the Middle East right now. And is the reason these countries always fail and fall into terrible civil wars- the most radical powerful cult gets in and tramples on peoples basic rights, usually over religion.

Our Nation is a REPUBLIC based on Constitutional limits on Government that 'government SHALL NOT infringe on individual freedoms"

This is the basis of Richlands attack on our freedom to bear arms. What happened in that case, and in many similar on other issues, is that in a democratic system, its easy for people in Government to make up a story and statistics that some social thing needs fixed with laws when such a thing does not exist, its people in Govt manipulating other to get their own personal, political and religious agendas put into law. 



You have a serious mess to deal with in the future. We are in a financial Depression right now, the Government and Media are just hiding it from you. They are scared to death that telling whats really going on will make the collapse happen faster, and they are probably correct in that assumption. Unemployment is over the 10% figure they have been saying is the indicator for a depression. Real unemployment is more like 17-20%.

Last report I heard period, 430,000 more people lost their jobs. I think that's CHANGE.

Our Nation is under attack, we are at war, regardless of who started it, there's something different this time- the enemy is inside the country TWICE:

1.) Radical Leftist politicians with the 1960s mindset

2.) Radical militant Jihad (they are enemy SOLDIERS, NOT TERRORISTS and there are in the Northwest)

 We've never had a military enemy inside the US before, except the attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor.

You are living in a very dangerous time.

What men and women like Bob and I, and those like us across America, are doing  is restoring Constitutional rule in America - We the People own and run this country, and were in the process of throwing the Communists, Socialists and radicals out so hopefully YOU have a free Nation to live in in 50 years.

Posted by Dave at 11:53 AM PST
Updated: Monday, 29 March 2010 12:46 PM PDT
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Now THAT was fun
Topic: Richland illegal

The "dog breed" issue was front and center at REICHlands Council meeting, and of course yours trvly were there to hold their feet to the fire for their continuing CONTEMPT for YOUR Constitutions and Laws.

 I havent received the courtesy of a response on my last letter:


and of course they have no response except "guilty as charged."

The pleasant surprise of the night was one of the dog owners, had the facts and figures all ready. Especially about sueing REICHland out of existance should they pass such a stupid Ordinance.

I of course followed that up with my promise, not threat, to sue them up and down the river. Fortunately we have a river nearby. Theres a Federal Courthouse here too. The list of potential charges wouldnt quite literally stretch from "here to the Fire Dept across the street" but I believe you would find the list MOST impressive.

Ill digitize tonites audio ASAP.

So, if in a year or two there is no REICHland, youll know why. I intend to bankrupt them and Im not sure Im at the head of the line....


REICHland, do you realize your corruption has certainly made news across the world by now?

Ruth from KEPR did a bang up job, especially interviewing Bob. She really put the questions to him, and fortunately hes a walking encyclopedia on dogs, self defense, firearms, law, on and on.

The dog issue is like any other "bleeding heart" issue, Governments seizing on any single or small group misfortune, even if they have to use them as POLITICAL HUMAN SHIELDS to implement their personal desires as law.

The sob story from Kennewick was just that, one man from Kenn trying to convince REICHland to make an ordinance - wait - what's that got to do with REICHland? Anyhoo, its the usual "force my sorrow on everyone else" routine.

 I reminded REICHland that these were ultimately attempts of Govt to seize personal property, either de-facto or through licensing. Same difference.

Yes, its tragic that he was unable or unwilling to defend his property (his two dogs that were attacked) but thats between him and the attacking dogs owner, or should be. Theyd not fare well attacking me, I can stop them with a ball point pen or fingers-or a 9 mm full of buckshot. I carry rattlesnake rounds on top of the mag. There ARE lots of rattlers around here.

But this poor fellow isnt satisfied dealing with the owner of the animals that attacked his dogs. Thats mano-y-mano- one on one. Leftists dont like that, they like to coerce Government into granting them superior rights to everyone else.

I reminded Council that (pointing to the US Flag) that thats not what this Nation was founded on and not what our Founders died for. 

Posted by Dave at 10:36 PM PST
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Words not needed- cartoon of the Decade
Topic: General politics


Posted by Dave at 8:51 AM PST
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Someone gets it right - US Attorney Generals on Constitution
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Constitutional

Excerpt from an AP story tonite:


 " 13 state AGs threaten suit over health care deal

FILE - In this Thursday, June 7, 2007  file photo, South Carolina Attorney AP – FILE - In this Thursday, June 7, 2007 file photo, South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster announces …

COLUMBIA, S.C. – Republican attorneys general in 13 states say congressional leaders must remove Nebraska's political deal from the federal health care reform bill or face legal action, according to a letter provided to The Associated Press Wednesday.

"We believe this provision is constitutionally flawed," South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster and the 12 other attorneys general wrote in the letter to be sent Wednesday night to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

"As chief legal officers of our states we are contemplating a legal challenge to this provision and we ask you to take action to render this challenge unnecessary by striking that provision," they wrote. "


 " "Because this provision has serious implications for the country and the future of our nation's legislative process, we urge you to take appropriate steps to protect the Constitution and the rights of the citizens of our nation," the attorneys general wrote. "



The AG's gets it RIGHT. The Constitution DOES NOT give People Rights.  The "and" conjunction expresses the true intent of the Constitution, We the People have Inalianable Rights and the Constitution prohibits Government from infringing on them.

  They DID NOT say "protect peoples Constitutional rights."

Three Thumbs up! 

Posted by Dave at 6:20 PM PST
Updated: Thursday, 7 January 2010 9:00 AM PST
Interesting tidbits on Security at airports - ahem - lack of security
Topic: Chamish

 From Barry:




I have a reading list of over 3000 divided into 15 groups. Within, some 150 addresses are now extinct. They are really messing up the system. I have to find and remove them. All at once is daunting, one a day is doable. So, you get an extra little report, while I solve the problem. Your writer, Barry Chamish

    Within days of my last report on Ehud Barak and 9-11, an American passenger plane almost exploded in mid-air. The terrorist was one of 14,500 select people on international airport computers as a flight risk, yet the airport screeners missed him and allowed him onto the plane without even a passport. Read report one followed by my report from the previous article. You decide if it was an accident or the excuse, now given, of "systemic failure." OR, did I get something awful, right?

Israeli Firm Responsible for Amsterdam Airport Security Where
Terrorist Boarded Airport

An Israeli firm is responsible for security inspections in the
airport in Schiphol, Holland, the airport where Umar Farouk
Abdulmutallab boarded the Airbus 330 heading for Detroit (USA). The
Israeli company, ICTS, is reportedly one of the leaders in security,
& operates in Amsterdam and a number of other European countries.

ICTS was established in 1982 and today employs 11,000 security
personnel in 22 countries. Many airports and airlines seek the
Israeli expertise and opt for ICTS to provide security for passengers
and employees.

According to Rom Langer, the director of the company, who granted
Channel 2 News an interview on motzei shabbos, the terrorist did
undergo a security inspection in Amsterdam, but he does not have the
information pertaining to the inspection.

When asked about the fact that the suspect attempted to set fire to
the aircraft, Langer responded, "You too can set the seat on fire,
using a lighter".

Schiphol is among the busiest airports in Europe, with many
passengers from Africa and Asia passing through, making their way to
North America. Security is reportedly stringent, and passengers are
limited regarding quantit
ies of liquids and other substances
permitted on a flight.


And now Ehud Barak, PM of Israel in 1999. In the late 80s, the two chief accountants of the Likud Party, Ehud Olmert and Menachem Atzmon, were tried for graft and corruption but only Atzmon served prison time. When he was released in 1999, during the term of Ehud Barak as PM, he got a reward for his silence:

Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. This convicted Likud criminal's firm was in charge of security at Logan Airport­ inspecting the validity of passports and visas, searching cargo, screening passengers­ when two airliners were hijacked from there on Sept. 11, 2001, and demolished the World Trade Center towers in New York.

Without Atzmon in charge of Newark and Logan Airports, 9-11 could NOT HAVE HAPPENED. The same goes for Schipol this week.



After living on this Earth a while, one realizes that things do not happen for no reason. 



Posted by Dave at 5:48 PM PST
these are Patriots? Or subversives?
Topic: Constitutional

  Heres an Email recently received:


Hi there, 

Haven’t talked in you in forever.  Just wanted to make sure you received my personal invite. We are going to have 6 speakers (including Rep. Matt Shea speaking of legislation he is going to introduce) then we will move into meeting with your legislators and let them know why we expect them to uphold the constitution and the 10th amendment specifically. 

Will you be able to join us? 


Today I am writing as one mad-as-hell patriot.  I have a stack of meaningless responses from our non-representing Representatives.  Health Care, Cap and Trade, A failed stimulus package, a second stimulus package on the horizon, net neutrality, terrorists in criminal court, and NO Christmas.....

I have had it!

I want to ensure I keep my freedom and make certain I maintain it for future generations.

HOW DO WE MAKE IT HAPPEN?     State Sovereignty - our last line of defense. 

Why Sovergenty? 

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”  

“We the People” want our Freedom!

I am asking all Freedom Loving Patriots from across our state to STAND WITH ME for FREEDOM at the Sovereignty Winter Fest.


January 14th was chosen because it is the first week of the 60 day State legislative session. 


We must charge our state legislators to reaffirm State Sovereignty (HJM 4009), to support Health Care nullification (like Arizona), to endorse the Firearms Freedom Act (like Montana), and to put forth Sheriff First legislation before they get off track.  We must insist our state legislators STAND for FREEDOM.  We want them to uphold the 10th Amendment of the Constitution and take their Oath of Office seriously.  We want them to know that we are armed and dangerous with our Constitution, with our vote, and with our numbers!


     We will assemble at the State Capital North Steps at noon

     Our numbers will show our state legislators that we mean business.

     We will work together to ensure our State legislators protect our Constitutional Rights. 


Will you, will your group join us in this STATE-WIDE STAND for SOVERIEGNTY 

Help us to get the word out!   

Several groups across the state have been connecting, but we want to make sure we make sure every freedom loving patriot is involved! 

January 14thSovereignty Winter Fest, our last line of defense

Washington State Capitol, Olympia WA 98504-1031

North Steps 12 noon – 4pm

We understand that this is simply a starting point, and that we will have to maintain a huge endeavor to keep our non-representing Representatives focused on Sovereignty. 

We MUST remain watchful…We MUST remain vigilant….We must remain FREE! 

Thank you for your time and consideration, 

Tawnya CitizensforHJM4009.ning.com


Isn't that nice, I can be part of the in-crowd! 

 Did you catch the DANGEROUS error:

" We will work together to ensure our State legislators protect our Constitutional Rights.

Since WHEN do Legislators grant RIGHTS and Protect us? Since when does a Constitution GRANT RIGHTS?

Read BOTH of them and point out to me where rights are "granted."




"HOW DO WE MAKE IT HAPPEN?     State Sovereignty - our last line of defense.   "

Bull **** it is. Soverignty of the radical Leftist CRACKPOTS in Seattle/Olympia MY last line of defense? HARDLY. My last line is making holes in things. 

Some defense against Federal abuses? Yes. An unconditional defense? NO.

If Government granting rights is "Patriotism", we're screwed. 

 And watch out carefully for these so called "Citizens advocating this or that law..." these proposed legislations often have bad things hidden within, like one a year or so ago that had provisions to grant Illegal Aliens drivers permit. READ THEM CAREFULLY before jumping on any bandwagon.

Posted by Dave at 9:53 AM PST
Updated: Thursday, 7 January 2010 9:03 AM PST
About Clintons supposed 'gun ban on military bases'
Now Playing: a request by Ralph H.
Topic: General politics

  I just received a link to what appears to be an Army document that is the supposed source of "why soldiers at Ft Hood were not armed." The rumour is that Herr Clinton banned firearms possession.

  IF this document is correct, we have not solved one problem, we've created another, and a disaster is still not mitigated.

   There is no such blanket prohibition in this document. Read it for yourself:


   What the document establishes is application of existing DoD rules setting out:

1.) mandatory safety training within 12 months for those applying to carry  a firearm.' They should ALREADY have that.

CORRECTION- (see below) 

[[ 1.) mandatory training and proficiency testing within 12 months for those applying to carry  a firearm.' ]]

2.) permit process to carry said firearm by those mentally competent (Obama should have to carry)

3.) Mandates possession of only Govt issued firearms and ammo

4.) provisions for those in a CI or enforcement role

5.) rules for aircraft possession (which are now contrary to  TSA guidelines)

So unless Im missing something, the solders at Ft Hood either didnt want to be armed, or someone in chain of command had an anti gun agenda and wasnt issuing permits. 

IT'S THE (ARMY, NAVY, AIR FORCE, MARINES, pick one), THEY ALL SHOULD HAVE TO CARRY. Are they being trained to go overseas and NOT carry? Oops, theres that damned U.N. Peacekeeping role... 

  We must be vigilant to not allow this DoD thing to become a model for requiring training and permits in Free Constitutional Society. This may be the only thing good coming from the Ft Hood TERRORIST ATTACK, that the masses being unarmed were defenseless, even with physical conditioning and other training. Hands against guns is not effective.

  This leads into what I haven't pontificated upon yet, because I'm still in the wrapping my brain around it stage, firearms laws. It's coming.

  How can such a misunderstanding of a clearly written code happen? How could it be that even I had an incorrect belief on the subject? Simple, I was ignorant of the facts.

   There are three hidden dangers here: 

a.) is that common belief replaces law in peoples minds

b.) control mechanisms like these DoD policies, or unconstitutional firearms restrictions are made in the first place

c.) the false notions get implemented into law, which are further contrary to the Consitutions.

The current catalyst for c.) are outright Leftist lies about "guns kill people" and its fueled, maybe unintentionally, by other non-non 2A folk who have misconceptions about "the law says this an such about firearms."

 Let's take the unConstitutional restrictions in WA State (and others) on 'concealed carry.'

 The WA Legislature ignored the WA Constitution and enacted restrictions on concealed carry. THEY ARE FORBIDDEN BY THE WA CONSTITUTION TO DO SO. What part of 'thou shalt not infringe' is so hard to understand?

  The current RCWs on concealed carry state several things:

1.) concealed carry (CCW) requires a permit ( enter the slippery slope) 

2.) CCW means in a motor vehicle, hidden or not (illogical)

3.) CCW restrictions do not apply to those going to a shooting range(figure that one out)

4.) penalty for CCW without permit is ONLY a $250 fine and one CANNOT be arrested unless he cannot show I.D. - IT IS A CIVIL INFRACTION.

I have $250!

  But this gets blown out of proportion by - get this - people who are PRO 2A. The list of folk tales about CCW are:

a .) concealed means concealed, no print, no show, when Law does not specify that,

b.) one can be arrested for CCW without a permit

c.)  that possession of firearms is legal

d.) that the only carry is concealed carry, which implies two things:

1.) permit, training etc is required for open carry

2.) that CCW permit holders are part of the in-group- with superior rights to others. 

Did you catch the importance of c.)? 

Possession of firearms is NOT legal. Neither is it LEGAL. LAW HAS NO HOLD ON THE QUESTION. Or should not. The Constitutions stand is "HANDS OFF." 

Theres the end game, to coerce, to force the question into the "law" arena where it can be manipulated away from the Constitutional limits.

  The result is dead soldiers at Ft Hood.


I just finished posting this and was mentally deriding one of the ads at the top of the blog page which reads:

 Gun safety
"Keep Guns Safe!" Help protect "Special People"

 Even in critical thinking mode, it took a few moments for me to realize that I had fallen into the trap I just spent several paragraphs railing against:

"the Gun safety lie"

I'm not going to edit the Blog entry above to remove the error, its instructional, instead I'll copy it down here for your critical analysis.

At the top of this page, you'll find my statement:

"1.) mandatory safety training within 12 months for those applying to carry  a firearm.' They should ALREADY have that."

I fell right into it - contradicted my own advice. See how ingrained it is?

  There is no discussion of "safety training" in the Army document, it reads:

Section II
Conditions for Carrying Firearms               
2–5. Eligibility requirements

To be considered eligible to carry firearms, personnel must have
satisfactorily completed mandatory training and proficiency testing
within the preceding 12 months.
a. Mandatory training must include—
(1) A thorough briefing on individual responsibilities.
(2) Use of deadly force training.
(3) Instructions on safety functions, capabilities, limitations, and
maintenance procedures for the firearm to be carried.
for written authorization to carry a firearm. "

The bleeding heart bleating of "safety" is so-o-o ingrained.

Correction to my ignorance is posted above in [[brackets]].

That's what I get for not accurately quoting the source, so that makes TWO errors committed in just a few paragraphs.

^ Firearms are NOT ABOUT SAFETY.                          They are about making HOLES in/through things.

^ Firearms possession an use are a RIGHT in America  not to be infringed.

^ If said holes happen to be in an attacker, so be it.  She started it. 

(do you like the "she?" Thats using the Feminist games against them...: ) Read my Blog entry on subversive speech and realize that this game revolves around stereotyping/ingrouping positive things with females, and negative with males. Why are attackers always "he?")


Posted by Dave at 8:51 AM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 30 December 2009 9:29 AM PST
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
An Open Letter to Bin Laden - (come get them)
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: general rant/rave

Dear Bin Laden.

 I know you all have this Fatwah thing about 'death to Israel and America.'

I also know you guys dont give a rats a** about the average American.

Im one of them.

I've heard sources sympathetic to the plight of Islam SAY SO in US Media reports.

  I know you hate world trade and the US Federal Government. I know why.

That's your business, not mine. I hate world trade too, fortunately, you dont have to do anything more than WTC about it, the economic crash due to their greed will fix them. Welcome to the Liquidity Trap!

 But that's not why I'm writing. I hope someone can translate this and get a copy to you.

  What I'm writing about is that there are some CRIMINALS here in the US who want to take away our Rights to Bear Arms. You know, carrying guns, like you all are free to do at home. I even remember video of people in Iraq in 2001 who had the freedom to go outside and shoot up in the air after Hussein was captured. That looked like FREEDOM to me!

 You see, we have an arrangement in this Country, through our Constitutions, that Government SHALL NOT infringe on our Rights to Bear arms.

 They are trying to do it anyway.

  The WA Constitution, for example, states that We the People shall not have our rights to Bear Arms in defense of Self and the State infringed on. 

  Which brings me to the main point. 

  SInce these Criminals in State and Local Government are ignoring both Constitutions and Laws of this State (Washington, its way up North West with all the environmentalist kooks), we figure, or at least I do, that the feud is not between you and me.

It's between You and Government in America.

  Since they have proven they do not want our protection:


 Like the saying in English goes: "come 'n git it, boys!"

They are on their own.

Now, Mr Been Laden, mind you well, it would be a serious mistake to come to MY HOUSE looking to hurt me, because remember, theres 110 million of us Citizens Armed, and we won't tolerate it.

  But the Subversives and Leftists, Socialists, Communists and Marxists that are attacking our rights, THEY'RE YOURS.

   Again, just leave me be or I and many of my friends promise that if you do, the pieces of you that will be left will be most unappealing to the 72 virgins waiting for you.

PS. There aren't any left and the ones that were are really UGLY!

Just a FYI. 

 Seriously, if you want to come to REIChland and take over the City Building and Council, count me OUT. I'll be home watching a movie. Since they don't want us to Bear Arms in Public places, I guess those are the places you'd want to go to. Amon Park is right on the river, nice place for you to have a picnic after your rampage, just watch out for rattlesnakes when it floods.

If you want Seattle, I'm sure there are 72 Patriots over there that won't stand in your way. The Mayors name is    was  "Nichols." I dont know who the current crackpot is. Whoever it is, thats among them and you.

If youre so bent on destroying America, then, again, that's YOUR business.

If you're bent on taking Seattle, I'd not make plans to stay, there's one hell of an earthquake coming- I think its a mag 9?

Richland, Seattle, State of WA, ATF, FBI, CIA, ABC, XYZ, Jack Booted Janet, Pelosi- if you're bent on disarming Citizens and leaving yourselves subject to attack, that's YOUR Business.

You're on your OWN. It's called "unintended consequences."

Posted by Dave at 5:34 PM PST
Updated: Thursday, 7 January 2010 9:15 AM PST
so Richland Police want you defenseless?
Topic: General politics

It appears so, according to a pamphlet I found in the Richland City Building. The pamphlet explains ways Citizens can 'prevent crime.' A copy is on the front page here.

 Despite the Fact that a Law Enforcement related source states that firearm ownership is the #1 best way to prevent crime (Kennesaw, GA proves it)

The pamphlet produced by Richland PD does not even suggest that best way.

 They must want victims. Job security? Lets see if Tony Corsi can answer me. 

(no. Nobody can, but we gotta give them a chance anyway) 

Just sitting idly by is in my opinion, and in the laws of some States, as good as participating in Crime. (good samaritan) 

My letter to RPD:


Chief Corsi et al.
871 GW Way
Richland WA 99352

Richland City Council, Lampson, City Attorney
505 Swift Blvd
Richland WA 99352

                        18 Dec 2009

In re: RPDs pamphlet entitled "Personal Safety" found in the City Building today

  Dear Sir,

  I have read a copy of the pamphlet in the City Building advising Citizens on how to protect themselves from crime. There is a very important piece of advice missing and this letter is to request a response from you as to how this omission can be corrected.

  Considering the Public nature of the matter, and the RPDs website which states:

    “ Citizens who have non-emergency questions about Richland Police Services  may have them answered by Richland Police Chief Tony Corsi as part of the television program "Ask the Chief", airing on CityView cable 13. “

I think the response should be aired Publically as well as responding to me in writing.

  The pamphlet does not cite any sources. Here is a source that must be included because it is the # 1 best way to prevent crime:

    "...firearm ownership is the most effective way to protect yourself and your family."

    Raging Against Self Defense, p. 3, Dr. Sarah Thompson M.D.

   Please notice two things:

1.) The items mentioned in the Pamphlet leave Citizens unarmed and defenseless TARGETS. Why would a RPD advocate making targets of Citizens?

2.) The Journal cited is a LAW ENFORCEMENT related source

  Considering how understaffed your Department is, wouldn’t crime elimination be a good strategy to employ here?  This brings several questions which the Citizens of Richland need answers from you on:

    a.) Why have firearm ownership and use been omitted from the pamphlet considering it is so critical to self -defense as admitted/practiced by the LEO community?

    b.) Why would the RPD, who depend on firearms for their defense, not suggest the same to the Public, especially when the Public has the RIGHT to do so. If disarmament is OK with RPD, and RPD does not consider firearms are not valid defensive tools, then why does RPD not disarm as well?

    c.) What are the local statistics on crime where firearm ownership are involved? Do such incidences relate to a decrease in crime?

    d.) In a City where the Council has admitted to knowingly and unlawfully attempted to deprive Citizens of their Constitutional and legal Rights to Bear Arms, does this pamphlet evidence that RPD is participating in the illegal activity of disarming Citizens, even if passively?

    e.) further from d.), should unarmed Richland Citizens, advised by your pamphlets omission, hold the PD also liable with the City in this illegal attempt to disarm them, if they are attacked and cannot defend themselves? Is this a liability the COR and RPD want to assume? Have your Department already assumed it?

    f.) Considering that mandatory firearms ownership has nearly eliminated crime in Kennesaw, GA, wouldn’t “no crime” be a great thing in Richland? 


                David Campbell

(1) Published by JFPO Inc. P.O. Box 270143 Hartford, WI 53027 Phone (262) 673-9745 ww.jpfo.org excerpted from:

Kleck, Gary and Gertz, Marc. 1995. Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature f Self- Defense with a Gun. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology. Vol. 86 (Fall), pp. 150-187

Gun Ownership Mandatory In Kennesaw, Georgia --- Crime Rate Plummets
Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 12:29:03 PM by doug from upland


Gun Ownership Mandatory In Kennesaw, Georgia Crime Rate Plummets by Chuck Baldwin
"The New American magazine reminds us that March 25th marked the 16th anniversary of Kennesaw, Georgia's ordinance requiring heads of households (with certain exceptions) to keep at least one firearm in their homes.

The city's population grew from around 5,000 in 1980 to 13,000 by 1996 (latest available estimate). Yet there have been only three murders: two with knives (1984 and 1987) and one with a firearm (1997). After the law went into effect in 1982, crime against persons plummeted 74 percent compared to 1981, and fell another 45 percent in 1983 compared to 1982.

And it has stayed impressively low. In addition to nearly non-existent homicide (murders have averaged a mere 0.19 per year), the annual number of armed robberies, residential burglaries, commercial burglaries, and rapes have averaged, respectively, 1.69, 31.63, 19.75, and 2.00 through 1998.

With all the attention that has been heaped upon the lawful possession of firearms lately, you would think that a city that requires gun ownership would be the center of a media feeding frenzy. It isn't. The fact is I can't remember a major media outlet even mentioning Kennesaw. Can you?

The reason is obvious. Kennesaw proves that the presence of firearms actually improves safety and security. This is not the message that the media want us to hear. They want us to believe that guns are evil and are the cause of violence.

The facts tell a different story. What is even more interesting about Kennesaw is that the city's crime rate decreased with the simple knowledge that the entire community was armed. The bad guys didn't force the residents to prove it. Just knowing that residents were armed prompted them to move on to easier targets. Most criminals don't have a death wish.

There have been two occasions in my own family when the presence of a handgun averted potential disaster. In both instances the gun was never aimed at a person and no shot was fired"

Posted by Dave at 5:01 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 6 October 2010 10:59 AM PDT
Now the WA Legislature wants to Subvert the Constitution- using the Seattle Times- my responses
Topic: WA Illegal

Some Subversives in the WA Legislature and an anti Freedom subversive group called "Washington Ceasefire" want to restore the assault weapon ban. They are either lying in the process, or the Times cant report a story straight. I think its the former: 




---------------------- My response to the Seattle reporter:


Molly, david Campbell writing from Richland WA. The well meaning Legislators, in this instance, are giving you very detailed FALSE information:

1.) " require current owners to pass background checks."

They already have, or they would not have the firearms in the first place. Bob M. can tell you about that as an expert.

2.) "Police believe a .223-caliber semi-automatic rifle was used then."

Believe? So they are proposing legislation against a category of firearm, but dont know if one was used in said incident?

3.) "The ban would cover semiautomatics designed for military use that are capable of rapid-fire and can hold more than 10 rounds."

There IS NO SUCH THING and/or a false statement, since:

a.). The 223 presumably in question can hold one, 5, 10, 20, 30, 100 rounds. Semiautomatics are not designed for military use, neither are military weapons sold to the Public. There is no such thing as a "semiautomatic designed for military use." For example, the AR-15 223 is NOT a military weapon, the M-16 version is. The M-16 is different mainly in that it can fire as a machine gun.

b.) "rapid fire" is not defined. The correct term is "automatic fire." which is the term that applies to Military style weapons. "Rapid fire" refers to the Individual using the firearm, not the firearm itself.

4.) ""If they're used in the army, used in the war — that's what this ban is about," said Ralph Fascitelli, the board president of Washington Ceasefire."

false and misleading statement, such weapons ARE NOT available nor sold to the Public. The ban is NOT about these weapons, its an attempt to reinstitute the "assault rifle" ban.
ALso, there is no such thing as an "assault rifle" (223 as an example).

5.) ""What we're trying to get at is there's no place to have sales of military assault rifles or weapons in this state," she said."

False statement, there are NO such sales now. Ask Bob!

6.) "She also said she doesn't believe such a ban would violate the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms."

FALSE STATEMENT. Right to Bear Arms does not come from the Constitution. The Constitution FORBIDS Government from preventing Citizens from owning firearms, it DOES NOT "allow" people to do so.

The Constitutions (both US and WA) are limitations on Government activities, they DO NOT give People "permission or rights" to do anything.

Heres a link to the WA State Constitution, read Article 1 section 24 and tell me where it gives "permission" for a Citizen to do anything.


Posted by Dave at 4:46 PM PST
Thursday, 24 December 2009
The MUST SEE DVD if you give a hoot about Freedom
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Chamish

I began 'following' Barry Chamish about 2004 after stumbling on Israel National Radio/Arutz Sheva (A-7) and the political discussions, especially about Barry who they were more or less trying to portray as a kook. This was odd since A-7 was anti-Government corruption (anti government is not accurately descriptive in itself, the term does not imply taking a 'side') and had been forced to either cease broadcasting, or do as they did, and take up operations on a ship on the Mediterranean Sea.

    Barry was interviewed about his hot topic- "the murder of Yitzakh Rabin" - by Tamar Yonah who was clearly a skeptic. She kept badgering him for "evidence" of his accusations. She doesn't badger him now- she's 'seen the light.'

    Thats a really odd thing if you know anything about Israel which is (or should be) mostly inhabited by Orthodox Jews, their extremely rigid codes of moral conduct more or less preclude the need for evidence. I know Orthodox I'd trust my bankbook with, and thats about being trustworthy, that's not about the stereotype of financial shrewdness. This is a stark contrast to the Average American who cannot be trusted with a nickel, if not to lie outright (we leave that to Government and banks) to at least rationalize.  Orthodox laws and rules are like trying to balance a razor blade on edge. This comparison may be difficult for Americans to comprehend because there is no analogy in the US.

  It didn't take long after the Israeli Governments attacks on the Settlers at Gush Katif (which Tamar and others witnessed) for her to change her tune. She SAW the attacks. Not only were housing and businesses lost, but it was an attack on agriculture as well.

   The Government of Israel is actively trying to force Settlers, and now CITIZENS out so their turf can be given over to the Palestinians. But I guess its not memorable till one sees ones own door kicked in? It's come down to more or less armed WAR against Jews now, right this week, against Jews to enforce a cease in building.

  As a result of Barrys expose's of Government corruption and participation by the Israeli Secret Service, corporations and the Vatican, someone's tried to kill him, and hes fled for his life to the US. 

   The 'jist' of the Rabin thread that I'd missed is it was centered around trying to stage the murder of Rabin by a right-wing radical. Once that's done, then military action can be taken against them, removing the spotlight from corrupt Government. Israeli government is invaded by radical leftists just like our's.

So, where am I going with this on a Second Amendment blog? It's not obvious until you hear what I've been told by a very credible source with that 'razor blade' sort of ethics.

The same thing is happening HERE in the US. 

  What's so striking about Barry Chamish latest DVD, Media Madness in the Middle East is:

* the misery he's gone through to produce it                                                  * the predictions to me from said source that the US Government with the most corrupt president (left lower case due to contempt) at the helm, will attempt to disarm Citizens by force if necessary.

  Why is that relevant? Watch  Media Madness in the Middle East by Chamish and see government attacks on Citizens. Riot troops clubbing, kicking Citizens, running them down with horses, and realize IT DOESN'T HAPPEN HERE BECAUSE WE ARE ARMED.

 Bin Laden is afraid to show his towel wrapped ugly face here for the same reason. Unlike Rushde, author of Satanic Verses who had to flee for his life, we are not going anywhere and are not afraid to shoot back.

  Anyone with ANY history/religion background can see the Vaticans hands in this mess, they've had a blood hatred for Israel that goes back to 70 A.D. 

 If your'e really interested in political and religious events in the Holy Land, put down those illiterate false prophecy pushing Christian preachers and read what it's really all about. You see, the Vatican HATES AMERICA too, because in the 1770's, we told it's English and French Kings to go pound their papal dominated church-states up their asses and left. Give me time to post the document from newadvent.org to George Washington by the then-pope trying to reclaim America to the papal fold. They can't have my part!

  The 'big picture' here is that the Holocaust never ended, the attempt to exterminate Jews in Europe ended up chasing many of them to Israel where the World Confab is trying to extinguish the last of them.

   There are just two small problems with that... Barry Chamish won't hold still for it, and God won't either. If it isn't today that looks like Revelations predictions of the last war to wipe out Israel, WHEN IS IT?

 I don't have enough bandwidth here to go into that. 

 Those of you especially in the fundamentalist Christian world who are fascinated by the 'end time prophecy' thing are missing the play by play action without Barrys DVDs and lectures. 

Check out Barry's website:


Posted by Dave at 11:09 AM PST
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
exposing political manipulation of LEO tragedy- an example
Mood:  down
Topic: Richland illegal

Excerpt from a WA paper on Deputy shooting: 


2 sheriff's officers badly hurt in Wash. shooting


Two sheriff's officers responding to a dispute between two brothers were shot by one of the men lying in wait after being welcomed into the home by the other, authorities said. The gunman was killed and the officers were seriously wounded.

It was the third shooting of police officers in Washington state in three months.

Pierce County Sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer said a sergeant and a deputy were shot at around 8:45 p.m. Monday while responding to a dispute between David E. Crable and his brother near Eatonville, a rural community in the Cascade foothills.

Crable, 35, shot the two officers before he was killed when they returned fire, Troyer said.

The officers were met at the door by Crable's brother, Troyer said. When the deputies entered the house, Crable opened fire from upstairs, hitting one of the officers multiple times.

"This is somebody that was laying in wait for our guys, armed themselves, with the intent on shooting them," Troyer told reporters near the shooting scene. "There's not much we're going to be able to do when somebody is hiding and arming themselves and we have somebody else inviting us into the residence and the second person opens fire on us." <snip>


Let's pound on the lawbreaking Bleeding Hearts in WA City 'government' as they deserve.

Notice the statement in red. The likes of Seattles Nichols and WA Governor Bankrupt, Tax and Spend LOVE to seize on the misfortune of others in a tragedy to pursue their own POLITICAL goals. Tax and Spend DID usurp the recent Lakewood shooting for her anti 2A bias.

 Of course its a tragedy when LEO get shot, in any circumstances.

 What is UNFORGIVEABLE is to use them as political hostages in an UnConstitutional and ILLEGAL power grab to attempt to ban firearms in WA.

P1. If all the customers in the Lakewood coffee shop were ARMED, would the outcome been different? If I were there, quite possibly. Would the patrons have been anything except TARGETS? Absolutely.

P.2 How is Gregoires using these LEO shootings as political weapons anything but that when its PROVEN that gun laws DO NOT DISARM CRIMINALS?  Not only do they get guns on the black market, but they get really good deals on them.

P.3 Nichols using defenseless (politically so) CHILDREN in a similar power grab?

 Here are comments I left after the story, excuse the error...

C1. December 22, 2009 at 7:04 AM

and the bulletproof vests were where? were we wearing them? Otherwise, agreed, nothing can be done to stop it, its a threat we ALL face. So wed all best be armed to stop it.

If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns "


C2. December 22, 2009 at 7:07 AM

PS realize that the type like Nichols who want to "use" an incident like this for his own POLITCAL gain doesnt make a wrong go away, it makes TWO WRONGS:

1.) dead deputy (correction, perp was killed, Deputies injured)
2.) lawbreaking Mayor

It's SICK when a political figure like Nichols can't resist using others to further his own politcal career (in re gun ban which is illegal in itself) and worse yet, has to use CHILDREN as political human shields.

 What this all boils down to are political Socialitst/Leftists seizing on a tragedy to use as an excuse to implement their OWN PERSONAL WISHES into Law.

Fortunately we have a Legislature with a little more wisdom than that, which illustrates the fundamental difference between Dictators (Gregoire, Nichols and the like) and our Republic process (Legislature).

Come on Gov Tax and Spend, you jump in here too and go logically toe to toe with us


  Find out what the phrase "bleeding heart" REALLY means. It's probably NOT what you think...

Posted by Dave at 3:26 PM PST

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