Topic: Constitutional
Heres an Email recently received:
Hi there,
Haven’t talked in you in forever. Just wanted to make sure you received my personal invite. We are going to have 6 speakers (including Rep. Matt Shea speaking of legislation he is going to introduce) then we will move into meeting with your legislators and let them know why we expect them to uphold the constitution and the 10th amendment specifically.
Will you be able to join us?
Today I am writing as one mad-as-hell patriot. I have a stack of meaningless responses from our non-representing Representatives. Health Care, Cap and Trade, A failed stimulus package, a second stimulus package on the horizon, net neutrality, terrorists in criminal court, and NO Christmas.....
I have had it!
I want to ensure I keep my freedom and make certain I maintain it for future generations.
HOW DO WE MAKE IT HAPPEN? State Sovereignty - our last line of defense.
Why Sovergenty?
The 10th Amendment
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
“We the People” want our Freedom!
I am asking all Freedom Loving Patriots from across our state to STAND WITH ME for FREEDOM at the Sovereignty Winter Fest.
January 14th was chosen because it is the first week of the 60 day State legislative session.
We must charge our state legislators to reaffirm State Sovereignty (HJM 4009), to support Health Care nullification (like Arizona), to endorse the Firearms Freedom Act (like Montana), and to put forth Sheriff First legislation before they get off track. We must insist our state legislators STAND for FREEDOM. We want them to uphold the 10th Amendment of the Constitution and take their Oath of Office seriously. We want them to know that we are armed and dangerous with our Constitution, with our vote, and with our numbers!
We will assemble at the State Capital North Steps at noon
Our numbers will show our state legislators that we mean business.
We will work together to ensure our State legislators protect our Constitutional Rights.
Will you, will your group join us in this STATE-WIDE STAND for SOVERIEGNTY
Help us to get the word out!
Several groups across the state have been connecting, but we want to make sure we make sure every freedom loving patriot is involved!
January 14th – Sovereignty Winter Fest, our last line of defense
Washington State Capitol, Olympia WA 98504-1031
North Steps 12 noon – 4pm
We understand that this is simply a starting point, and that we will have to maintain a huge endeavor to keep our non-representing Representatives focused on Sovereignty.
We MUST remain watchful…We MUST remain vigilant….We must remain FREE!
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Isn't that nice, I can be part of the in-crowd!
Did you catch the DANGEROUS error:
" We will work together to ensure our State legislators protect our Constitutional Rights.
Since WHEN do Legislators grant RIGHTS and Protect us? Since when does a Constitution GRANT RIGHTS?
Read BOTH of them and point out to me where rights are "granted."
"HOW DO WE MAKE IT HAPPEN? State Sovereignty - our last line of defense. "
Bull **** it is. Soverignty of the radical Leftist CRACKPOTS in Seattle/Olympia MY last line of defense? HARDLY. My last line is making holes in things.
Some defense against Federal abuses? Yes. An unconditional defense? NO.
If Government granting rights is "Patriotism", we're screwed.
And watch out carefully for these so called "Citizens advocating this or that law..." these proposed legislations often have bad things hidden within, like one a year or so ago that had provisions to grant Illegal Aliens drivers permit. READ THEM CAREFULLY before jumping on any bandwagon.