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Dave's 2A Blog
Monday, 21 December 2009
'Calling out' Nichols - Seattle's contempt for Constitution and Law
Now Playing: the Ace of Spades
Topic: Richland illegal

comments left on Mayor Nichols City web site feedback form. Let's see if hes man enough to answer. Where I come from, men are men and women are not.

 Man up.

 It'll never happen. These Radical Leftists types have nothing for "A" material" except lies, hype, emotion, red herring and ad-hominem.

They have no "B" material except to run and hide (or repeat A).

  Right here, Nichols, debate me. Blog me, if you have the guts. Post away- I won't edit it, I'll just tear it apart with logic, law, psychology and FACTS.

140 I.Q. here, come on in! 

Read this:


then answer this question:

"What part of the Fatwah of radical Islam against Israel AND America don't you understand?" 

Odd that you didnt call for 'disarmament of criminals' when the Muslim extremist attacked the Seattle Jewish Federation.

What's really despicable is to use CHILDREN as political "human shields."

  Nichols excuse for HIS LAWBREAKING is that "Its all about protecting the children." 

It's abhorrent to manipulate CHILDREN in an 'adults only' game where they cannot defend themselves. 

Why use CHILDREN as an excuse? Simple - the political subversive can't handle a toe to toe argument with an ADULT. Children are minors who are not part of the political process and are easy to manipulate- they can't argue back.

ITs up to their PARENT or GUARDIAN to "protect them." Not some lawbreaker in Seattle City Gubmint.



Two wrongs do NOT make a right.

You (City) usurping the WA Constitution and DELIBERATELY violating WA Law in re. banning firearms DOES NOT eliminate crime, it MAKES MORE CRIME.

Your actions are illegal under WA Law and demonstrate that you are either a subversive or traitor. Ones about bad as the other.

So, WHO'S THE CRIMINAL HERE? The attacker at the coffee shop was simply a criminal, you're a criminal, or worse, for violating Constitution and RCW, AND a hypocrite for doing so in a capacity that is sworn to UPHOLD Law.

But you don't care about law, its all about getting your personal anti- gun hysteria into law, isn't it?

Here's PROOF that armed Citizens eliminate crime:


Why don't YOU want crime eliminated in Seattle? Kennesaw proves how to do it. You must want MORE crime.

[they do, its called JOB SECURITY. Manufacture a CRISIS then solve it]

Forget about the cliche 'when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.' It is true.

Here's a new one: 'You no longer have the People's protection under the WA Constitution.'Bin Laden can have you. There's no longer a need for Armed Citizens to take over Government, the terrorists can do it themselves. If/when they come, you're on your own. Maybe you can throw a STAPLER at them? Or hide behind your desk and piss your pants?

The only logical conclusion is that you are either a terrorist, or supporting them, since you have contempt for Law and defense of the State at a time when we are at WAR with terrorists inside the Nation.

[See RCW 9.81- yeah, you know, the RCWs you ignored...]

Answer me at:

https://second-amendment.tripod.com/d2a where this comment will be Publically Blogged. and prove its you, email me.


Right down here...

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Posted by Dave at 6:29 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 23 December 2009 3:07 PM PST

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