My comments:
There are two FALSE FLAG arguments here:
1.) the "responsible law abiding Citizen" bull****. This likes to pretend, by gun control advocates, that only people who have had their rights violated by being forced to get a concealed permit, are 'law abiding citizens thus are PERMITTED to exercise their rights' If one MAN has IGNORED the law in Aurora, this mass tragedy could have been prevented or reduced. The damned fools obeyed the law. Twelve DIED as a result of being Law Abiding Citizens.
2.) this is NOT about "who had a gun" Neither was the church incident. It was, and is, about WHO HAS SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. Having a gun is MEANINGLESS. Having the awareness to realize something is wrong when the fire escape door is opened when it should not have been, migh have been the clue to someone PAYING ATTENTION that something was wrong. This context is used (in the church incident) to re-play the un Constitutional narrative that only cops can have guns.
ONE person with situational awareness (i.e. not a sitting target oblivious to their surroundings, which pretty much precludes anyone at a movie based on fantasy, the setting basically proves they are not grounded in reality) could have stopped this man. One good hard punch or kick to the spine and hes done for, especially if hit between the shoulder blades, that incapcitates the hands, arms and BREATHING.
This thinking, and reporting , is playing right into the hands of the anti gun crowd. Are you falling for it?
And realize at the end of the day who is REALLY responsible here, the TRAITORS in State and Local Government who have IGNORED the restraints COMMANDED on them by the People and passing anti gun laws
Twelve people have died as a result. How many more will We the People tolerate?
Aside from what might be construed to be "blame the victim", theres no excuse for being in a movie theater watching that trash:
1.) bad place to be from a tactical standpoint, blind, deaf and dumb. This incident proves it. The only place to go is down, and theres not room to get under a seat. Or better yet, someone elses seat.
2.) the movie is not trash, it is defecation. Worse than that, it is an attempt to further subvert God fearing Society by re-framing the "original or contemporary or traditional Batman" who was a GOOD character, into an evil, black character. It also re-frames the world into the defeatist mentality that the world is inherently black and evil. It WASNT. Maybe now it IS? Notice the words "conteporary and traditionsl", yes thats a slap in the face of RELIGION attempting to do the SAME thing, to re-define good ol God fearing religion into some happy go lucky, irreponsible, feel good social gathering. That twisted psychological programming WORKS as proven by the observation of the rise of mega churches with attendance of thousands.
People want to escape reality at all costs. TWELVE DID IN THE MOVIE THEATER.
I dropped out of college partly because the Campii are like the movie theater, inside a college building, youre a VICTIM if some crazy comes in shooting. I refuse to sit in rooms, especially inner rooms, with no egress, no windows to go through.
Where was the MAN in Aurora who told the law to go FUCK itself?
Dead? Emotionally traumatized for life? Partially deaf from being too close to gunfire?
He wasnt there. He obeyed the traitors who made the law. Twelve people DIED because of this TREASON against the Constitution of the United States.
Where was the MAN who smuggled a knife into the theater in his boot? Someone with that awareness might have used it to kill the attacker.
Apparently he was at home. Smart for him, too bad for the Sheeple.
I stopped a violent attack in the streets last week. Some crazy man screaming that he was an Attorney, was in BROAD DAYLIGHT, attacking a woman who was expressing Free Political Speech in front of the Post Office. I stopped him. I didnt even have to touch him, I just confronted him. I had no gun or knife. Probably didnt need one, especially since there is useful tactical ability in his having been out of his mind with rage.
And as you expect, RPD did nothing about it. When a woman is being assaulted now, the Cops are an hour away WRITING TRAFFIC TICKETS.