Todays significant news - SHOOTING
Topic: General politics
Seven people hurt in Detroit bus stop shooting
Seven people, at least five of them high-school students, were shot Tuesday at a bus stop in Detroit, Michigan, officials said.
Two of the victims were in critical condition; the others were in serious condition at area hospitals, Police Chief Roderick Grimes said.
"Two perpetrators, possibly three, pulled up in a vehicle, exited their vehicle with weapons, asked for a person by name and then opened fire onto the crowd," he said.
"They got back in their vehicle and exited the scene."
So, why doesnt THIS MAKE NATIONAL NEWS? Why are all the Leftist Hearts Bleeding over the shooting of the Congressman from AZ
[Education moment- she is a "man", man means species. There is no distinction between male an female in the word "man" Thats for you feminists out there who have lost use of proper English]
Why am I not looking at THAT incidence? Because that one was STAGED.
What about the Leftist cry of "THE CHILDREN..." This was a SCHOOL SHOOTING, there are two more than in the incident in AZ?
Other significant news:
14 people BRUTALLY MURDERED IN MEXICO- their heads cut off their bodies. Rampant border crime, drugs, murder, NONE of that was seen fit by the Radical Left media to make headlines.
Why, you ask? Isnt the traitorous cry for "gun control" a factor in all the above?
Yes, but thats not the central question. Theres a much larger game going on, and "gun control" is just another card in the deck. Here is the Ace of Spades:
I should have written here the presumption that the Radical Left will wait till the Rs take over to turn the Nation to crap. Theyll accelerate the economic collapse, or simply, suddenly admit how bad it is and precipitate a down turn. Theyll do any rotten thing to have something to blame on conservatives.
Like stage a shooting in AZ. MUCH TOO CONVENIENT. Another CONgressman just CONVENIENTLY waiting with proposed, treasonous, anti gun legislation IMMEDIATELY after they just read the CONSTITUTION which FORBIDS IT.
Whats the lives of a couple people in their lust for totalitarian control? Whats throwing some school children under the bus (pardon the pun) in Detroit to suit their agenda? NOTHING.
Whats really sick about these people is that they have no problem seizing upon, manipulating others tragedies to suit their political aims.
Its a game called "school yard bully." Weve all seen it at school, shook our heads in amazement when the Teacher or Principal TOOK SIDES WITH THE BULLY. Bully goes around threatening people and when one of them stands their ground, the Principal sides with the AGRESSOR, DESIPITE THE FACT HE IS KNOWN FOR IT.
There are several points of sick and twisted psychology at play:
1 .) Manipulation. Two kinds, re-read the statement above about seizing on others tragedies, plus this- the manipulator always tries to persuade others to join their cause. Im trying to persuade you to join my cause, but MINE happens to be RESTORATION OF THE US CONSTITUTION. Theirs is DESTROYING IT for the sake of their own power.
Little Sally gets in a spat with Suzy and wants retaliation, wants more force behind her cause, so she goes a-lying to Mary and Betty saying that "Suzy said something bad about them" Mary and Betty had nothing in it, and are being manipulated with a lie to take sides, where no sides exist.
Manipulation. Obamas attempt to invoke this as a National tragedy. It ISNT. Its an AZ matter. She is an AZ Congressman. The President (Kennedy) was a National tragedy because a.) he was a good man b.) the President is 'of the United States' as a whole.
2 .) 'good cop, bad cop' of a sorts. The Principal (Govt) wants improper and absolute power. When there are no problems, they have to INVENT them to have occasion to assert their supposed authority. Nothing is happeneing at the School, no one is afraid of the Principal (or the Principal has no one to lord his authority over on a power trip). The Principal cant stir up a ruckus without calling attention to himself as being at fault or getting fired, so he employs the BULLY to do it FOR HIM.
Enter the Bully. The Pricipal not only KNOWS what the Bully is up to, but approves of it, because of the ingroup-outgroup thing - three groups- Principal (supposed authority figure), bully (de-facto, I think, is the proper term, acting in fact, but improperly). The Principal is a TERRORIST in using the Bully (crime, drugs, Illegal Mexicans, Islamic threat, real or not (actualized or not), gun control, false arrest, illegal wiretapping) to commit acts of agression against the Students without being caught, and its a perfect play because the Principal is also in charge of discipline in the School and is free to let the Bully off.
Until a Parent speaks up, then they attack the Parent, but the Bully has no hold. A College tried that crap with me (me personally, they thought Id fall for the submissive frightened Student crap) and I stuck my foot about a yard up their asses and told the State AG where to jump. They thought I'd play along with their corrupt games until I reminded them I WAS A CITIZEN WHO OWNED THEM. They learned who they had no hold over. It wasnt Grade school, and me with cash in hand for Tuition was in charge, and in charge of hiring and firing them...
If a Student dares speak up, or kicks the Bully in the nuts, the Principal comes down on him full of mock rage and demonizes and punishes him for SELF DEFENSE. Can't have an Honest Student interfering with the racket, can we?
So, why not Detroit news, but shooting of an authority figure? The shootings in Detroit are HOW THEY WANT THE GAME TO GO, no sense in blowing their cover on that one or, put another way, no point in risking pissing more people off by attempts at gun control legislation over that incident. They have to either INVENT one or WAIT TILL ONE HAPPENS and seize on it to FURTHER THEIR AGENDA.
The City and School allowing a shooting to ocurr is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT, the Bully assists the Principal in a power grab. They keep that one quiet, THE SCAM IS WORKING.
B U T--- when someone breaks up their game, does something non-linear like the shooting in AZ, their cover is blown and they have no option but to play trump, and out they trot with their PREPACKAGED GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION.
Now the bully (Govt allowing violent crime, especially through gun control laws which are PROVEN TO INCREASE CRIME- a SELF FULFILLING PROPHECY) is not so much neutralized, but another Bully who doesnt answe to the Principal is in charge, and he captures the national media, who are nothign but a bunch of whores lusting after trash to print to make money. Govt cant have anyone breaking in on their game of media complicity, so they have to divert the matter into gun control.
It's TREASONOUS to do so...
Its the same game as in the Arab/Israeli "conflict". The UN establishes the Land of Israel ( strange manipulation, "giving" them THEIR OWN LAND) and then employs PLO and Hamas as bullies to rain down on Sderot and blow up bus stops (that came to me from an eye witness, thats not internet legend) THEN TAKE SIDES WITH A MURDEROUS BULLY.
End game, the UN hates Israel and is looking for an excuse to un-do the land grant.
But when Israel is attacked, and takes a DEFENSIVE action, the UN demonizes Israel. The game is to ignore the root cause (Hamas shooting rockets on Monday) and focusing on Israel bombing a rocket position in Gaza on Friday as the start of the incident, thus making up Israel as the agressor.
Posted by Dave
at 8:28 AM PST
Updated: Monday, 10 January 2011 8:49 AM PST